Some genuinely good news, and some Good News™ from MaGog's logs for 19 July:
The newly added game Batman - The Telltale Series [Season Pass] [Upcoming] is regionally priced:
>>> It is $26.09 instead of $24.99 in CH
>>> It is $25.35 instead of $24.99 in NO, PL
>>> It is $25.34 instead of $24.99 in DK
>>> It is $25.28 instead of $24.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, NL, SE
>>> It is $25.19 instead of $24.99 in GB
>>> It is $22.19 instead of $24.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $14.19 instead of $24.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $6.79 instead of $24.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
Pricing changed for Read Only Memories
>>> Game no longer regionally priced in regAR, AU, BR, CH, CL, regCN, CO, regCZ, regDE, DK, GB, regIT, MC, MX, NL, NO, NZ, PE, PL, regRO, regRS, SE