Yummlick: To all people arguing that "it's just a game" and "these are not real people":
By your "logic" it would be OK to make and distribute games where you're playing as a child rapist or some nazi death camp manager. Because "Hey! It's not real and I'm enjoying playing this! What's your problem with me having some fun?".
The first example you mentioned actually exists and it's called Rapelay. There's a game that kind of comes close to your second example and it's called Ethnic Cleansing (you have to kill black people, latins and i think that there are also jews you have to kill, but i'm not sure).
Yes, i also found both games to be disgusting, much more than Hatred (which i personally couldn't see a problem with, it looks very similar to Postal, just darker), but censorship is something i will never support. The problem when we start banning "disgusting" games is finding out where to draw the line. Sure, something as harmless as Mario will never be banned, but what about things like Carmaggedon, Manhunt, Postal and GTA? I know many people who find these 4 games to be disgusting. Where do we draw the line here? What is ok and what isn't? I think that any kind of censorship is extremely dangerous. First, we're banning Hatred, the next day we're banning GTA.
Flesh420.613: Really people? Hollywood produces and promotes worse movies. Hatred looks like a blast to play, in more ways than one.
Definitely, i've seen movies MUCH, MUCH worse than any game out there. Movies get a free pass, games don't. Go figure.