Posted October 28, 2014

Registered: Sep 2012
From Canada

New User
Registered: Sep 2013
From Australia
Posted October 28, 2014


The only problem I have with those kind of studies is that they seemingly let the content completely off the hook. Let's paraphrase: "So we did this study and discovered that frustration plays a role in increasing aggression. Therefore, we conclude the violent content itself has now 0% chance to affect anyone in any way." Not buying it.
Action video games in particular are a power-and-thrill thing. Lags, difficulty, and content are all part of the equation. How do I know that? There are countless violent isometric shooters. But for some players, shooting aliens, zombies, or soldiers is no longer good enough. They can't wait to butcher defenceless pixel-pedestrians. That by itself is the effect of Hatred right there...

lil rascal
Registered: Sep 2010
From Austria
Posted October 29, 2014

So if GOG doesn't sell this game for any other reason than censorship, that's a big deal for you. But getting it on Steam where people with the 'wrong' IP are restricted, that's no problem.
You hate censorship and fell in love with Steam - the #1 tool for censorship in PC gaming. I hope you do realize how ridiculous this is.

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted October 29, 2014

So if GOG doesn't sell this game for any other reason than censorship, that's a big deal for you. But getting it on Steam where people with the 'wrong' IP are restricted, that's no problem.
You hate censorship and fell in love with Steam - the #1 tool for censorship in PC gaming. I hope you do realize how ridiculous this is.

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From United States
Posted October 29, 2014
Yeah fuck those fart smellers from San Francisco!

Registered: Nov 2012
From United States
Posted October 29, 2014
"I support freedom and if GoG doesn't sell this game they are saying that people have no free thought."
Or they're saying their other supporters threatened to pull out of their agreements thus crippling GoG as a site, and eventually putting themselves out of business.
Or they're saying "this particular game doesn't appeal to us"
Or they're saying "That game is disgustingly bad"
Or they're saying "what? Oh them? They never even asked us!"
But you'll assume they are targeting free thinkers because it supports your argument that anyone who doesn't think like you is against free thought. Wow. You support free thought and you're practically brainwashed. Way to go there.
"I support freedom and if GoG doesn't sell this game they are saying that people have no free thought."
Or they're saying their other supporters threatened to pull out of their agreements thus crippling GoG as a site, and eventually putting themselves out of business.
Or they're saying "this particular game doesn't appeal to us"
Or they're saying "That game is disgustingly bad"
Or they're saying "what? Oh them? They never even asked us!"
But you'll assume they are targeting free thinkers because it supports your argument that anyone who doesn't think like you is against free thought. Wow. You support free thought and you're practically brainwashed. Way to go there.

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted October 29, 2014
In what alternate universe would this happen? If GOG carries Postal and doesn't carry Hatred, then yes, they are being hypocrites.

Registered: Nov 2012
From United States
Posted October 29, 2014

"I support freedom and if GoG doesn't sell this game they are saying that people have no free thought."
Or they're saying their other supporters threatened to pull out of their agreements thus crippling GoG as a site, and eventually putting themselves out of business.

Old Guy
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted October 29, 2014

"I support freedom and if GoG doesn't sell this game they are saying that people have no free thought."
Or they're saying their other supporters threatened to pull out of their agreements thus crippling GoG as a site, and eventually putting themselves out of business.

It's not hard to see Disney having a problem having it's products on the same shelf as a game like Hatred.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 29, 2014
low rated

"I support freedom and if GoG doesn't sell this game they are saying that people have no free thought."
Or they're saying their other supporters threatened to pull out of their agreements thus crippling GoG as a site, and eventually putting themselves out of business.
Or they're saying "this particular game doesn't appeal to us"
Or they're saying "That game is disgustingly bad"
Or they're saying "what? Oh them? They never even asked us!"
But you'll assume they are targeting free thinkers because it supports your argument that anyone who doesn't think like you is against free thought. Wow. You support free thought and you're practically brainwashed. Way to go there.

A Finn
Registered: May 2011
From Finland
Posted October 29, 2014

We need more games like this. Just as a middle-finger to all the hipster indies who think video games need to be some profound art-form tackling social issues, just games that are unashamedly games.
As to all-in self desiring arguments, we actually need Scorch 2D emulation on Win7 - which I hope hipster indies, among many others, might love! :-D

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 29, 2014
low rated

So if GOG doesn't sell this game for any other reason than censorship, that's a big deal for you. But getting it on Steam where people with the 'wrong' IP are restricted, that's no problem.
You hate censorship and fell in love with Steam - the #1 tool for censorship in PC gaming. I hope you do realize how ridiculous this is.
"I hope you do realize how ridiculous this is."
Yes, it made no sense whatsoever. I must of looked very ignorant or stupid. Thanks to you, I HATE Steam again.
Post edited October 29, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 29, 2014
low rated

It's not hard to see Disney having a problem having it's products on the same shelf as a game like Hatred.
Post edited October 29, 2014 by monkeydelarge

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States

Do You Even M&B?
Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 29, 2014
I don't see what's the whole matter over this game, it looks stupid... but kinda appealing, and I'd like to try it out, hope there is more alternative scenarios, like wannabe heroes or serious police force, oh and lets hope they don't go for "realism" as no man no matter how badass he may look would take on the entire police department using regular clothes, long jacket and long black hair, so that would defeat the whole "realism" thing.
On the violence seen in the trailer... I've seen worse, a digital man begging for his life and getting his head blown off isn't going to shock me, there's plenty of worse media material out there from the real world, enough to make some people sick.
On the violence seen in the trailer... I've seen worse, a digital man begging for his life and getting his head blown off isn't going to shock me, there's plenty of worse media material out there from the real world, enough to make some people sick.