1sealion: I want a new computer that can play most steam and gog games . Can anyone suggest a good gaming computer since I don’t understand all the specs
Yea unless you know the basics about computers it can be confusing. So don't be afraid to ask questions. Now, for the most part good gamers will ask you how much your looking to spend on a computer. You also need to give them any details like if you need the monitor, keyboard, etc along with it. Many already have such things and just buy the basic computer without the accessories. Most in-store computers usually come with the monitor, etc.
When it comes to the video cards and graphics required, you can't go with just numbers. Each video card type and company is different and names their cards different. For the most part, a higher card number means its newer and usually better. Like if a video card model is 800, and current cards are 960's, usually the current cards are newer in design and of course usually higher in price (but not sometimes).
With Intel processor chips, the general rule is they have 3 timers, I3 chips, I5 chips, and I7 chips. The generation of the chip (how old it is) is the 2nd number after the type of chip. For instance, a I7-5775c is a 5 generation chip (older) than a I7-6800 6th generation chip. Again that doesn't mean its faster or better, but most of the time it does.
Just ask questions and do a little google searching/internet homework and you can learn the differences, etc.
Finally, also let us know just how much you do gaming, what type of games do you usually play (current high graphic new games, or older games that don't require a current top end gaming rig. Also if you do a lot of online multiplayer type gaming compared to solo pc gaming at home, etc. And do you use the computer for other things other than gaming.