tinyE: STOP replying to him!
He'll get bored and go away.
lepke1979: eh, I'm done. I didn't know about this game until today. After seeing the trailer, it doesn't look like anything I'd enjoy for more than 5 minutes until getting bored. I might check out some of the reviews after it's out just to see if there is more to it though.
I will say though that I find it funny. Tracido is an edge case (and possibly 12). But people here go nuts over Steam selling any lame game someone might crap out. Meanwhile, GOG decides to not sell it. We don't know why. Could be content. Could be it sucks. Could be they thought it wasn't wort h$20. Then again, maybe the head of GOG went to high school with the head of Destructive Creations and thought he was a total knob. In any event, it will be funny to see how people feel once the game is released.
Edge is for the bedroom kids. It's called edgeplay, might be time for some to put on big boy pants.
This is concerning because I believed this was a safe store for adult content, end of discussion, and instead I see near 50 pages of stupid shit talking and blind following without question.
If I was off, still don't care, let it out. If there's a real reason, hearing it shouldn't be impossible.