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supplementscene: So in a previous game I was Mafia with Trent. I tried to get mislynches by going around accusing people of being Mafia. He thought my behaviour was too scummy and to look Town he started a wagon on me and I got lynched. In theory if Joppo or MrKrabsWallet were my Scumbuddy they may look Town by getting me lynched and having me flip Mafia.
Well, this is interesting. :/
I'd very much we vote either GR or joppo; but scene himself is giving ''helpful'' statements.
On one hand ''I don't see anything scummy about me.''
On the other hand ''No, no atlo! You're WIFOM is wrong! I very much could be mafia!''


I appreciate him trying to school me that - yes, conspiracy theories are actually very real!
On the other hand - how is this supposed to help?

His main defense about not being scum is - 2 other players thought I was town.

a) We already explained about CatV.
b) Scene might not have been certain you are scum, but he also wasn't certain you are town. He was also wrong about micro bring TN.
c) Micro could not have hammered even if he wanted to - I had retracted my vote and gone offline.

Fortunately for you:
Atlo: The thing about Scene is - you don't have to find things that make him look scummy. He does that by default. :/

In scenes case you have to look for things that make him town.
Atlo: If Scene = Town -> he will try to catch mafia his way
After your giant game flow write-up I was about to ask you: ''Oh, wise nymph of the lake - what conclusions have you drawn?''
You actually did draw some conclusions.

I won't argue about the method of re-typing the entire game-flow.... but that is a Town!scene sign.


GR/joppo - Seeing as how I had concluded both of you are scum there was never really a reason to go over your posts.
If I am to entertain the idea that my WIFOM is wrong - that also means I must entertain the idea that one of you is the other townie, and the other is scene's scumbuddy... even though I just stated scene looks Town...

This is complicated... Expect the next post in 24-30 hours.
(Provided I cannot manage to organise my thoughts tomorrow. I conveyed my thoughts terribly in this post.)
supplementscene: From my analysis of yesterday. MrKrabsWallet did far more analysis than I initially realised. And some of it was pretty good - although I still suspect him.
Hmm, this could be scum trying to buddy up to me, but could also be I ask now:
of the analysis I did, what things were pretty good and why?
(I don't want a wall o' text in response to the above, just a quick summary if/when you have time)
Atlo: GR/joppo - Seeing as how I had concluded both of you are scum there was never really a reason to go over your posts.
If one is town, there is ALWAYS a reason to go over other player's posts....even if one suspects them to be scum.
One of them, for example, is: one's reads could be wrong
(and if one is wrong about a player, that player's reads/posts could help later on to find scum and win the game)

Atlo: This is complicated... Expect the next post in 24-30 hours.
(Provided I cannot manage to organise my thoughts tomorrow. I conveyed my thoughts terribly in this post.)
K :)

By the way, I am also feeling ok on voting Joppo to-day(cuz maybe i'm wrong and Scene is town, etc)
What would/will you do and think when I pull something like say, this:

Vote Joppo



(note to Pooka: the above is definitely a legit vote)
MrKrabsWallet: By the way, I am also feeling ok on voting Joppo to-day(cuz maybe i'm wrong and Scene is town, etc)
What would/will you do and think when I pull something like say, this:

Vote Joppo
Huh. I'd ask you to remove your vote for now. I'm writing my replies but it's a lot of stuff to read and organize. I have two days worth to sift through, and not the kind of day that barely anybody posts.

In the meantime, if you're Town you put me in position of being quickhammered. Please give me the chance to defend myself.
(To be honest tho, I'm getting a bit tired. Maybe I should just let myself be voted out and end the game now. It will be a scum victory, but whatever... in the end the real monster is not them, it is that jerk Stuart who wants us back from Home Office)
Sorry for the size of this post but I had A LOT to catch up to.

supplementscene: @Pooka are you sure there isn't 3 Scum left and they've already won? Put me out of my misery......surely there can't be another Town player left
If this is not an AtE I don't know what is.

Microfish_1: @atlo
Why do you say "It can't be joppo because you both were at each others throat the entire day. "? Why couldn't Scene and Joppo have been arguing all day to buy time and town points for each other? Yes, it is safer and saner to not bus someone that hard--which would make for a perfect scum hail mary ploy! Explain please.
It's a bit meta but I'd be so much in the edge if I was bussing like that I'm not sure I could do it without having a nervous breakdown.
For what it's worth I know it can't be joppo+Scene because I'm not in the scumteam. I admit I still hold a tiny doubt that maybe my conflict with Scene was TxT, tho. But for that to be true the scum would be GR and Atlo... TBH I didn't give that pairing much thought so far. Could it be they have been hiding under my nose? I think I need to reread their interactions for signs of scummity, but right now I'd rather prioritize the other two pairs.

Atlo: I won't vote against you. You can't be mafia.
If you were - we would have to ask ourselves - what is your scumbuddy doing?!

Let's look at the vote progression at twilight if you were mafia:

It can't be joppo because you both were at each others throat the entire day.
It can't be GR because at 1-1-1 vote there would be no reason for him to cast a vote on his scummbuddy.
It can't be me because at 2-1-1 I would not put my scummbuddy at L-1.


This all leaves us at:

GR & joppo are both scum.

The only question is - whom do we vote for first?
While at first I like the idea of trying to dismiss pairings that don't work shown above the fact that it ends in a falsehood means there's a wrong assumption somewhere.
Starting with the theory that scum!Atlo wouldn't vote scum!Scene. If in your eyes Scene's lynch was all but unavoidable I see no reason why you would not buss him. Then Lift comes up with the idea of the NL and you suddenly realize there's a way out.
The GR theory holds a bit more water, but even that is not airtight. But I agree the Scene-GR scum pairing looks less likely than others.
Even the theory that regards me isn't a certainty. I have been so perfectly bussed by Dedo in a past game which cemented his (already towny) reputation in that game that he could lynch everyone he wanted. After that it takes a lot to convince me a conflict can't be MxM. (Tho I know this isn't the case in this game, of course. But you can't know that.)

supplementscene: MrKrabsWallet points to Joppo's long post and votes Joppo. So Atlo and MrKrabsWallet found Day 1s late wall of text post Scummy on Day 2 - why did my Joppo wagon not take off on Day 3 guys?

Joppo - Post 122 - lots of none game chat, set up chat, defends his post chat. But is he solving the game? He votes for Micro based on him being lurky.
I think it's only obvious why defending a previous post of mine was important. If I was going to be wrongly judged in that post why shouldn't I correct other people's view of them?

And you say that I wasn't solving the game BUT that wall-of-text was exactly an attempt at that... which was misjudged based not in its content but in the fact that I couldn't post it before twilight.
(Well, that and the fact that I voted Maxleod after the lynch, which understandably can appear weird. But weird doesn't necessarily equal scummy. Anyway, I learned the lesson in early D2 that I should have just lurked rather than post my reads during D1 twilight. It doesn't help solve the game but at least looks less scummy.)

Back to my defence in #122, since my EoD1 wall-of-text was solving the game, by extension so was its defence. It was meant to redirect people that were judging it based on its odd timing to judge it based on its content. And I suppose I succeeded at that, which at least partially answers why your wagon on me did not take off.

Also: you ask why my wagon didn't take off but you're ignoring (or pretending to forget) that I had just pointed out something really strange about how fast CatV turned from your main suspect to undisputable townie. Your answer of that has not stopped looking off BTW. I'm just not pushing the point anymore because there's only so much to discover by asking the same question in 4 different ways.
So my wagon did not take off because there was enough reason to suspect that you were scum.

Atlo: joppo, however, has not interacted with scene since the end of Day 3.
To be fair: By the time you posted this I hadn't had much of a chance to interact with anyone. I shot Micro a important question and didn't have a chance to touch the game until a few hours ago.

supplementscene: In theory if Joppo or MrKrabsWallet were my Scumbuddy they may look Town by getting me lynched and having me flip Mafia. The thing is though CatV messaged me because she thought I was Town. Lift didn't vote for me because he thought I was Town. Micro also didn't want to hammer me. I didn't want to vote for Yogs because I correctly thought he was Town. I genuinely don't think I look scummy. But it is a game of the unknown afterall.
And to be honest, this post feels towny. Hmmm. Maybe I should take a closer look at the Atlo+GR pair.

supplementscene: From my analysis of yesterday. MrKrabsWallet did far more analysis than I initially realised. And some of it was pretty good - although I still suspect him
Funny, I don't see where you point out good analysis from GR/MKW. This looks more like you're trying to pocket him than that you truly believe it. BTW, you never answered GR's question in #292

Pre-post edit: I just saw GR himself thinks this post deserves elaborating upon.

supplementscene: My main take away was that Joppo seems to be the one hiding in plain sight and not really solving the game. For me the scumteam is either Joppo and MrKrabsWallet or Joppo and Atlo. If Town loses by lynching Joppo I will be a bit surprised.
I admit I didn't play my best game so far. Part of that is due to a lack of free time, part was laziness. For example during our Christmas break I could have spent those days rereading the previous Day... but instead I played my Steam games while I could before Steam stopped working on my Win7. And in recent days I have been having busier days than I usually faced at work.
Not to mention that the office's firewall now blocks Gog. (To circumvent it I have to set my phone as a wifi router. I also have to disconnect the network cable because else the firewall somehow intrudes in the connection and blocks it. This means I can't work in paralell with using Gog.) So I barely log into it from work these days and this reflects on how much I can dedicate to reading the game.

That said, I also think my in-game reputation suffered because my absence yesterday meant I couldn't defend myself. It seems that your posts combined with my lack of defense have been enough to convince GR at least.

Final though: I'd like to see what Micro thinks. t will be good to see reads from someone we don't have to second-guess.
joppo: Huh. I'd ask you to remove your vote for now. I'm writing my replies but it's a lot of stuff to read and organize. I have two days worth to sift through, and not the kind of day that barely anybody posts.
No problem m8

Unvote Joppo

(bigger reply maybe to come in a bit)
joppo: I have two days worth to sift through, and not the kind of day that barely anybody posts.
Yeah, sorry about that(seeing as a large chunk of those posts recently were mine).

joppo: In the meantime, if you're Town you put me in position of being quickhammered. Please give me the chance to defend myself.
(To be honest tho, I'm getting a bit tired. Maybe I should just let myself be voted out and end the game now. It will be a scum victory, but whatever... in the end the real monster is not them, it is that jerk Stuart who wants us back from Home Office)
Agreed, you should be given that chance. That said, two things:

I must admit I am feeling a bit exasperated and whatnot, like in those film/show/game plots where there are two identical people(one being a criminal or monster/alien in disguise perhaps) and a third person has to determine which to remove from the equation. In essence, I know one of you two has to be scum, and at this point my mind doesn't know quite which way to go and how to commit.

p.s. I find it interesting that in your next post(post 320) you say something of Scene's seems like an ATE, as this post(post 319) could be read as a possible ATE as well.

joppo: Funny, I don't see where you point out good analysis from GR/MKW. This looks more like you're trying to pocket him than that you truly believe it. BTW, you never answered GR's question in #292
Exactly.....recently Scene seemed to fail to elaborate on that point and a few other things re: me(which I mentioned in earlier posts) beyond basic generalized statements.
Continuing Day 2


Yogs has an OMGUS read on Atlo think he was opportunistic and scummy

Post 168 - Scene points out Yogs supposed role claim, was actually him talking about Pooka's flavour chat and not a role claim. In the flavour Pooka writes that Yogs is the owner of a flight simulator. Cat reads this but doesn't change her vote

Post 171 - MrKrabsWallet reads my post but still sees it a good reason to vote for Yogsloth putting him at L2 - Atlo is the other vote, which I may have missed

Could Atlo and GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet) be using the weight of the Scum wagon here?

Post 174 - Scene votes MrKrabsWallet for his Day 1 voting

Post 179 - MrKrabsWallet asks cat if my last post was odd

Post 191 - Yogs says: I gave Atlo a "bad man" read on me for what I felt was a really opportunistic vote, and then I walked it back when I saw he had at least spoken about me earlier. However, since he made that vote, he hasn't been back since. It's not a good look at all. I can't give a town read here.


Post 196 - Scene changes wagon to Microfish, hoping to get Lift and Joppo back on board. Yogs was more town to me than Micro at this stage.

Posy 198 - Atlo talks out of game with Yogs in response to the accusation. Deflection perhaps? He also explains Yogs didn't answer questions, which was true.

Post 199 - Joppo asks me why I've changed my opinion on Cat V from her being scum to her being most town.

Post 200 - Scene explains why CatV looks so Town on Day 2 as opposed to thinking she had fallen into my trap on Day 1

Post 203 - Joppo says my change of opinion on CatV isn't natural. CatV has basically outed Town in her analysis on Day 2, how is it not natural? Is this genuine Town thinking from Joppo? I'm not sure, but he could have hammered

Joppo asks me not to hammer

Post 205 Scene - Vote Yogsloth - this should be hammer. I don't want to get too tired where I forget to change my vote, which happened last game when the Day end was too late for me. If I changed my vote to Sage we actually would of won that game. She partly managed to appeal to emotion with me too though.

Now this is important because either Joppo and/or MrKrabsWallet stated I didn't say I was tired when I was hammered when I clearly did
- We will go over Day 3 next in an attempt to solve
I'm starting to read Day 3 and I'm in the middle of a long post on it. And I think I was wrong. I was sure Joppo was the most Scummy, but he isn't, I think he was attempting game solving. I'm not totally sure.

Anyway I think Atlo has the most scummy post on this whole game on Day 3 - I wonder if anyone else can pinpoint it too

I think it's Atlo and MrKrabsWallet now.
joppo: Funny, I don't see where you point out good analysis from GR/MKW. This looks more like you're trying to pocket him than that you truly believe it. BTW, you never answered GR's question in #292
I'm focusing on my catch on of Day 2 and 3. You can see I've made plenty of analysis of every poster who's not confirmed in those re-read posts. I don't have to reply to 292 to already have already answered it indirectly. I didn't realise how much GR put in. But I still think him and Atlo are the scum team as of now. Just look how the wagons grew on Yogs and myself. Both Atlo and Gameranker voted in the 2nd and 3rd spots, making any other wagon untenable. Both yourself and I wanted different wagons to Yogs because we town read him.

From your POV Scene, Gameranker and Atlo have 2 Mafia players.

BTW if we lynch Scum today (Atlo or Gameranker), either myself or Micro will die tonight. Probably me. That's because Gameranker is sheeping you by using endearing terms such as 'mate'. Notice Gameranker suggested and in fact did vote for you earlier. He knows if I vote for you that Atlo can hammer you. And they both equally happy to lynch me yesterday. Also note Atlo said Gameranker was scummy on Day 3 but never voted for him.
supplementscene: Post 171 - MrKrabsWallet reads my post but still sees it a good reason to vote for Yogsloth putting him at L2 - Atlo is the other vote, which I may have missed
fwiw: I believe I was tunneling on Yogs at that time, and as such they appeared scummy to me...hence my vote to try and catch scum.

supplementscene: Now this is important because either Joppo and/or MrKrabsWallet stated I didn't say I was tired when I was hammered when I clearly did
You mean when you hammered, I you were never hammered o.0

supplementscene: I'm starting to read Day 3 and I'm in the middle of a long post on it. And I think I was wrong. I was sure Joppo was the most Scummy, but he isn't, I think he was attempting game solving. I'm not totally sure.
First you suspect Joppo and want to hammer them, and now you're not sure. And I thought I was flip floppy sometimes :D

Joking emoticons aside, the point above is meant a serious that I seem to have interest in voting Joppo you seem to not want to as much. If i'm correct on my assumption I ask: why is that?

supplementscene: I'm focusing on my catch on of Day 2 and 3. You can see I've made plenty of analysis of every poster who's not confirmed in those re-read posts. I don't have to reply to 292 to already have already answered it indirectly. I didn't realise how much GR put in. But I still think him and Atlo are the scum team as of now. Just look how the wagons grew on Yogs and myself. Both Atlo and Gameranker voted in the 2nd and 3rd spots, making any other wagon untenable. Both yourself and I wanted different wagons to Yogs because we town read him.
And now you seem(key word...could be an act...I dunno) to be trying to pocket Joppo...

supplementscene: That's because Gameranker is sheeping you by using endearing terms such as 'mate'. Notice Gameranker suggested and in fact did vote for you earlier. He knows if I vote for you that Atlo can hammer you.
...while seeming to try and paint me as some master mafia player with all them strategies.
And all that, even though you seemed to be saying I was playing poor earlier.

So which is it? Am I playing well this game or not trying? And if im playing well, then how(details plz)?
Am I a supposed scum trying to hide in plain sight or sticking out like a sore thumb with my plays?


For now, my mind is made up...(hopefully?)no more flip flopping:

Vote Scene

Joey sits back as a familiar tune starts to play, rubbing his temples as he waits to see if he's right, or if the world burns
MrKrabsWallet: First you suspect Joppo and want to hammer them, and now you're not sure. And I thought I was flip floppy sometimes :D
Yes I did because unlike yourself I'm re-reading and trying to solve the game because I'm Town.

You've voted for me and Joppo today because you just want to lynch Town to win. You need 1 of us onside to win.

You're desperate now because if we lynch you or Atlo today. Micro only has to solve who's scum between Joppo and you or Atlo on the final day. Providing Micro doesn't fuck up in that decision Town wins.

The only issue is Micro may not read everything thoroughly enough with his lack of time.
Atlo: Goddammit.

I'm not particularly enthralled about the idea that my 2 most ''give off weird feels, but have been playing reasonably well'' players are casting a vote on my ''Has been acting scummy, but that's his default state'' player. :(

As it is - casting a vote on the scummiest player does seem like a reasonable thing to do, no? :(
You can't actually tell me mafia will manage to make this far without slipping up.

There is something to be said about this regarding scene. If he does, indeed, flip scum:
Atlo: This would mean Scene's playstyle has evolved... and not only by just a little bit, but made a quantum leap to -- scum-scene pretending to be town acting scummy on purpose
Atlo: While not exactly a quantum leap it would mean that scene's playstyle has evolved!
2,9 days is where he is virtually indistinguishable from a pure townie.
Day 3 is where his facade begins to brake down -- me pointing out 1 single tell that town!scene wouldn't make was enough for him to panic and proclaim ''YOU ARE SCUM!!!''

After that he made a few more blunders that I'm not eager to search up. The most recent one though was:
supplementscene: If we lynch the other faction we lead.
Atlo: From mafias perspective - it does not matter whom you lynch: townie or neutral. Both assure a victory.

To his credit - he also managed to post things that make him look very towny. So towny in fact that I was very hesitant to cast this vote. But here's the next thing - a NL is a guaranteed mafia-win, no? As it stands his wagon is currently the ''biggest'' one with 2 votes. We need 4 votes for a lynch. The next big wagons are both at 1 vote each. What are the chances of getting 3 people to move? As it stands - I'm betting on Scene's playstyle having evolved. Not astronomically, but substantially.

If you are Town - apologies - you did good.
If you are Mafia - applause - you did good.
I think this is the Scummiest post in the game. He votes for me after saying 'If you are Town - apologies - you did good.'

If you're Town you vote for someone because they seem Scum. If they look like Scum, they did not do well as a town player.

Furthermore Atlo is incorrect. A no lynch is not a Mafia win. A misslynch is a loss though. Did he pretend to not know this?

Micro said Lift said a no lynch is optimal for Town. We know 2 Mafia players were on my wagon. We know the confirmed Town and the neutral was off my wagon. So Atlo ignore Lift saying a no lynch is optimal, for why? Because he's scum

And I thought Atlo was most Town out of the unsolved players at the beggining of today. He's a very good player if he's Scum I have to say.
supplementscene: Yes I did because unlike yourself I'm re-reading and trying to solve the game because I'm Town.
But wait, didn't you say earlier that I did good analysis and was trying to solve the game?
So then which is it, am I trying(or appear to be trying) to solve or not?

supplementscene: You've voted for me and Joppo today because you just want to lynch Town to win. You need 1 of us onside to win.
I believe scum can also win if we end in a nolynch somehow as well.


That said, I would love to see the holdouts(Micro/etc) start reading into the game and casting a vote ASAP. The clock is ticking, and i'd rather see Micro + Co. at least make an attempt to win rather than letting the ball drop due to inaction.
Day 3

Post 222 - Atlo speculates why and how Mafia may have been able to . Why does he speculate? It doesn't help solve the game. Is it deflection because he knows why CatV was lynched?

We're also told people speculating about such things instead of solving are scummy.

Atlo says Yogs flipping town was unexpected. Was it though? I thought Yogs was town. Then he says:

a) admit YogS is a low-hanging fruit and join in on the wagon?
b) realize YogS will flip Town and abstain from voting?

If he's Scum he know he did B) but he does raise the point that it may be good not to be on the wagon too

Post 223 - I misread Atlo's post and mistakenly say he's missed that Mafia have a rolecop. I then make a load of speculation about this, which is irrelevant given I was mistake. Pretty poor post on my part

Post 224 - I call Micro being alternate faction. This means I'm solving the game, should make me look Town

Post 225 - Atlo calls Micro the second most scummiest player based on:

a) His vote on maxleod on Day 1
b) Him questioning Pooka

The most interesting player, in the sense I believe to be scummy, -- MrKrabsWallet!!! - So why wouldn't he vote for him on Day 3?

Even though all his posts up until now how the outwardly appearance of being ''helpful/informative'' on closer inspection - they are not.

Then he says

Scene is all over the place!!! <_>
And as much as I would/should find vote-hopping scummy... there is something... scene about all this...

Then he looks at my mistake on Mafia having a rolecop:

Does not look like town!scene.

Post 226 - I make a not entirely OMGUS vote on Joppo but make it incorrectly so it does not count. I believe CatV reading me Town should offer the Town team so Town points. Maybe I'm wrong

Post 227 - Joppo yet again scumreads me because of my turnaround on CatV. He speculates whether she had whispered to me on Night 1, which she hadn't. He thinks I'm rolecop.....My re-read makes me think he's trying to solve now.

And I'm not finishing Day 3 because I'm tired now - yes it's only 6pm here but I'm still tired - I've skimmed it enough to decide GameRanker and Atlo are the Scum. It's pretty obvious to me at this stage. They've jumped on the town wagon time and again as soon as it got going in opportunistic fashion.

Let's just hope Micro and Joppo see this.

Let's hope if Joppo was the town player saying I wasn't tired when I hammered then he re-reads.