Ancient-Red-Dragon: Also, this thread title is very misleading, inaccurate, and inappropriate because
bad news price hike scams like this are frequently posted in it, and have been for years.
This thread should be officially renamed to something like: "Bad News: Price Hike Scams."
Cavalary: Read the OP to see why it's titled the way it is, seeing as "Good News" was how GOG announced dropping their one-world-one-price principle. So initially there was a thread that followed the gradual introduction of regional pricing to GOG games, and then its successor was this one that tracked all price changes. Hence, saying "Good News" for bad news is precisely the point.
Sorry for the late comment on this. Thanks for the context. Good to know. It's a nice piece of dry humour. It wasn't explicitly stated in the OP though (even though it was humorous). Which is fine, it obviously wasn't required for GOG users at the time, but it's not super-clear for anyone who signed up post-April 2015. Thanks again for the history lesson!