Posted December 22, 2023

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P. Zimerickus
Coffee -He/Him-
Registered: Jul 2013
From Netherlands

Survived the human apocalypse
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Registered: Jan 2009
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Posted December 22, 2023
Not interested in filler so I will pass. I don't like that JUNK in my food either.

Survived the human apocalypse
Registered: May 2011
From Italy
Posted December 22, 2023
If you already have 140 fos you won't need it anyway. It makes most sense if your base fps are between 50 and 80.
Then it's really good smoothing.
Then it's really good smoothing.

P. Zimerickus
Coffee -He/Him-
Registered: Jul 2013
From Netherlands

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted December 24, 2023

or must play cyberpunk with p a t h t r a c i n g enabled
New Version Released :
Download link: (dlssg-to-fsr3-0.80 under Main Files)
Installation instructions are the exact same. You can keep using video guides. Moving to Nexus Mods is to make my life easier.
Hopefully fixed all texture format conversion crashes (e.g. Hogwarts Legacy).
Improved error logging, again.

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States

P. Zimerickus
Coffee -He/Him-
Registered: Jul 2013
From Netherlands
Posted December 24, 2023

Keep in mind a GPU is primarily a ton of very simple processors of limited scope. The biggest worry may be if there's enough Video Ram.
I see changes on a software level i guess that may or may not go beyond the normal range of developer accepted mod changes. and, and, and you are changing something that comes from nvidia??!! Noboby mods nividia?!?!?!

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted December 24, 2023

Keep in mind a GPU is primarily a ton of very simple processors of limited scope. The biggest worry may be if there's enough Video Ram.

And the company that makes your games is different than the one that publishes it, or sells it, or ships it to you....
Lots of companies are involved in a lot of things.

You know, SUPPOSEDLY Windows 11/12 aren't suppose to run on anything but newer hardware. BUT there's people showing it working on stuff over 10-15 years old when they get past the hardware checks. So arbitrary limitations are put in place to encourage you to upgrade. Much like Apple patching your phone and it slowing down to encourage you to get a new iPhone....
In short, if they are getting it to work, as mentioned it may be more a Video Memory limitation than it is the hardware able to do what it's able to do. I believe the term 'Use at your own risk', but even commercial software has that added in so you aren't losing anything. Long as it doesn't fry your hardware or Ransomware your system, you're probably good to go.

If up-scaling and interpolation increase the play-ability of games I'd probably go for it; Especially since your video cards probably aren't being as well utilized as they could be.
Post edited December 24, 2023 by rtcvb32

P. Zimerickus
Coffee -He/Him-
Registered: Jul 2013
From Netherlands
Posted December 24, 2023
But that is something else entirely? or am i wrong. I mean, there is the part of the... uhm game. We have a game, one game and we change something in that game and then there is the whole FSR part, i believe that became open source in the last week so that's a good thing but then rewriting something so nvidia can work with FSR in a game. So maybe you are not addressing nvidia directly here.. maybe i misunderstood that part but you, i don't know, like change something somewhere it must be illegal.... or do they want to make you believe you are doing something illegal?! You are feeding your nvidia card this data for what it supposedly is not made to do or not... no FSR is meant to be able to be used with any card..... Ok ok..... FSR is okay :) rewriting software to be able to do both dlss with fsr frame generation seems to be the weak spot in the equation. So we have the term on your own risk so if your gpu gets fried during the use of this mod you may or may not be eligible for a repair under warrant.... Could the nvidia gpu maker determine that your possible fried gpu became fried because of dangerous operations by the user?

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted December 24, 2023

Sorry i threw a wrench in your earlier logic.

P. Zimerickus
Coffee -He/Him-
Registered: Jul 2013
From Netherlands
Posted December 24, 2023

Sorry i threw a wrench in your earlier logic.