I'm a watcher; I breadcrumbed this several times
43 "see"
501 "watching this thread"
522 I hinted at having a role by asking if this was role madness; also stressed "looks".
To my shame, i didn't submit a night action; I thought the modkill resulted in no night actions (based on the last game I was in with a modkill). Imagine how upset I was with myself when I saw I could have had a night action.
Vitek: How do you feel about razza's claim?
I feel somewhat confident in it? No one has counter claimed it. Lift says she wasn't lying about him.
Ofc it is a rare role, which makes for an easier successful fake claim and she could have cleared her fellow scum.
But for now? I don't see voting her today?
Re the lovers, I think Joe leans shady and cat looks towny. If it wasn't for catv suggesting it, I'd be more uncomfortable. I'd prefer Joe to cat because Joe looks worse. I know catv said she'd die if Joe dies, (I'm on mobile and looking is hard) i don't recall if the reverse is true.
Re lift: yes, dk, rzaba, yourself, and myself have/had all claimed "town pr" without giving details. I could ask you the exact same question as to your motive.
@ambitionz, you maybe knew Catte as SirPrimalForm.
@frost so is pookas crumbs unsatisfactory at best. I had more copies of equally weak crumbs "see" "watch" etc on d1 but I thought crumbs were going out of vogue and so didn't really bother.
Why claim? Because I'm at L-2, and if there are two scum and not in my wagon, I'm dead, and if I've more person votes for me and 1 scum hadn't voted yet for me, in dead, and I'm afk all day Sundays anyway, so if it don't claim now we don't have time to hunt scum before end of day 2.
Honestly, claiming to watch an action less role who isn't suspected by many or any is very easy for scum to fake imo.
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