rtcvb32: There's very little where you need high quality headphones, at least for home/gaming. Maybe noise cancelling ones when you go traveling, or high quality ones when doing music, but otherwise i don't see the point.
The music thing was enough for me. I settled on a budget for new headphones, got a set of second-hand Yamaha HPH-PRO500's instead for about a third of RRP and have been extremely pleased with them. That's been a particularly important point with COVID closing ordinary venues but expanding streaming, although I didn't know that when I got the headphones.
Mind you, I keep the Yamahas plugged into the desktop most of the time and make do with earphones when I'm out and about, and sometimes when using the laptop as well. I'm not an audiophile so no, I wouldn't have paid full price for the Yammies - but even I can hear that they make a significant difference.