Lin545: Your question to me, in essence -- its like asking to remove that gogwiki list, because people use mahayo.
No, it isn't.
MAHAYO was invented to stop the whole code-dropping thing because, 9 times out of 10, the codes go to bots. The MAHAYO method lets you actually see and judge for yourself who to give keys to.
The gogwiki list is so you don't give keys to scammers in giveaways, MAHAYOs, or trades. The two work together.
Look, I get that you have good intentions. You're as frustrated with the bot issue as the rest of us.
The problem is that your idea is just as bad as dropping open codes. That's like the equivalent of holding a fake giveaway so scammers can enter and get nothing. What's the point? You've wasted more time than they have, and they're none the worse off for it.
Even if, in theory, the community did it en masse to drive off scammers, there would still be legitimate giveaways which would attract them.
For your plan to work, anything in which an actual game is given away at all would have to be eliminated.