fronzelneekburm: GOG, release this shitty game! For great justice!
F4LL0UT: You can't possibly know if it's shitty.
Sorry if my dismissive wording offended you. I'm very cynical in my assumptions about the gaming industry. I guess what I'm trying to say is: Even if it sucks, it should be released here, if only to make some point about free speech. And if the game is actually any good, well, then good for us! :)
By the way, I hope to bump into you again some day in AVP multiplayer! ;) That was a ton of fun!
monkeydelarge: They might pull out to avoid the wrath of SJWs but if they pull out, they will have to face the wrath of gamers who believe in free speech. So basically, no matter the choice they make, they will have to face the wrath of people they pissed off but that's life. You can't please everyone. So the best thing to do is to always choose the right path. And that is the path that supports free speech.
Well, exsqueeze me, but FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK the SJWs. Fuck'em sideways with a stick! There's no possible way to avoid the wrath of these fucks, they're upset about everything. There's no pleasing them. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Fuck them! Who cares about what these assholes have to say?
Besides, who's going to buy the game? SJWs? I think not! So, how many customers will they loose over releasing this? Zero! So either these privileged Frisco trust fund baby coastal justice warrior pieces of shit put their money where their mouth is or they can go fuck right off!