ghostgate2001: Posting here purely because I don't even know what my rep score is, or how to find it - apart from posting here and then looking at my own comment. Clearly it's a very important number, so I guess I'd better find out.
EDIT: 32. Hmm ... meaningful. Doesn't sound very high, but then I don't post very often. Does it affect my credit score with banks or something?
The rep score is occasionally used by people giving give aways to cut down on people making a new account for their giveaway or known troublemakers.
If they'd implement something that would allow us to automatically ignore posts by people with negative rep or rep under a certain level it might be useful, but as it is it does basically nothing.
The only real exception is that if you down rep somebody you have the option of reporting it as spam.And if that account gets too many of those it gets auto-banned. That is unless they've actually bought a game.
darthspudius: my two previous comments have been down repped. I miss when they did it because i was being offensive.
To be fair, the whole forum is full of assholes, trolls and idiots now. There used to be a much better class of people in here years ago. Now you have all those beggars and nobs that don't give a shit about the community.
I've wanted change on the forum for years now specifically because the forum is degenerating the way that fora always degenerate over time when the owners can't be arsed to manage the activity.
Even minor annoyances like Barry's daily vote for X threads wouldn't even rate a notice if we had more than just one forum to cram everything into.