Cadaver747: Bingo! Bravo! How did you guessed it? ;))
Your turn!
I have the game, but keep putting off playing it. Is it good? To be honest from your description it sounded pretty cool, so maybe I'll give it a go soon.
Here is next one. Again it's not much to go on, so I'm counting on your questions.
Just started the game and, contrary to the general opinion, I find it pretty good and am enjoying it. Just a small question, in the very first town, the very first building is an inn. Upstairs are three rooms. One is open and I did find the key to the third thrown out just outside the inn. But I can't find the key to the second room. I'm curious because the woman in the third room mentions something about not liking her neighbours. Should I keep looking for the key, or is it something I'll find later on? Thanks.