Linko90: This place is yours just as much as it is ours
Sorry, but no. It is not. It is completely gOg's place. We are simply allowed to be here.
We customers have asked - repeatedly - for some fairly simple changes to help improve the environment:
- modification or removal of the Rep system
- modification of the downvote / reporting mechanism
- a bit more active moderation. Not overboard, but certainly more than waiting for a thread to go full insult before butting in.
- 'ignore' function, though I might not use this myself - even a perpetual jerk can decide to make a helpful contribution now and then.
- some forum interaction between staff and the customers. Not just technical / account / problems, but just being part of the community like the rest of us. The simple presence will be a reminder that gOg is paying some attention to what goes on in the forum, and that presence may - in itself - quell some of the more blatant bad behaviors without gOg having to do anything more than simply showing up.
I should point out that not everyone will agree with everything on that list, so when I say "community" I can't mean literally every single one of us. Anyway...
If it was "our" forum, some of this crap would have been addressed years ago. As it is, forum members have taken it upon themselves to create scripts and such to try to address these shortcomings, among others. Thing is, that relies on the user downloading and using the scripts. The typical new customer isn't going to know about those.
gOg's place, and the forum has gOg's name on it. It's part of your company and you simply allow us to post here. The company should show some concern about how the guests' actions affect the way prospective and new customers view the whole company.