jefequeso: Ok, fine... I find it "distasteful." Happy?
It's a pointless semantics argument. I don't find the idea of pointlessly mowing down a bunch of innocent civilians in graphic ways to be entertaining, and I'm sick to death of people like you jumping all over me any time I express that kind of sentiment.
monkeydelarge: It's not a pointless semantics argument. And the reason people like me jump all over you is because we are sick and tired of being seen as people with no empathy or violent psychopaths. We are sick and tired of being watched by our neighbors and old people like we are dangerous. We are sick and tired of people thinking, "Oh no, he plays killerspiele, it's only a matter of time before he goes on a rampage!" We are sick and tired of people trying to make it so buying the games we want will be insanely difficult.
And not only do I find your way of seeing this game to be out of touch with reality, I also find that your position helps demonize gamers like me.
I apologize for being disgusted by something.
I wonder why people accuse you of lacking empathy...