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Lin545: You have some data how this is done? I have. And guess what happens, if return of investment for this is 0.00001% ?
Have you ever seen a captcha when redeeming a steam game?
zeogold: there's numerous sites for this purpose, such as:
Thanks . :)
low rated
Randalator: Have you ever seen a captcha when redeeming a steam game?

I think you are smart to understand that what you asked has no relation.

Nice key coming through:::: 0AEF0-5AEF0-01EF0-0AEF0 :::

I also hope you are not a bot master. Have a nice day, sir!
Lin545: Why do you guys keep thinking two things can´t coexist? There are no conflicts.
There is a conflict with common sense. I'm still waiting for you to explain why drop codes at all.

Unless this entire thread is actually an attempt to troll us, and not the bots. Hmm...
Post edited October 01, 2016 by Breja
Lin545: I think you are smart to understand that what you asked has no relation.
Your whole idea hinges on causing too much work and make the process unprofitable by forcing human interaction ("To realize that key does not work, it has to solve captcha.").

There. Is. No. Captcha. Involved. In. The. Process.
Lin545: I don't think that current captcha can be solved by machines, so it human force - paid human force.
If a human is involved in the key-roving process anyways, then wouldn't he be smart enough to notice the "hey normal GOG users, this is a fake key" message and not bother?
Post edited October 01, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
zeogold: If a human is involved in the key-roving process anyways, then wouldn't he be smart enough to notice the "hey normal GOG users, this is a fake key" message and not bother?
Yes, this isn't against human scammers. For that, we have an extra thread and a nice warning in trade thread.

Breja: There is a conflict with common sense. I'm still waiting for you to explain why drop codes at all.

Unless this entire thread is actually an attempt to troll us, and not the bots. Hmm...
Yes, why drop the codes? This makes no sense. It caused situation, which my method also tries to address using valid logical background.

You know that gog wiki also has a list of scammers? Your question to me, in essence -- its like asking to remove that gogwiki list, because people use mahayo.
Because an apple and a table hate each other, and you have to chose one over the another. No, you don't. :)
Lin545: Yes, why drop the codes? This makes no sense. It caused situation, which my method also tries to address using valid logical background.

You know that gog wiki also has a list of scammers? Your question to me, in essence -- its like asking to remove that gogwiki list, because people use mahayo.
Because an apple and a table hate each other, and you have to chose one over the another. No, you don't. :)
Are you an idiot?

Do you not understand ANYTHING of what people here are telling/asking you?
Post edited October 01, 2016 by Breja
Lin545: Your question to me, in essence -- its like asking to remove that gogwiki list, because people use mahayo.
No, it isn't.

MAHAYO was invented to stop the whole code-dropping thing because, 9 times out of 10, the codes go to bots. The MAHAYO method lets you actually see and judge for yourself who to give keys to.
The gogwiki list is so you don't give keys to scammers in giveaways, MAHAYOs, or trades. The two work together.

Look, I get that you have good intentions. You're as frustrated with the bot issue as the rest of us.
The problem is that your idea is just as bad as dropping open codes. That's like the equivalent of holding a fake giveaway so scammers can enter and get nothing. What's the point? You've wasted more time than they have, and they're none the worse off for it.
Even if, in theory, the community did it en masse to drive off scammers, there would still be legitimate giveaways which would attract them.
For your plan to work, anything in which an actual game is given away at all would have to be eliminated.
Post edited October 01, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
Breja: Are you an idiot?
Only when I drink much, which I almost never do. You are first guy to call me idiot in like a year, I think I have a good score. :)

You don't have to use this method, if you think it to be useless.
I welcome any constructive criticism though! That above was not much constructive... :P
zeogold: .... work together.
Exactly. They all work together.
Post edited October 01, 2016 by Lin545
zeogold: .... work together.
Lin545: Exactly. They all work together.
If you'd actually finished reading what I said, you'd understand why what you're suggesting does NOT work together with what I just mentioned.
Lin545: I welcome any constructive criticism though! That above was not much constructive... :P
It's a legitimate question seeing how you seem to be unable to make a sensible unswer to anyone here.

Your plan is to frustrate bots, which is impossible, or people who solve captcha, when there is no captcha, all to make it possible to drop codes, which is still going to be a stupid thing to do anyway.

Can you refute any of the above?
Post edited October 01, 2016 by Breja
Lin545: That above was not much constructive... :P
Not much, indeed, but a little bit. It helped to construct a slightly longer thread :-P
Let's see... 16 combinations which is 4*5*4=80bits.

What was it? I calculated if you did a million keys per everyone in the world at once a second it would take 300 years or longer to use up all the keys? The odds of actually hitting a legit key is low (at least early on) and after the key is used it's useless.

Let's see... Every person in the world (33 bits) doing a million keys (20 bits) per second (25 bits) that leaves 2 bits, or 4 years. Although if it's a million keys per minute (19 bits), then 8bits leaving 256 years.

Although that's an extreme example :P
Lin545: What do you think?
Unnecessary, just don't post codes.
As for human scammers, it happens as gog doesn't offically advocate trades etc...
You do at your own risk etc, so why bother trying to stop it in a meaningless way.
How many are bots? and how many are just the turds that watch for such codes ?
All gifting/ga etc....draw out the flies, carn't see anything changing that, but you can minamize the effect.