paladin181: I do sincerely wish people would stop referring to Galaxy as "malware" as that is a very specific definition for very bad software. Galaxy is PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) at worst, and a decent client at best. Malware causes actual harm to systems, which as far as I have seen, Galaxy definitely doesn't. Hyperbole only goes so far before people stop hearing you. When you later complain about actual malware on your machine, no one will take you seriously because you consider the client to be such.
+ 1
NovumZ: I wouldn't call it: "bit much" I'm here for games, not clients.
Suit yourself, outcomes would have still been the same. Just to clarify I get re-downloading the installers if they weren't clean installers for backups or whatever, but not even checking them or even using them long enough to install your game without Galaxy while waiting for the clean installer to re-download is what I mean by "a bit much".
Eh let's just delete them... it's your time and bandwidth though, so more power to you I guess.