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Day 2 to resume after my final Day 1 thought - Atlo said he finds CatV impossible to read as Scum, when she is, so that made her a potential lynch. CatV doesn't like this. Atlo does sound Towny, but could this be a good lynch as Scum? Maybe.

So Day 2 Analysis at last (I'll ignore the town on town violence and discuss the players alive)

Yogs confirmed Town notes 'Vote GamezRanker' - does Yogs find GR too lurky?

Joppo starts day in post 104 by discussing set up. Trent often says Scum do this to look busy

Confirmed Town Lift notes GR was as lurky as Max on Day 1

Atlo notes he finds Joppo's wall of text analysis to be scummy post 108. Post 108 is good, he notes I got Trent and Lift confused - it means he is reading the whole thread and trying to solve. This looks like Town

MrKrabsWallet points to Joppo's long post and votes Joppo. So Atlo and MrKrabsWallet found Day 1s late wall of text post Scummy on Day 2 - why did my Joppo wagon not take off on Day 3 guys? The other interesting thing is he links to it but doesn't quote it. This kind of makes it harder to see Joppos text without clicking

MrKrabsWallet then suspects confirmed Town Yogs and says 'it makes me wonder if my "Yogs is mafia and was subtly pushing for Max's wagon quite a bit" - note Yogs has 1 vote on him at this time

MrKrabsWallet then like me reads Atlo as Town for the same reason.

MrKrabsWallet on Post 115 does a deep dive on 2 posts of Dead Trent......Yes indeed and he leaned to Trent being Town. Did he really do this? Or is this LAMIST. I know I always look who's died at day start? Can someone really get into the day and not know who got lynched? Is this believable?

MrKrabsWallet in Post 116 claims RVS vote on Scene on Day 1 and partly to lighten the mood. This is bad, but then he says in post 295 'My day 1 vote was(in part) RVS and part gut. How was it scummy to you?' - This is treblely bad. Because:

A) You shouldn't but on an RVS vote at the end of day - he asks how that is scummy
B) Then he contradicts himself and says it was part gut. I thought it was just RVS and to lighten the mood. That is also scummy.

MrKrabsWallet Post 118 analyses a few CatV posts, yet it's very superfiscial

MrKrabsWallet Post 120 again says Micro leans scummy, points to his vote on Max and speculates on a Micro Yos scumteam. Almost like he's setting up his vote on Yogs after CatV has her tunnel vision on him.

MrKrabsWallet Post 121

Current leans list
(town to scum)



Joppo - interestingly he never voted for Joppo again despite this

Joppo - Post 122 - lots of none game chat, set up chat, defends his post chat. But is he solving the game? He votes for Micro based on him being lurky.

MrKrabsWallet Post 123 - chats with Joppo mainly about out of game chat. This out of game convo and Joppo's defense of his post seemed to make Joppo town for him, is this genuine? Votes for Confirmed Town Yogsloth. 1 of the players he has not yet done any analysis of at all. He also agrees with Joppo that Micro's lurkyness is suspect.

SupplementScene Post 129 - I point out Yogs maybe Town and he role hinted because it may divert Night Kill attention away from power roles. I also speculate if town

MrKrabsWallet Post 130 - he points out Yogs can't be the Friendly Neighbour or someone would be vouching for him - this is true. But MrKrabsWallet is not correct that Yogs had role hinted. At this stage I hadn't realised but Yogs was referring to his flight sim game in Pookas flavour. Yet both MrKrabsWallet and CatV are certain Yogs has role hinted.

Atlo Post 131 - notes Scene, Joppo and MrKrabswallet have all come through with their posts. The irony LOL

Atlo Post 132: CatVenturer, Lift, SupplementScene - all these seem to have a vested interest in weeding out mafia.
That leaves micro, joppo, yogsloth in my suspect pool.
Out of these I find yogsloth to be scummiest.

You may have noticed I did not put/enter MrKrabsWallet in either pool. Apologies, but I am cautios of strangers. =P

Atlo - makes his fake vote on Yogs a real vote, making him L1. He says he thinks Yogs is evading questions, this is fair tbh. I was begging Yogs to give better replies as I had him town. It's not the deepest analysis from Atlo all the same

MrKrabsWallet Post 135 - unvotes to give Yogs time to explain himself and not get hammered.

Town Yogs Post 138 thinks MrKrabsWallet catch up posts are good

Town Lift Post 144 asks @Krabs: you said that the friendly neighbour didn't contact anyone. Why do you assume that? Hmmm good point Lift.

MrKrabsWallet Post 146 explains to Lift, he think the Town player would have vouched for Yogs already. BUT he could only truly know if the Mafia rolecop found CatV or Yogs role. CatV dies night 2 - did they find her on night 1 and this is why he knows Yogs didn't contact anyone?

Joppo - post 150. Briefly defends his post, which seems reasonable. Unvotes Micro because of real life issues. Speculates about the set up after losing Jailkeeper to MrKrabswallet. Is he trying to look busy while not solving? It really looks like it Joppo

NOTE - Joppo finds Micro scummy for not being available to game. But he never found MrKrabsWallet scummy when he was the joint most lurky player. Micro is now confirmed Neutral.

to be continued............................
supplementscene: Joppo starts day in post 104 by discussing set up. Trent often says Scum do this to look busy
Interesting point...

supplementscene: Confirmed Town Lift notes GR was as lurky as Max on Day 1
Gonna clear this up now....this was in part due to IRL stuff(busy/ bad?)
This is evidenced in part by my frantic attempt to try and catch up on D2(do some reads/leans/etc).

supplementscene: MrKrabsWallet points to Joppo's long post and votes Joppo. So Atlo and MrKrabsWallet found Day 1s late wall of text post Scummy on Day 2 - why did my Joppo wagon not take off on Day 3 guys?
I forget when it started exactly, but around that time I had started to suspect you more, so my focus got taken somewhat off of Joppo/etc and onto you.....also that's around when I started to suspect you more, as such I was hesitant to jump on the wagon you were on.

supplementscene: MrKrabsWallet then suspects confirmed Town Yogs and says 'it makes me wonder if my "Yogs is mafia and was subtly pushing for Max's wagon quite a bit" - note Yogs has 1 vote on him at this time
1. They of course weren't confirmed town at the time
2. I suspected them at the time, hence my vote/etc

supplementscene: MrKrabsWallet on Post 115 does a deep dive on 2 posts of Dead Trent......Yes indeed and he leaned to Trent being Town. Did he really do this? Or is this LAMIST. I know I always look who's died at day start? Can someone really get into the day and not know who got lynched? Is this believable?
In my rush to catch up and do some attempt at solving on D2, I skimmed a bunch and yes....forgot to check who had been laid off the night before. And yeh, this of course means squat as I cannot prove it, so take it all with the usual grain of sodium choloride.

supplementscene: MrKrabsWallet Post 118 analyses a few CatV posts, yet it's very superfiscial
Maybe compared to others attempts at such.....with me that's actually putting extra effort in :D

supplementscene: Town Lift Post 144 asks @Krabs: you said that the friendly neighbour didn't contact anyone. Why do you assume that? Hmmm good point Lift.
Note I also thought at one point the FN was one shot. Point being I haven't been attentive enough this game.

Aside: thought you'd gone off without replying to the stuff I recently posted, but you'd actually been writing a wall o' text analysis style reply. Thoughts on it aside, I should probably(for now):

Unvote Scene
MrKrabsWallet: Aside: thought you'd gone off without replying to the stuff I recently posted, but you'd actually been writing a wall o' text analysis style reply. Thoughts on it aside, I should probably(for now):
Yes I did say I was doing a breakdown. Do you have any thought's on Atlo and Joppo's posts that I highlighted? I'm going to try and finish the rest of Day 2 tonight, but I may get tired
supplementscene: Yes I did say I was doing a breakdown.
Better to do one than to have one, I always say.
But yeah, you mind saw "53 minutes since last post" and "offline" tho, and jumped to conclusions.

supplementscene: Do you have any thought's on Atlo and Joppo's posts that I highlighted?
Well I did say above that you might have a point about Joppo's post 104. Beyond that...

Re: Joppo post 122: dunno if i'm remembering this right, but I believe Joppo knows that "lurky posting" is more or less Micro's style. So yeah, maybe you have a point with this one too? Hmm...

re: Atlo making their fake vote on Yogs a real vote....could be a scum!atlo trying to make it look like they're trying to give Yogs a chance, but could also just have been them giving Yogs a chance. Hard to say, but I guess worth thinking about.
@Pooka does town get a joint win if we make it to the final day or is it only a neutral win. Either way, I will press on.

Day 2 continued

Post 152 Joppo - Joppo discusses with me about the possibility of Yog being the friendly neighbour.
Joppo tells Atlo it is bad he put Yog at L1 and Scum could take advantage. Gave Atlo scum points and. He gives MrKrabsWallet townie points for unvoting

Post 158 - Scene wonders if Yogs whispered to Lift and if that's why Lift thinks he's town.

Post 159 - Lift confirms my guess is wrong

Post 160 - MrKrabsWallet speculates that the Friendly Neighbour didn't whisper to anyone on N1. I don't think it makes sense. I wonder if MrKrabsWallet is trying to explain to Lift why he didn't think the Friendly neighbour messaged anyone. But maybe he simply missunderstood the FN role as he stated today.

to be continued.......I'll finish this tomorrow
Oh God...

Scene seems to have re-typed the entire flow of the game... >_<
My condolences to microfish having to sort through all this. :''D

Oh boy... let's try to sort through with this in some half-way coherent chronological manner:

supplementscene: @Atlo how many Mafia games have you played please?
supplementscene: Have you not noted bussing between Mafia players in the past as a LAMIST tactic?
Noticed - no; imagine it happening - yes; but not actually thought realistic to such an extent.

supplementscene: Have you not noted bussing between Mafia players in the past as a LAMIST tactic?
Do you think it's natural? Atlo has played so few games that he'd expect that Mafia would not attack one another to make the victor look town upon the lynch?
You'll have to rephrase this entire part. I genuinely don't understand it. I had concluded you must be Town. Why other players wouldn't share this thought is semi-understandable. Are you yourself stating ''a scene/joppo scumteam is actually not that far fetched.'' !?

MrKrabsWallet: You so sure they're not scum, then?
They ?!
Oh... right... yeah, I understand how you meant it...

No. Not according to my logic and reasoning.
You are free to educate me how I actually could be wrong of course!

MrKrabsWallet: Ahh, this seems to be some tasty zesty WIFOM.
Thank you! =)
[This is like the 5th acronym/abbreviation I had to look up during this game! :''D]

MrKrabsWallet: Hmm, odd ain't it that both you and Scene are pushing me as a potential scum
This seems like a good as place as any to ask this question - what was the reason you recast your vote on scene on twilight? I assume it will be simple, but I still have to ask. Didn't get the chance back then.

supplementscene: [...]
Skimped through most of it. Will take a closer look tomorrow. My condolences to microfish! :''D
Atlo: Thank you! =)
[This is like the 5th acronym/abbreviation I had to look up during this game! :''D]
NP :)

Also also, a lil clip just for you

Atlo: This seems like a good as place as any to ask this question - what was the reason you recast your vote on scene on twilight? I assume it will be simple, but I still have to ask. Didn't get the chance back then.
You mean on D2? Iirc I started leaning them more scum around then, and I believe it was in part due to a desire to try to avoid a nolynch.

p.s. that wasn't during twilight(which would of course be after deadline has passed or a hammer has fallen)
Atlo: Oh God...

Scene seems to have re-typed the entire flow of the game... >_<
My condolences to microfish having to sort through all this. :''D

Oh boy... let's try to sort through with this in some half-way coherent chronological manner:

supplementscene: @Atlo how many Mafia games have you played please?
Atlo: 2
supplementscene: Have you not noted bussing between Mafia players in the past as a LAMIST tactic?
Atlo: Noticed - no; imagine it happening - yes; but not actually thought realistic to such an extent.

supplementscene: Have you not noted bussing between Mafia players in the past as a LAMIST tactic?
Do you think it's natural? Atlo has played so few games that he'd expect that Mafia would not attack one another to make the victor look town upon the lynch?
Atlo: You'll have to rephrase this entire part. I genuinely don't understand it. I had concluded you must be Town. Why other players wouldn't share this thought is semi-understandable. Are you yourself stating ''a scene/joppo scumteam is actually not that far fetched.'' !?

MrKrabsWallet: You so sure they're not scum, then?
Atlo: They ?!
Oh... right... yeah, I understand how you meant it...

No. Not according to my logic and reasoning.
You are free to educate me how I actually could be wrong of course!

MrKrabsWallet: Ahh, this seems to be some tasty zesty WIFOM.
Atlo: Thank you! =)
[This is like the 5th acronym/abbreviation I had to look up during this game! :''D]

MrKrabsWallet: Hmm, odd ain't it that both you and Scene are pushing me as a potential scum
Atlo: This seems like a good as place as any to ask this question - what was the reason you recast your vote on scene on twilight? I assume it will be simple, but I still have to ask. Didn't get the chance back then.

supplementscene: [...]
Atlo: Skimped through most of it. Will take a closer look tomorrow. My condolences to microfish! :''D
@Atlo Scum!Trent is known for driving over his scummates, backing up, and driving over them again if he thinks that the other scum player has committed an idiotic move. He'll even drive the major wagon until and thru lunch on that teammate, if doing so would help the mafia team win.

Atlo: Noticed - no; imagine it happening - yes; but not actually thought realistic to such an extent.

My condolences to microfish! :''D
Thanks xD

@Pooka Where is Joppo?
Joey was sipping from some nice, creamer coffee. You'd almost smell it from the across the screen if it weren't for the fact that technology isn't that advanced, yet. Probably for the best, most people didn't want to be within the physical distance of Stuart's spit or breath, very common outputs of his screeching. "You know, Nikolay, maybe you're really the remaining scum."

"Jeez!" Nikolay sighed. "Why's it always me? Just because I'm Russian?"

"Or maybe it's not you." Joey backtracked immediately after. "Or maybe it's you."

"Make up your mind, please." The frustrated Russian put his cheek on his hand, which rested against the table. "It's better than going back and forth, you know, like a Rus-"

"Or maybe it's not you."

You could see Natsuko, who was drinking away a large glass of what seemed to be mango juice, looking at Amanda and Franco, who were also looking at each other. Weird, because Franco didn't seem to pay this much attention to the humans in the Zoom meeting, and Amanda was usually distracted by the kids she was babysitting even while Joey and Nikolay spoke.

Still, the air feels extremely stiff...



Not voting:
- microfish
- joppo
- Atlo
- supplementscene
- GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet)

supplementscene: @Pooka does town get a joint win if we make it to the final day or is it only a neutral win. Either way, I will press on.
It's a town and neutral win if the Mafia are eliminated before the Town is.
(come on i'm not a bastard mod pls)

Microfish_1: @Pooka Where is Joppo?
Good catch, I'll tell him the game has resu-

He posted 21 hours ago actually. Right after the game restarted. Joppo's good.
Pls don't take advantage of the fact I only slept a total of 2 hours yesterday!
Post edited January 10, 2024 by PookaMustard
Microfish_1: @Pooka Where is Joppo?
Huh. I step away with just one comment from Micro toDay and come back to a whole Bible to read and sort through.

Sorry mates, this day was busy at work and I had a family gathering at night to celebrate a close relative's birthday. There's a boatload of content to sift through and I just can't type coherent anymore. It's 1:30 AM and I must be up at 6 AM at most. See you guys tomorrow. (BTW, don't expect much from me during work hours. The sysadmin somehow closed the hole in the firewall rules that alllowed me unrestricted access to Gog.)

Good nighzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
MrKrabsWallet: You mean on D2? Iirc I started leaning them more scum around then, and I believe it was in part due to a desire to try to avoid a nolynch.
Yeah, this was kind of the ''simple'' answer I was expecting. Thanks for confirming nonetheless. =]

Microfish_1: @Atlo Scum!Trent is known for driving over his scummates, backing up, and driving over them again if he thinks that the other scum player has committed an idiotic move. He'll even drive the major wagon until and thru lunch on that teammate, if doing so would help the mafia team win.
Alrighty then... Scum doing this isn't entirely so far-fetched then...
The only question is - what are the chances of not!Trent players doing this then...
The entire scene/joppo wagon started from a prod-vote by joppo:
joppo: @scene: When I was reading back I came across a comment by you and noticed something really weird. Can you explain how come you switched so fast from this >
I could hammer Maxleod, but I will first ask if we have the numbers to lynch CatV? As she's my biggest Scum Suspect.
joppo: to this? >
I've changed my mind on CatV. She sounds like the most Town player from her analysis and break down.
joppo: And just in case you need the pressure, or to avoid you not noticing a question has been asked:
vote scene
scene retaliated:
supplementscene: I preferred Micro over Yogs for the last lynch but Joppo seems most suspect to me now.

I'll hold off an early vote because Mafia have the ability to hammer if 2 of us pick wrong. But I think Joppo is my wagon of choice. I think he's Scum
Ever since both have come up various reasons why the other should be the lynch.
Until the end of Day 3 when scene posted:
supplementscene: I'm wondering, could it be Joppo is the sheeped Townie and Atlo and MrKrabsWallet are the scumteam jumping on my wagon? If you're town Joppo, you've not been helpful this game.
(Later, at the start of the day changed to:)
supplementscene: I think Gameranker and Joppo are the scum team. Atlo seems most town out of all of them. But I could be wrong.
joppo, however, has not interacted with scene since the end of Day 3.

joppo: Huh. I step away with just one comment from Micro toDay and come back to a whole Bible to read and sort through.

Sorry mates, this day was busy at work and I had a family gathering at night to celebrate a close relative's birthday. There's a boatload of content to sift through and I just can't type coherent anymore. It's 1:30 AM and I must be up at 6 AM at most. See you guys tomorrow. (BTW, don't expect much from me during work hours. The sysadmin somehow closed the hole in the firewall rules that alllowed me unrestricted access to Gog.)

Good nighzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
This is... very inconvenient... :<
Atlo: You'll have to rephrase this entire part. I genuinely don't understand it. I had concluded you must be Town. Why other players wouldn't share this thought is semi-understandable. Are you yourself stating ''a scene/joppo scumteam is actually not that far fetched.'' !?
MrKrabsWallet: You so sure they're not scum, then?
Atlo: They ?!
Oh... right... yeah, I understand how you meant it...

No. Not according to my logic and reasoning.
You are free to educate me how I actually could be wrong of course!
So in a previous game I was Mafia with Trent. I tried to get mislynches by going around accusing people of being Mafia. Trent likes to play naturally regardless of role. He thought my behaviour was too scummy and to look Town he started a wagon on me and I got lynched. This was on Day 2 of the game. He scolded me in the night chat before that too.

In theory if Joppo or MrKrabsWallet were my Scumbuddy they may look Town by getting me lynched and having me flip Mafia. The thing is though CatV messaged me because she thought I was Town. Lift didn't vote for me because he thought I was Town. Micro also didn't want to hammer me. I didn't want to vote for Yogs because I correctly thought he was Town. I genuinely don't think I look scummy. But it is a game of the unknown afterall.
From my analysis of yesterday. MrKrabsWallet did far more analysis than I initially realised. And some of it was pretty good - although I still suspect him. Atlo I generally see most of his posts pro town.

My main take away was that Joppo seems to be the one hiding in plain sight and not really solving the game. For me the scumteam is either Joppo and MrKrabsWallet or Joppo and Atlo. If Town loses by lynching Joppo I will be a bit surprised.

So onwards with Post 161 and beyond is my next mission. How much I get done I'm unsure. Note, that posts made tonight from this point on will be under the influence of copious amounts of alcohol. So expect all kinds of misunderstandings from the things I type
I'll start in this post, showing I defended Yogs:

Re-reading Day 1, and I am wondering if the Yogs situation isn't a misunderstanding. Because he doesn't necessarily role claim, having said that, I'm not completely happy with his effort in defending himself and working out the game.

See below whether you think he's genuinely role claimed or NOT:

Yogs says:

'Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?'

In the flavour Pooka writes that Yogs is the owner of a flight simulator.........................Yogs then says when :

Was it a role claim? Was it some other kind of shenanigans? What was I doing?

Just trying to get people to out of RVS and start asking questions.

Also, I posted it before I read/realized this was a rare GOG open setup......................................

Then Yogs elaborates

"hard to believe" or no, that's what it was.

What kind of role would a flight simulator machine have provided? Commuter? I don't know either, but I wanted to find out! I never like early Day 1 blah blah blah and I would always rather kick over a table and make a scene.
As much as he was a workaholic, Stuart knew there were going to be quiet days where nothing much happened. The days where it felt like everyone was having their time wasted - these kinds of days had a weird energy to them.

Not as weird as it was today. Normally Natsuko is energetic, and not a single day passes without at least firing off a single swear word. She had to keep up that streak...which ended today. She looked distant, and was extremely quiet. She only mentioned something about a birthday, but that wouldn't turn her like this.

The day was mostly just Nikolay reflecting on the events in the past few days, and even some from the past few months, and Amanda musing about some things related to the Owner of the Black Cat, F-16 and Stingray, The Nun Kaname Madoka AKA Sailor Moon, the Santa-shaped Conductor and how they were orchestrating the events so far - perhaps with even more finesse and control than Stuart was ever known for.

But the air was even more stiffer... suffocating, even. But was it enough to explain the eerie quietness, which was overbearing to the point of being almost something out of the horror genre's scariest?



Not voting:
- microfish
- joppo
- Atlo
- supplementscene
- GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet)