Posted October 15, 2015
drealmer7: for a related thread and my post with suggestions in it <a href="" class="link_arrow"></a></div><div class="small_avatar_2_h"><img src="//" width="16" height="16" alt="avatar" /></div><span class="quot_text"><span class="quot_user_name">bykowsky: </span></span>Big thanks! :) <a href="" class="link_arrow"></a></div> There are also (slightly more thematically focused) suggestions [url=]there.
Anyway, as for the OP, no, no specific marathon here. I'm not very calendar-based. But keeping an eye on the thread for any random horror spree at other times.
drealmer7: To me, John Carpenter is highly over-rated, I find some of his movies to be very very good, and some to be very very bad.
He's all over the place, but it doesn't make him over-rated, it makes him un-rateable. He goes indeed from the best to the worst. but he goes there with an energy and enthousiasm that make all his films undearing one way or another. I adore his great films (I'd put "prince of darkness" in that category though), and I enjoy immensely his bad films (I wouldn't really defend Escape from LA). They feel like sitting on the floor with friends, improvising a story with all our toys. And then, you've got the commentary tracks, making it even funnier. As if the transpiring movie set's fun wasn't communicative enough without these. There's something Calvin&Hobbeseque about Carpenter, which disarms me every time. Independantly from his "real" movies (TheThing, Starman, etc). Anyway, as for the OP, no, no specific marathon here. I'm not very calendar-based. But keeping an eye on the thread for any random horror spree at other times.