CharlesGrey: Betrayal is the 2D Bloodrayne, right? I've played that one a bit and it seemed quite well made, but I guess the genre doesn't really appeal to me. Maybe if it had bigger, less linear levels, and more RPG elements, similar to Castlevania - SotN.
Yeah, Betrayal is the sidescroller. Like I said, I haven't gotten around to it yet.
I think I checked out both endings in the new(ish) AitD game, but wasn't really impressed by either, as far as I can remember. That game had so many cool gameplay elements and design ideas, though. The TV series presentation, the inventory system, the "home-made" weapon crafting... the fact that you could open doors in about half a dozen different, logical ways, and almost never had to look for keys or solve random puzzles like in the RE games. I think with a little more time and polish it could have been a really good game. Can't help but feel sorry for the dev team, because they were probably rushed along by the publisher. Oh, I almost forgot, the soundtrack is amazing too! Worth owning, even if someone has no intent of playing the game.
Yeah, with some more time for polish, which the PS3 version got, it would have been so much better. I hear the PS3 version approaches good, it's a shame the PC and 360 versions never got patched to be like it
like Atari said they would, the bastards. And yeah, the soundtrack is just amazing, easily the best thing about the game. I loved how the soundtrack was so awesome that it took me at least 50 tries before I realised that the section I was trying to beat was completely broken bullshit. That sounds like I'm throwing shade at it, and I am, but the soundtrack really is that good.
And you're saying they're working on SS3? Or do you mean the SS1 remake?