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doccarnby: *snip*
I think I own a copy of Nosferatu here but haven't tried it yet. As for Alone in the Dark, the old ones are probably hard to get into nowadays. Most early 3D games have aged badly, and these don't hold the nostalgia bonus for me, since I haven't played them before. I did finish New Nightmare a few years back, and I agree that it's "OK". Essentially a mediocre copy of the RE formula, like so many Horror games. I actually enjoyed the new Alone in the Dark game from 2008 or so. It has some issues and wasted potential, and I didn't care about the ending, but other than that it was pretty cool. Lots of innovative ideas and gameplay features. And I had no idea Nocturne, the Blair Witch games and Bloodrayne are related. Those games are all by the same dev studio?
Geralt_of_Rivia: ...
Another great point and click adventure I can highly recommend is The Last Door, even though it is a bit short. I solved the game in pretty much exactly 4 hours but these 4 hours were very intense. Don't let the 'crappy' graphics put you off the game. The graphics deliberately mimic very old 16-bit adventure games to leave more to the imagination of the player. The story, the atmosphere and the soundtrack of the game are going to leave you breathless and with goosebumps through the entirety of the game.

If you are after 3D action then Dead Space is the obvious choice. Of course System Shock 1 and 2 are also must play games.
I think I refused to buy "The Last Door" precisely because of those "crappy" graphics. Mind you, I like pixel art games, but everything has its limits... If they want to leave the visual details to the player's imagination, why not go all the way and make it a text adventure? Maybe with some illustrations for key game scenes. I think I'd be far more interested in that.

System Shock 2 is great and still creepy, despite its dated visuals. I'm looking forward to the remake of SS1. If it's successful, maybe they'll even remake the second one? And I'm considering to buy and play Dead Space, but I've already played it on console shortly after its release, so I'm hoping GOG might also start selling DS2...
CharlesGrey: I think I own a copy of Nosferatu here but haven't tried it yet. As for Alone in the Dark, the old ones are probably hard to get into nowadays. Most early 3D games have aged badly, and these don't hold the nostalgia bonus for me, since I haven't played them before. I did finish New Nightmare a few years back, and I agree that it's "OK". Essentially a mediocre copy of the RE formula, like so many Horror games. I actually enjoyed the new Alone in the Dark game from 2008 or so. It has some issues and wasted potential, and I didn't care about the ending, but other than that it was pretty cool. Lots of innovative ideas and gameplay features. And I had no idea Nocturne, the Blair Witch games and Bloodrayne are related. Those games are all by the same dev studio?
Nocturne, Bloodrayne 1 and 2, and Blair Witch 1 are all by Terminal Reality. Blair Witch 2 is by Human Head and 3 is by Ritual, while Bloodrayne Betrayal is by Wayforward. The Blair Witch games were all developed at the same time and released near simultaneously, there's some inconsistencies between them because of this, but I feel ok saying they're all together in the Nocturne universe. I haven't played Betrayal yet, but from what understand it's a semi-reboot or something, but Terminal Reality had no say in its development. I'm pretty sure it's its own thing.

As for early Alone in the Dark, they're not really lookers, but they control pretty well, if you can handle the pre-RE4 games tank controls. And actually, I have trouble with most tank controls, but I feel comfortable with Alone in the Darks. Which ending did you get in AitD'08? There are two.

Edit: Oh fuck, I absolutely adore System Shock 2. One of the best, by far. Can't wait for 3.
Post edited September 26, 2016 by doccarnby
CharlesGrey: I'm mostly looking for 3D games
zeogold: I know I had a CD once for something called "Penumbra Overture" that looked along the 3D fight-and-run-and-see-scary-stuff lines. Could be worth looking into.
That's the Penumbra Trilogy, by the same devs as Amnesia and SOMA, but even older. I've only played the first one, but arguably it pales in comparison to Amnesia, which in turn isn't as good as SOMA. Come to think of it, since their games keep getting better, I'm curious how their next project is going to turn out.
paladin181: I'd Suggest The Evil Within (PC, XBOX ONE, PS4). It is incredible, and somewhat like the old RE games, made by the same director.
Also Until Dawn (PS4) is an EXCELLENT title.
Oh, right Evil Within. I've heard mixed opinions regarding its quality, but I'm definitely curious. Probably would have picked it up by now, but I don't have one of the current gen consoles, and rarely buy games on Steam. Maybe I'll consider the latter. Ditto for Until Dawn. :(
Post edited September 26, 2016 by CharlesGrey
doccarnby: Nocturne, Bloodrayne 1 and 2, and Blair Witch 1 are all by Terminal Reality. Blair Witch 2 is by Human Head and 3 is by Ritual, while Bloodrayne Betrayal is by Wayforward. The Blair Witch games were all developed at the same time and released near simultaneously, there's some inconsistencies between them because of this, but I feel ok saying they're all together in the Nocturne universe. I haven't played Betrayal yet, but from what understand it's a semi-reboot or something, but Terminal Reality had no say in its development. I'm pretty sure it's its own thing.

As for early Alone in the Dark, they're not really lookers, but they control pretty well, if you can handle the pre-RE4 games tank controls. And actually, I have trouble with most tank controls, but I feel comfortable with Alone in the Darks. Which ending did you get in AitD'08? There are two.

Edit: Oh fuck, I absolutely adore System Shock 2. One of the best, by far. Can't wait for 3.
Betrayal is the 2D Bloodrayne, right? I've played that one a bit and it seemed quite well made, but I guess the genre doesn't really appeal to me. Maybe if it had bigger, less linear levels, and more RPG elements, similar to Castlevania - SotN.

I think I checked out both endings in the new(ish) AitD game, but wasn't really impressed by either, as far as I can remember. That game had so many cool gameplay elements and design ideas, though. The TV series presentation, the inventory system, the "home-made" weapon crafting... the fact that you could open doors in about half a dozen different, logical ways, and almost never had to look for keys or solve random puzzles like in the RE games. I think with a little more time and polish it could have been a really good game. Can't help but feel sorry for the dev team, because they were probably rushed along by the publisher. Oh, I almost forgot, the soundtrack is amazing too! Worth owning, even if someone has no intent of playing the game.

And you're saying they're working on SS3? Or do you mean the SS1 remake?
CharlesGrey: If they want to leave the visual details to the player's imagination, why not go all the way and make it a text adventure? Maybe with some illustrations for key game scenes. I think I'd be far more interested in that.
A horror text adventure game? How would you pull that off without sound/graphics?
I've always been interested in making one.
CharlesGrey: If they want to leave the visual details to the player's imagination, why not go all the way and make it a text adventure? Maybe with some illustrations for key game scenes. I think I'd be far more interested in that.
zeogold: A horror text adventure game? How would you pull that off without sound/graphics?
I've always been interested in making one.
You do realize that Horror novels exist... ? Kinda like that. You know, except interactive. :P

And I don't see why it shouldn't have music, or even some minimalistic(?) sound. That's the nice thing about a video game text adventure, you can do more with it than you could with a plain old-fashioned novel.

I guess it would essentially be like a Horror "Pick-your-own-Adventure" book.
CharlesGrey: Betrayal is the 2D Bloodrayne, right? I've played that one a bit and it seemed quite well made, but I guess the genre doesn't really appeal to me. Maybe if it had bigger, less linear levels, and more RPG elements, similar to Castlevania - SotN.
Yeah, Betrayal is the sidescroller. Like I said, I haven't gotten around to it yet.

I think I checked out both endings in the new(ish) AitD game, but wasn't really impressed by either, as far as I can remember. That game had so many cool gameplay elements and design ideas, though. The TV series presentation, the inventory system, the "home-made" weapon crafting... the fact that you could open doors in about half a dozen different, logical ways, and almost never had to look for keys or solve random puzzles like in the RE games. I think with a little more time and polish it could have been a really good game. Can't help but feel sorry for the dev team, because they were probably rushed along by the publisher. Oh, I almost forgot, the soundtrack is amazing too! Worth owning, even if someone has no intent of playing the game.
Yeah, with some more time for polish, which the PS3 version got, it would have been so much better. I hear the PS3 version approaches good, it's a shame the PC and 360 versions never got patched to be like it like Atari said they would, the bastards. And yeah, the soundtrack is just amazing, easily the best thing about the game. I loved how the soundtrack was so awesome that it took me at least 50 tries before I realised that the section I was trying to beat was completely broken bullshit. That sounds like I'm throwing shade at it, and I am, but the soundtrack really is that good.

And you're saying they're working on SS3? Or do you mean the SS1 remake?
CharlesGrey: Come to think of it, since their games keep getting better, I'm curious how their next project is going to turn out.
Judging from this, they want to go bigger still, after doing well with SOMA... along-side of a second game. I'm wondering if they're getting a bit over-ambitious for themselves.
Post edited September 26, 2016 by mistermumbles
zeogold: The Dark Fall series, if you like adventure games.
There's also the infamous Amnesia and Outlast if you ever find yourself thinking "Y'know what? I haven't soiled my pants in a while. I should do that."

The user Fantasysci5 could probably recommend you a lot more if you ask her. I'm not one for horror much myself.
While doing some Galaxy beta testing about 2 months ago I played both of the Amnesia games and Outlast briefly for a few hours each roughly and I can vouch for your opinion as well. In particular Outlast had the hair up on my neck numerous times with a shot of adrenaline here and there while trying to keep my feet off the floor so the monsters under my desk didn't get me. :oP

CharlesGrey: I think I refused to buy "The Last Door" precisely because of those "crappy" graphics. Mind you, I like pixel art games, but everything has its limits... If they want to leave the visual details to the player's imagination, why not go all the way and make it a text adventure? Maybe with some illustrations for key game scenes. I think I'd be far more interested in that.
I know the apparently low quality graphics in The Last Door might put many people off at first, but having briefly played the game myself long enough to be able to have formed a much more objective opinion, I think I can safely say without bias that the game's graphics are much much worse than that. ;o)

"Adventure" on the Atari 2600, while much much lower in resolution overall I believe had a possibly better graphics style, and that is even giving them a passing grade on those dragons looking like a platypus. :)
Post edited September 26, 2016 by skeletonbow
CharlesGrey: You do realize that Horror novels exist... ? Kinda like that. You know, except interactive. :P
Yeah, I know that, but I've never personally seen an example of it being well-done except in the case of Michael Lutz's games (My Father's Long Long Legs and The Uncle Who Works For Nintendo), and those utilized more than just text (sound, art, darkness in areas).
There are two YT channels I follow that cover many of the new horror games being released: and [url=]HarshlyCritical. You might want to check them out for ideas.

What I personally look for in a horror game is a creepy and mysterious atmosphere, therefore:

The Dark Fall games have already been mentioned, some of the puzzles can be very difficult though.
FEAR, the first game.
The STALKER games had plenty of creepy moments.
The Penumbra series have also been mentioned, I like them more than Amnesia, they feel more unique to me.
The Metro games.
Post edited September 26, 2016 by Ricky_Bobby
CharlesGrey: I think I refused to buy "The Last Door" precisely because of those "crappy" graphics. Mind you, I like pixel art games, but everything has its limits... If they want to leave the visual details to the player's imagination, why not go all the way and make it a text adventure? Maybe with some illustrations for key game scenes. I think I'd be far more interested in that.
skeletonbow: I know the apparently low quality graphics in The Last Door might put many people off at first, but having briefly played the game myself long enough to be able to have formed a much more objective opinion, I think I can safely say without bias that the game's graphics are much much worse than that. ;o)

"Adventure" on the Atari 2600, while much much lower in resolution overall I believe had a possibly better graphics style, and that is even giving them a passing grade on those dragons looking like a platypus. :)
It's not surprising that I wholeheartedly disagree. And at first -without playing the game- I was also put off by those graphics. Yes, I love sierra/lucasarts era pixel art, but "the last door" where pretty extreme for me. But after playing the great first chapter of the first game I was sold on the overall mood of the game and the graphics part on it. It uses a great color palette and the backgrounds are usually pretty good.
Are you sure your not confusing the atari 2600 with the ps3 or something? It looks a lot more from you era... ;P

Ricky_Bobby: The Dark Fall games have already been mentioned, some of the puzzles can be very difficult though.
The classic Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle and the just released new one Barrow Hill: The Dark Path are very similar. Unfortunately not in this store.
Post edited September 26, 2016 by rgnrk
rgnrk: ...
The classic Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle and the just released new one Barrow Hill: The Dark Path are very similar. Unfortunately not in this store.
Wow, thank you, I had no idea. I found their website and it looks like you can buy them directly from their studio as downloadable/off-line games. Man, these games deserve to be more visible.
rgnrk: ...
The classic Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle and the just released new one Barrow Hill: The Dark Path are very similar. Unfortunately not in this store.
Ricky_Bobby: Wow, thank you, I had no idea. I found their website and it looks like you can buy them directly from their studio as downloadable/off-line games. Man, these games deserve to be more visible.
Never played them, though. But many people were eagerly waiting for the new one on grounds of the first one.
Reading through adventuregamers forums, though, the new one seems to be extremelly bug ridden. They are actually wondering if the game is even finishable in its current state.