Xeshra: There is the problem: Sega... such as many other "huge japanese companies" are pretty conservative in the term of "how theyr games will be handled and published", therefore Sega, Capcom and some more huge companies rarley are publishing any games at all on GoG. As long as Steam works out so well for them, there is simply few reason and they will feel more secure because of additional protection. Of course, useless on the "long run" but the issue is... most of the bucks is made in the very beginning of any game and as soon as a game is turning "old" the sells is usually decreased a lot. So, in order to "keep a game new and fresh"; they may simply re-release any given game or adding DLCs, so, keeping it "renewed"... this is the way how they handle both Grandia to some terms.
However, this is not the way a true fan would enjoy it. It does not matter because most Steam-Users are NOT true fans, they are some "younger generation kids" enjoying the hype of a freshly released remake or remaster, that`s all, no rocket science. A true fan of course may enjoy a raw game, completly uncut and as close to the Original-releases as possible. It will not grant much cash... nowadays you need to sell old stuff in a way like "it is completly new"... sounds odd but unfortunately this is the way the industry is heading.
Besides, Grandia is not owned by Sega: It`s the property of Game Arts, nowadays a minor company trying to fullfill the wishes from some more "powerful" publishers such as the way bigger "player" known as "GungHo Online Entertainment", so you may be knocking at theyr doors.
Getting some SMT on here would be great and actually fit how GOG started but FAT chance of that. I mean let Atlus dump ALL the SMT stuff and side story stuff. I don't CARE if it's translated, I just want access to it.