Leroux: I can relate to that if it's about physical objects in the house, but I don't attach sentimental value to a digital copy of a game. There might be memories attached to the game itself, but it hardly matters whether the copy you're playing comes from the harddisk of a loved one or from somewhere else.
It is not necessarily about sentimental value (even if it could be about that too, e.g, games your offspring remembers playing together with you as a kid), but also monetary value.
Let's say you know someone who'd like your GOG (or Steam) games. Wouldn't it be quite a lot of monetary value to them if you could pass the games to them after your death? How much would it cost them to buy them all over again, or what if they couldn't even buy them anymore, ie. they were not sold anywhere anymore (like Descent games at the moment)?
Let's pretend for awhile that piracy was not an option. If it was, then just as well any movies, music collections etc. wouldn't have any meaning as they can be pirated too. Even books, as electronic versions.
You have a point though that electonic goods (content) could be received from somewhere else just as well and the memories would be the same, while your grandfather's cuckoo clock can't be replicated fully.
ANYWAY, what I am more concerned about is my old porn video collection (you know, from the times when people actually used to store pr0n videos from the net, and not just watching them on some pron youtube channel). Do I remember and do I have a chance to destroy them just before I die?
Maybe I just need to keep them on some encrypted hard disk that hopefully can't be unencrypted in the future. I wouldn't want my grandchildren to find out what kind of pr0n their old grandpapa fancied.
Those who have seen the movie 8MM, you get the idea (even without the snuff aspect).