Alas, only passing through. Skipped most of ZFR/Wyrm + ZFR/Ele arguing about logic. Was awake for chunks of the night and fell back asleep late and overslept a bit.
I mean, should still be back for EOD, but...probably not going to contribute anything more substantive.
Won't lynch
Would lynch
...well, most of the rest of you. This gamestate is a bleeping mess.
Damnation: MY day 1 post against ZFR was a (I admit) shakey gambit, but it went like this (I do not consider it successful, however):
Pick a player who was appaearing town. I, like a few others, saw ZFR's hiccups as those of a newbie, or someone at least not quite accustomed to the game yet, and thereby appearing town to me.
My thoughts were then to construct a very poor attack on said person, in order to either elicit a reaction from that person - or let someone start scumhunting on me - to cause a large rift.
My initial plan was to escalate it quite a bit, but never push for a lynch. I got what I hoped for, when Bookwyrm jumped in. He, at the time at least, elicit a town-vibe to me, which was perfect.
If I could appear slightly scummier than my "opponent", but both of us get enough spotlight, I was hoping to have the toasters react to it and attempt to nightkill one of us in order to throw shade at the other.
I feel this failed, however, as I ended up not packing enough punch towards Bookwyrm as I should have.
I decided the former was most likely, and protected Lift N1. Nothing happened. Flavor-wise I followed him in the night, ready to beat up anyone trying anything. Curiously, Lift was near Baltar's lab.
I mean, lots of things are possible but this is a strange explanation, even flavour aside a la the points Lift/Wyrm made.
For one, if your gambit is to try and draw the NK...why are you trying to look scummier or make Wyrm look scummier? WIFOM and all, but generally scummier is
less likely to draw NK, all things considered.
Plus the tactical problem that, even if it works you've drawn fire onto yourself as town doctor, and kinda have to self-shield as insurance, even if the net impact of your gambit draws fire onto Wyrm instead and maybe he's PR? And if it works and they do kill Wyrm (might be PR, might not), doesn't the whole thing lead to you being forced to claim...D2? Having already protected yourself N1?
For two, if your gambit is to try and draw the NK, as the doctor, even if you're not sure the gambit is working why do you run off and protect Lift on a 50/50?
But I do appreciate the effort here.
Logically though...on first read this is really kinda strange to me.
elebutterfly: (What's a GF?) Damnation: Right, at the office making my last post for this game day - I won't have time to check in later.
Bookwyrm627: The claimed Town Doctor just walked away without voting anyone for anything. :-/
Also, @Bler: Was this claim what you were looking for on Day 2?
I'm so tired I barely remember yesterday. Refresh my memory?
But in the broadest sense no, I don't recall ever thinking "Hey, maybe damnation is doctor!"