Sorry for the size of this post but I had A LOT to catch up to.
supplementscene: @Pooka are you sure there isn't 3 Scum left and they've already won? Put me out of my misery......surely there can't be another Town player left If this is not an AtE I don't know what is.
Microfish_1: @atlo Why do you say "It can't be joppo because you both were at each others throat the entire day. "? Why couldn't Scene and Joppo have been arguing all day to buy time and town points for each other? Yes, it is safer and saner to not bus someone that hard--which would make for a perfect scum hail mary ploy! Explain please.
It's a bit meta but I'd be so much in the edge if I was bussing like that I'm not sure I could do it without having a nervous breakdown.
For what it's worth I know it can't be joppo+Scene because I'm not in the scumteam. I admit I still hold a tiny doubt that maybe my conflict with Scene was TxT, tho. But for that to be true the scum would be GR and Atlo... TBH I didn't give that pairing much thought so far. Could it be they have been hiding under my nose? I think I need to reread their interactions for signs of scummity, but right now I'd rather prioritize the other two pairs.
Atlo: I won't vote against you. You can't be mafia.
If you were - we would have to ask ourselves - what is your scumbuddy doing?!
Let's look at the vote progression at twilight
if you were mafia:
It can't be joppo because you both were at each others throat the entire day.
It can't be GR because at 1-1-1 vote there would be no reason for him to cast a vote on his scummbuddy.
It can't be me because at 2-1-1 I would not put my scummbuddy at L-1.
This all leaves us at:
GR & joppo are both scum.
The only question is - whom do we vote for first?
While at first I like the idea of trying to dismiss pairings that don't work shown above the fact that it ends in a falsehood means there's a wrong assumption somewhere.
Starting with the theory that scum!Atlo wouldn't vote scum!Scene. If in your eyes Scene's lynch was all but unavoidable I see no reason why you would not buss him. Then Lift comes up with the idea of the NL and you suddenly realize there's a way out.
The GR theory holds a bit more water, but even that is not airtight. But I agree the Scene-GR scum pairing looks less likely than others.
Even the theory that regards me isn't a certainty. I have been so perfectly bussed by Dedo in a past game which cemented his (already towny) reputation in that game that he could lynch everyone he wanted. After that it takes a lot to convince me a conflict can't be MxM. (Tho I know this isn't the case in this game, of course. But you
can't know that.)
supplementscene: MrKrabsWallet points to Joppo's long post and votes Joppo. So Atlo and MrKrabsWallet found Day 1s late wall of text post Scummy on Day 2 - why did my Joppo wagon not take off on Day 3 guys?
Joppo - Post 122 - lots of none game chat, set up chat, defends his post chat. But is he solving the game? He votes for Micro based on him being lurky.
I think it's only obvious why defending a previous post of mine was important. If I was going to be wrongly judged in that post why shouldn't I correct other people's view of them?
And you say that I wasn't solving the game BUT that wall-of-text was exactly an attempt at that... which was misjudged based not in its content but in the fact that I couldn't post it before twilight.
(Well, that and the fact that I voted Maxleod after the lynch, which understandably can appear weird. But weird doesn't necessarily equal scummy. Anyway, I learned the lesson in early D2 that I should have just lurked rather than post my reads during D1 twilight. It doesn't help solve the game but at least looks less scummy.) Back to my defence in #122, since my EoD1 wall-of-text was solving the game, by extension so was its defence. It was meant to redirect people that were judging it based on its odd timing to judge it based on its content. And I suppose I succeeded at that, which at least partially answers why your wagon on me did not take off.
Also: you ask why my wagon didn't take off but you're ignoring (or pretending to forget) that I had just pointed out something really strange about how fast CatV turned from your main suspect to undisputable townie. Your answer of that has not stopped looking off BTW. I'm just not pushing the point anymore because there's only so much to discover by asking the same question in 4 different ways.
So my wagon did not take off because there was enough reason to suspect that you were scum.
Atlo: joppo, however, has not interacted with scene since the end of Day 3.
To be fair: By the time you posted this I hadn't had much of a chance to interact with
anyone. I shot Micro a important question and didn't have a chance to touch the game until a few hours ago.
supplementscene: In theory if Joppo or MrKrabsWallet were my Scumbuddy they may look Town by getting me lynched and having me flip Mafia. The thing is though CatV messaged me because she thought I was Town. Lift didn't vote for me because he thought I was Town. Micro also didn't want to hammer me. I didn't want to vote for Yogs because I correctly thought he was Town. I genuinely don't think I look scummy. But it is a game of the unknown afterall.
And to be honest, this post feels towny. Hmmm. Maybe I should take a closer look at the Atlo+GR pair.
supplementscene: From my analysis of yesterday. MrKrabsWallet did far more analysis than I initially realised. And some of it was pretty good - although I still suspect him
Funny, I don't see where you point out good analysis from GR/MKW. This looks more like you're trying to pocket him than that you truly believe it. BTW, you never answered GR's question in #292
Pre-post edit: I just saw GR himself thinks this post deserves elaborating upon.
supplementscene: My main take away was that Joppo seems to be the one hiding in plain sight and not really solving the game. For me the scumteam is either Joppo and MrKrabsWallet or Joppo and Atlo. If Town loses by lynching Joppo I will be a bit surprised.
I admit I didn't play my best game so far. Part of that is due to a lack of free time, part was laziness. For example during our Christmas break I
could have spent those days rereading the previous Day... but instead I played my Steam games while I could before Steam stopped working on my Win7. And in recent days I have been having busier days than I usually faced at work.
Not to mention that the office's firewall now blocks Gog. (To circumvent it I have to set my phone as a wifi router. I also have to disconnect the network cable because else the firewall somehow intrudes in the connection and blocks it. This means I can't work in paralell with using Gog.) So I barely log into it from work these days and this reflects on how much I can dedicate to reading the game.
That said, I also think my in-game reputation suffered because my absence yesterday meant I couldn't defend myself. It seems that your posts combined with my lack of defense have been enough to convince GR at least.
Final though: I'd like to see what Micro thinks. t will be good to see reads from someone we don't have to second-guess.