So, here's the notes I compiled before Joe came and logic-bombed everyone except me and Yog. May as well get this out there.
Dang it. I knew there was another SPF note that I was forgetting.
If SPF is town, then why did he survive his L-1 wagon on D1? Was it just the role claim? Presumably all scum weren't on it; were they afraid to hammer? Need to review his wagon.
Also, forgot to add the Rabbit suspicion to Lift's slot. Rabbit had a spat of blatant role fishing, and a lot of sheeping during D1.
bler144: I wouldn't even say weaker - I don't even see how your conclusion logically follows your premise.
SPF suspects Flub/Ele/Wyrm publicly and scum don't kill him because they think he's on the wrong track, but unexpectedly he blocks N2 trent instead on a hunch and this makes D3 trent town...
how exactly?
Please, explain.
*squint* Hm. Add one, carry the three...
Well crap. You're right. It seemed to work in my head, but that side of the equation doesn't actually follow unless SPF was actively town reading the scum team.
bler144: I think you're oversimplifying.
*shrug* Could be. I'll take a look at Trent's context in the timeline you provided. Initial scan from 317 to 348 shows ZFR defending himself, with Trent indicating in 348 that he is coming to believe ZFR. As I recall, several of the questions directed at him seemed downright facetious to me.
Please make your "Trent is scum" case again? Who do you see as his scum teammates?
I'll try to make some time to look back over your Day 3 posts, to see what you've already said.
SirPrimalform: It's interesting that both Book and Trent are on there though.
I'm guessing that means "Are they W/W?"
Assume scum!Book and scum!Trent. In the context of everything, who do you see as our 3rd?
Lift was first on the wagon. I went ahead and joined a wagon on someone I think is scum after Yog expressed interest, and ZFR jumped on dropped pretty fast after me.
bler144: In a way I guess I'm to blame, but this surge to 5 votes is...quite interesting. I did not expect that. Ironically, I looked closer at Joe because of a bland observation adalia made, so it's interesting that I followed up first just to poke at him and now you're driving that train.
You mentioned Joe's voting in Post 1058(?). I was still catching up at the time; my Post 1099 was me taking a short break to rib Yogsloth about his Post 918.
I noticed Joe's lack of voting when I was reviewing the EOD 2 wagons, trying to figure out why I was only seeing 10 votes when there were 11 active players (Vitek dead, ZFR brigged). I would have brought it up even if it hadn't been mentioned yet.
Bookwyrm627: -Bler in 811 and 812 accuses Adalia of providing no reasoning for Adalia's cristi vote. Counter examples: Adalia's 627 (his opening post, no less) and 662.
bler144: Wait, you're giving me a hard time for questioning adalia on his cristi vote because I didn't recall something he said 150 posts earlier? That's...why I'm wolfy?
It was one of my problem points while reading your posts. Specific lines in response to your number (3) below.
bler144: He's not the only one who brought up names - Joe I believe did as well, in wondering if toasters have completely different name formats in which case they would have to potentially fake claim names as well.
I find the prospect unlikely, since that would be a game less about solving and more about scum guessing which names are unclaimed, but I don't find it particularly damning for either player to wonder either.
You mean Joe was also placing focus on flavor to hunt for cylons? Perish the thought!
Anyway, it wasn't Damnation last time dipping into flavor (briefly in 891, and more in depth in response to an Adalia flavor speculation).
In any event, I find flavor speculation to try and figure out game mechanics, and especially alignment in some fashion, to be a big dumpster fire. At that point, we're trying to out guess the mod to solve the game.
bler144: Ah, Bookwyrm. Good times, good times.
Layered in WIFOM, of course, but you basically just claimed not=cop, and probably not=VT, but you're not counter-claiming SPF even though you're throwing shade at him, so no one should be surprised when you're not tonight's NK because you're really Stump or something and no one will be surprised when mafia try to NK somewhere else.
Good thinking.
I enjoy playing with you because it's never dull.
I wrote what I meant to write. Drink up!
bler144: 4/5) are the same. If I had a protection role I would be literally all over SPF as soon as cristi claimed. Thus why I assumed that's what flub was doing.
Did you leave some breadcrumb or something in the thread about this suspicion of yours? If so, can you link it?
bler144: 3) I looked, I have no idea what you're talking about.
There isn't a great way to directly quote the relevant pieces, so I'll just stick them in ASCII quotes with post numbers.
Adalia, Post 627: "and cristi's crusade against him based on his 'pylon' seems misguided at best and wilful misrepresentation at worst. My read agree's with Vitek's, she has used it as an excuse to not do anything else for Day 1, which doesn't match with my meta read of cristi's play. To me she is firm scum."
Adalia, Post 662: "Lift's point about cristi claiming. I read it the same way. Time to prepare a claim screams of fake claim to me. I can see how you could interpret it the other way and just assume she didn't want to claim unless she absolutely had to, but it felt far more like scum stalling when I read it through."
Bler, 811: "Well, that's a lovely rational for voting generally. It does nothing to explain your specific vote. Similar to your post about JoeS, this seems to be an assertion of a viewpoint with nothing seemingly holding up said viewpoint. "
Bler, 812: "Or in adalia's case, just not bothering to explain at all, apparently."
bler144: unlike you I don't see an HSL/ZFR connection, considering ZFR never went past L-2 by my count, HSL couldn't have hammered there anyway. Even had the day been extended Joe shifting to cristi would have made ZFR L-3. So that part of your argument was also flawed.
Looking back with current knowledge, HSL 'cleared' the slot for me when he didn't try to finish Cristi. HSL's vote coming down on ZFR instead of Cristi doesn't say anything about ZFR's alignment.
bler144: That said, I'm back on ZFR partly because I'm town - Joe I think is town despite the votederp, if yogs is town...either ZFR ain't, or everybody was on the wagon. That's just how it looks from my chair.
Considering that Cristi pretty much rolled to lynch the whole Day without a serious counter wagon, is there any reason to assume all scum didn't help it move?
Looking back, it seems ZFR was on my wagon until he was finally brigged. Do you think scum!ZFR helped brig himself? Possible, but it seems kind of dubious to me.
bler144: 1) My distaste for being scum
bler144: I kinda view that as a cheap shot, frankly.
I'm aware of your distaste for being scum, and I know there are several other reasons for an energy drain. You're right; I retract the energy level mess.
bler144: (not me and you -I would never leave you, bookwyrm483!)
I'm Bookwyrm951!! You couldn't tell us apart!? BETRAYAL!
bler144: But I'm definitely (trying) to work for townvictorycondition!
Rah Rah Rah!
bler144: I find the swap problematic in general,
So...I'm not even sure what you're arguing.
Having tried the swap, I'm somewhat in agreement. It was one of those interesting experiments (and thank you for the opportunity, Poppy), but I don't think I'd try it again.
From this end, I had some issues in trying to figure out how to catch up and compile the data from a few different sources (game thread, adalia's notes from the QT, and figuring out how/where the admin thread issue fit into everything (doubly relevant, since I inherited Adalia's warning)). Also, there were things like the Day 2 questions sort-of-but-not-really addressed to me that Adalia couldn't quite answer; I could now that I'm back, but that's like week old news and does anyone still care?
Anyway. I'd say that any read you had on my slot from my play should have remained, whatever it was, especially since I was coming back. I'm not saying my double-replacement should have you should be reading me any particular way.
bler144: Can you clarify in detail how exactly your proposed scum!ZFR + scum!HSloth theory works?
Scum!ZFR doesn't implicate HSloth; there is no correlation in this direction.
Scum!HSloth implicates scum!ZFR; scum!HSloth has no reason to avoid a town!ZFR lynch wagon even if HSL's vote wouldn't have been the hammer (and perhaps doubly so if he can get on the wagon without being the hammer). That close to deadline, HSL would have been able to come up with even a flimsy excuse and expect it to hold up when combined with "we gotta lynch if we're going to!" pressure.
Lifthrasil: Either way, I'm quite surprised that you would do that. So why did you do it?
I can't seem to help myself. Gotta serve some wine somehow.
Lifthrasil: 2. Do you mean who else pushed to brig flub?
Yes. A lot of this was copied directly from my notes while rereading. The names right after that question (SPF, Joe, Ele) are the answer.
I noted it because it was one of the 'wagon' pushes that we had.