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low rated
Let's just say after yesterday's shock I am considering to vote "own goal" again for the first time in, fucksit, 15 years.
low rated
Vainamoinen: Let's just say after yesterday's shock I am considering to vote "own goal" again for the first time in, fucksit, 15 years.
What most these pro nazi eu germans won't tell you is there is large movement brewing in EU as it begins to collaspe to get out and leave the dictatorship.

(well partially also because you guys have such strict laws on what your allowed to say)
Post edited November 10, 2016 by Regals
jamyskis: That means that those who voted for the Trump are either of the elite establishment that he claims to oppose, vile bigots, or complete idiots. There's really no explaining your way around a Trump voter being one or more of these three
Yeah, everybody who voted for Trump said the same thing about Hillary voters, too. "Either they're as corrupt as she is, bleeding-heart liberals, or morons who refuse to see her evil!"

This sentiment always swings across the country, Democrat vs. Republican, conservative vs. liberal. First we have one Democratic/liberal president, then everybody thinks he sucks and votes in a Republican/conservative, then everybody thinks HE sucks and goes the other way. We think that this country is too conservative and we need to be more progressive, then we think that we're being too permissive and call for a return to conservatism, then we think that conservatism is bad and go back to liberalism. And this is all we ever do, back and forth.
Which is why nothing ever gets accomplished in this country.
Post edited November 10, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
jamyskis: That means that those who voted for the Trump are either of the elite establishment that he claims to oppose, vile bigots, or complete idiots. There's really no explaining your way around a Trump voter being one or more of these three
zeogold: Yeah, everybody who voted for Trump said the same thing about Hillary voters, too. "Either they're as corrupt as she is, bleeding-heart liberals, or morons who refuse to see her evil!"

This sentiment always swings across the country, Democrat vs. Republican, conservative vs. liberal. First we have one Democratic/liberal president, then everybody thinks he sucks and votes in a Republican/conservative, then everybody thinks HE sucks and goes the other way. And this is all we ever do, back and forth.
Which is why nothing ever gets accomplished in this country.
This election was not dem vs rep or lib vs conserv it was simple

This was globalism vs nationalism.

Hillary wanted to turn United States into a watered down version of the nazi nation known as EU
low rated
Regals: (well partially also because you guys have such strict laws on what your allowed to say)
Do you have a particular policy on how many times you allow yourself to get owned in a certain thread before you leave the discussion?
Do you really think I'm about to take any opinion from a known troll like yourself, whose account was made JUST to mock tinyE, even in the remotest bit seriously?
Why anybody even tries to engage you in half-serious discussion is beyond me.
low rated
Regals: (well partially also because you guys have such strict laws on what your allowed to say)
Vainamoinen: Do you have a particular policy on how many times you allow yourself to get owned in a certain thread before you leave the discussion?
Yup at least once...

Still hasn't occured so I'll leave when it actually happens and not this...

zeogold: whose account was made JUST to mock tinyE, even in the remotest bit seriously?
According to who that child rapist eram?

I made 1 post on forum and was bombarded with trolling and down votes and said I was not going to put up with child rapist thinking he was big shit.
Post edited November 10, 2016 by Regals
Vainamoinen: Let's just say after yesterday's shock I am considering to vote "own goal" again for the first time in, fucksit, 15 years.
What we need on the German ballot papers is a "Misstrauensstimme". I really have no desire to vote SPD, Greens or CDU next year, definitely not FDP, but there's no fucking way my pen will wander anywhere near the AfD box.

Pisses me off really that we're stuck with choosing between the established corruption and the left and right fringes. There's no decent centrist party to elect any more. The Pirates were looking pretty good until they lurched so far left that they made Die Linke look positively moderate, but then that seems to be the way of every new party these days - getting hijacked by the left or right fringes.
low rated
richlind33: You know what's fucked up? Ron Paul would have done most of what Obama promised to do but never did, and a lot of what he should have done but never even considered doing, but all the Democrats saw was a Republican that wanted to take away their abortion and welfare rights. And they'll tell you with a straight face that they're anti-war and anti-racist. o.O
Ariod: Hey I'll agree with that. Ron Paul was a unique guy and a truly party-independent type with his own ideas. I sure never agreed with all of them, but he had enough good ones in terms of the issues that truly matter - economic ones particularly. Sure wouldn't have been any goddamed TPP-type crap being considered. He would have gotten my vote this cycle.

I feel like his son is a little like that.... but yet not quite enough. Sorta "Ron-lite", heh...
The Republicans weren't much better. It just goes to show that partisans aren't capable of very much when it comes to independent thinking.

I agree with you re his son. But I liked what he had to say re Syria very much.

I'd like to add that if we had gotten the war-mongering and foreign intervention under control, shut down the "war on drugs", and started repairing our industrial sector, I think we actually *would* be on the way to a vastly more prosperous USA.
Post edited November 10, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
Ariod: some more preening and "I ain't bovvered" posturing
And, lacking any real rebuttal or argument of substance, you persist with your vulgar, childish tantrum, still unable to display that which distinguishes humans from animals: Self-awareness. You duck and weave and repeat talking points and refuse to actually address any point raised, other than to roil and rage and lash out, and double down in your refusal at even the barest minimum of introspection that goes further than "we shoulda picked saint Bernie".

You and your friends are not the electorate. You are part of it, and clearly the part that lives in a bubble. You are a parochial navel-gazer and an ideologue who didn't learn his lesson, and you will refuse to swallow your medicine until it makes you retch as reality pushes it in, but swallow you will. Whether it cures your worldview malaise or not remains to be seen.

Feel free to tell me about the realities of politics in Portugal, if you know anything about it. Just because you live in a country doesn't make you informed about its political goings-on (far from it, in many cases), and I'm not arrogant to the point of refusing the perspective of someone who made the effort to educate themselves, or to think I'm politically savvy just because my feet are on [insert country here] soil. Or to think that circlejerking gives me a "feel" about what's going on in a yuge, diverse country.

And yes, I absolutely have skin in the game. You can afford to sip lattes and wax lyrical about microaggressions on campus while Europe bears the brunt of the consequences of US interventionism in the Middle East, but I and my fellow Europeans can't, for one. Again, your parochialism shining through in all its solipsistic glory.

Now get some soothing bern salve, get a grip, and try to learn from your countrymen. Because you most definitely are not better than them.
low rated
jamyskis: Pisses me off really that we're stuck with choosing between the established corruption and the left and right fringes. There's no decent centrist party to elect any more. The Pirates were looking pretty good until they lurched so far left that they made Die Linke look positively moderate, but then that seems to be the way of every new party these days - getting hijacked by the left or right fringes.
I'm with you most of the way, though I think we still have a 'spectrum' of sorts. This will be a horrifying decision nonetheless and we can only pray we're not going the Columbus Country route (I'm a little reluctant to still call it "America". Vespucci probably wasn't that bad a guy. Columbus was the greatest inhuman imperialist racist sexual deviant fuckwit alive).

Half of me just wants to plaster the whole town with anti-Afd posters, then leave the rest to other people. I won't though.

The Pirates have never understood what a political party even is. The whole representational aspect was completely off. The public figures hence didn't stand for what they themselves believed, they stood for whatever their base had voted for. We saw how great that had worked out, and how quickly they disassembled. It's just no fun being just a mouthpiece puppet. I loved Marina Weisband; when she got in front of a camera and enthusiastically presented a new bollocks pirate idea, you immediately KNEW that she actually thought it was bollocks. Always a great show and some real characters, but nothing to vote really. A swarm never thinks ahead, and we kind of really need that now.

I'd vote Linke for their completely unachievable dreams of social democracy, I absolutely would, but they have thrown all their hopes of ever getting my vote a few light years away when Crimea happened. I'd vote SPD if they still had an idea of what social democracy even means, I'd vote the Greens if they weren't a party in total ideological disorientation, I personally don't think parties with a C in their name are even constitutional as we kinda sorta separate church and state, and the FDP are just more Trump type rich trickle down proponents sans the racism that only deserve to be laughed at. And then, of course, are the Nazis by just another name.

Which my half Korean friend actually voted for before sudden sanity set in.
Post edited November 10, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
FREE NIGHTS ROOM AND BOARD AT MY B&B TO anyone who manages to kill Trump before he can take office! :D
low rated
tinyE: FREE NIGHTS ROOM AND BOARD AT MY B&B TO anyone who manages to kill Trump before he can take office! :D
Oh come on. You know that would be a really bad idea. He'd be a martyr! Try to prove that he raped a 13 year old girl instead, maybe he'd kill himself.
SirPrimalform: Trump being in power is scary, the fact that people wanted to put him there is scarier still considering what we already know about him. It's not about what Trump might do, it's what it says about America that they are ok with putting him there.
You know nothing about Trump on the political field. That was one of his greatest strengths in this campaign: The unknown quantity vs the candidate you know is corrupt and inept at foreign policy. If the former scares you more than the latter, it's because your fear of the unknown (with a healthy helping of confirmation bias) happens to be greater.

jamyskis: What this election has basically done is make a statement about America, and it's not a favourable statement in any way, shape or form.
Putting one's own country first, favoring a non-interventionist policy and thinking about the parts of your electorate that don't work for multinationals doesn't strike me as unfavorable in any way, shape or form.
All this talk about trying to "understand" why people elected him stinks of the appeasement policies of the mid-1930s.
Oh, hi there, mr. Godwin! Fancy seeing you here.

At the end of the day, either people knew exactly what they were voting for - which in the case of the rich, white, male segment is almost certainly the case.
And what of the poor, white, male segment? The rich, white, female? The rich, hispanic, male? The poor, black, female?
Or they voted for him simply because he railed against Muslims and women
Railing against women? You're going to have to elaborate on that, and how that would whip up support from, heck, any segment conceivable.
or they did it as some kind of ridiculous "protest" or blind party loyalty.
The republican party undermined him every step of the way, so no, party loyalty, blind or otherwise, most certainly didn't play into that. And what's so ridiculous about a protest, and why the quote marks?
That means that those who voted for the Trump are either of the elite establishment that he claims to oppose, vile bigots, or complete idiots. There's really no explaining your way around a Trump voter being one or more of these three
There isn't? Really? Such arrogance and conceit beggars belief. Or is this your way of processing having been utterly wrong about this election?
Until now, I believed that the problem with America was with the politics, but it's not. It's with the people.
The "problem" or the virtues of any and all country is always about the people.

Regals: This election was not dem vs rep or lib vs conserv it was simple

This was globalism vs nationalism.
Ding, ding, we have a winner here.
low rated
So liberal! Much progressive! WOW!