Posted January 09, 2024
Day 2 to resume after my final Day 1 thought - Atlo said he finds CatV impossible to read as Scum, when she is, so that made her a potential lynch. CatV doesn't like this. Atlo does sound Towny, but could this be a good lynch as Scum? Maybe.
So Day 2 Analysis at last (I'll ignore the town on town violence and discuss the players alive)
Yogs confirmed Town notes 'Vote GamezRanker' - does Yogs find GR too lurky?
Joppo starts day in post 104 by discussing set up. Trent often says Scum do this to look busy
Confirmed Town Lift notes GR was as lurky as Max on Day 1
Atlo notes he finds Joppo's wall of text analysis to be scummy post 108. Post 108 is good, he notes I got Trent and Lift confused - it means he is reading the whole thread and trying to solve. This looks like Town
MrKrabsWallet points to Joppo's long post and votes Joppo. So Atlo and MrKrabsWallet found Day 1s late wall of text post Scummy on Day 2 - why did my Joppo wagon not take off on Day 3 guys? The other interesting thing is he links to it but doesn't quote it. This kind of makes it harder to see Joppos text without clicking
MrKrabsWallet then suspects confirmed Town Yogs and says 'it makes me wonder if my "Yogs is mafia and was subtly pushing for Max's wagon quite a bit" - note Yogs has 1 vote on him at this time
MrKrabsWallet then like me reads Atlo as Town for the same reason.
MrKrabsWallet on Post 115 does a deep dive on 2 posts of Dead Trent......Yes indeed and he leaned to Trent being Town. Did he really do this? Or is this LAMIST. I know I always look who's died at day start? Can someone really get into the day and not know who got lynched? Is this believable?
MrKrabsWallet in Post 116 claims RVS vote on Scene on Day 1 and partly to lighten the mood. This is bad, but then he says in post 295 'My day 1 vote was(in part) RVS and part gut. How was it scummy to you?' - This is treblely bad. Because:
A) You shouldn't but on an RVS vote at the end of day - he asks how that is scummy
B) Then he contradicts himself and says it was part gut. I thought it was just RVS and to lighten the mood. That is also scummy.
MrKrabsWallet Post 118 analyses a few CatV posts, yet it's very superfiscial
MrKrabsWallet Post 120 again says Micro leans scummy, points to his vote on Max and speculates on a Micro Yos scumteam. Almost like he's setting up his vote on Yogs after CatV has her tunnel vision on him.
MrKrabsWallet Post 121
Current leans list
(town to scum)
Joppo - interestingly he never voted for Joppo again despite this
Joppo - Post 122 - lots of none game chat, set up chat, defends his post chat. But is he solving the game? He votes for Micro based on him being lurky.
MrKrabsWallet Post 123 - chats with Joppo mainly about out of game chat. This out of game convo and Joppo's defense of his post seemed to make Joppo town for him, is this genuine? Votes for Confirmed Town Yogsloth. 1 of the players he has not yet done any analysis of at all. He also agrees with Joppo that Micro's lurkyness is suspect.
SupplementScene Post 129 - I point out Yogs maybe Town and he role hinted because it may divert Night Kill attention away from power roles. I also speculate if town
MrKrabsWallet Post 130 - he points out Yogs can't be the Friendly Neighbour or someone would be vouching for him - this is true. But MrKrabsWallet is not correct that Yogs had role hinted. At this stage I hadn't realised but Yogs was referring to his flight sim game in Pookas flavour. Yet both MrKrabsWallet and CatV are certain Yogs has role hinted.
Atlo Post 131 - notes Scene, Joppo and MrKrabswallet have all come through with their posts. The irony LOL
Atlo Post 132: CatVenturer, Lift, SupplementScene - all these seem to have a vested interest in weeding out mafia.
That leaves micro, joppo, yogsloth in my suspect pool.
Out of these I find yogsloth to be scummiest.
You may have noticed I did not put/enter MrKrabsWallet in either pool. Apologies, but I am cautios of strangers. =P
Atlo - makes his fake vote on Yogs a real vote, making him L1. He says he thinks Yogs is evading questions, this is fair tbh. I was begging Yogs to give better replies as I had him town. It's not the deepest analysis from Atlo all the same
MrKrabsWallet Post 135 - unvotes to give Yogs time to explain himself and not get hammered.
Town Yogs Post 138 thinks MrKrabsWallet catch up posts are good
Town Lift Post 144 asks @Krabs: you said that the friendly neighbour didn't contact anyone. Why do you assume that? Hmmm good point Lift.
MrKrabsWallet Post 146 explains to Lift, he think the Town player would have vouched for Yogs already. BUT he could only truly know if the Mafia rolecop found CatV or Yogs role. CatV dies night 2 - did they find her on night 1 and this is why he knows Yogs didn't contact anyone?
Joppo - post 150. Briefly defends his post, which seems reasonable. Unvotes Micro because of real life issues. Speculates about the set up after losing Jailkeeper to MrKrabswallet. Is he trying to look busy while not solving? It really looks like it Joppo
NOTE - Joppo finds Micro scummy for not being available to game. But he never found MrKrabsWallet scummy when he was the joint most lurky player. Micro is now confirmed Neutral.
to be continued............................
So Day 2 Analysis at last (I'll ignore the town on town violence and discuss the players alive)
Yogs confirmed Town notes 'Vote GamezRanker' - does Yogs find GR too lurky?
Joppo starts day in post 104 by discussing set up. Trent often says Scum do this to look busy
Confirmed Town Lift notes GR was as lurky as Max on Day 1
Atlo notes he finds Joppo's wall of text analysis to be scummy post 108. Post 108 is good, he notes I got Trent and Lift confused - it means he is reading the whole thread and trying to solve. This looks like Town
MrKrabsWallet points to Joppo's long post and votes Joppo. So Atlo and MrKrabsWallet found Day 1s late wall of text post Scummy on Day 2 - why did my Joppo wagon not take off on Day 3 guys? The other interesting thing is he links to it but doesn't quote it. This kind of makes it harder to see Joppos text without clicking
MrKrabsWallet then suspects confirmed Town Yogs and says 'it makes me wonder if my "Yogs is mafia and was subtly pushing for Max's wagon quite a bit" - note Yogs has 1 vote on him at this time
MrKrabsWallet then like me reads Atlo as Town for the same reason.
MrKrabsWallet on Post 115 does a deep dive on 2 posts of Dead Trent......Yes indeed and he leaned to Trent being Town. Did he really do this? Or is this LAMIST. I know I always look who's died at day start? Can someone really get into the day and not know who got lynched? Is this believable?
MrKrabsWallet in Post 116 claims RVS vote on Scene on Day 1 and partly to lighten the mood. This is bad, but then he says in post 295 'My day 1 vote was(in part) RVS and part gut. How was it scummy to you?' - This is treblely bad. Because:
A) You shouldn't but on an RVS vote at the end of day - he asks how that is scummy
B) Then he contradicts himself and says it was part gut. I thought it was just RVS and to lighten the mood. That is also scummy.
MrKrabsWallet Post 118 analyses a few CatV posts, yet it's very superfiscial
MrKrabsWallet Post 120 again says Micro leans scummy, points to his vote on Max and speculates on a Micro Yos scumteam. Almost like he's setting up his vote on Yogs after CatV has her tunnel vision on him.
MrKrabsWallet Post 121
Current leans list
(town to scum)
Joppo - interestingly he never voted for Joppo again despite this
Joppo - Post 122 - lots of none game chat, set up chat, defends his post chat. But is he solving the game? He votes for Micro based on him being lurky.
MrKrabsWallet Post 123 - chats with Joppo mainly about out of game chat. This out of game convo and Joppo's defense of his post seemed to make Joppo town for him, is this genuine? Votes for Confirmed Town Yogsloth. 1 of the players he has not yet done any analysis of at all. He also agrees with Joppo that Micro's lurkyness is suspect.
SupplementScene Post 129 - I point out Yogs maybe Town and he role hinted because it may divert Night Kill attention away from power roles. I also speculate if town
MrKrabsWallet Post 130 - he points out Yogs can't be the Friendly Neighbour or someone would be vouching for him - this is true. But MrKrabsWallet is not correct that Yogs had role hinted. At this stage I hadn't realised but Yogs was referring to his flight sim game in Pookas flavour. Yet both MrKrabsWallet and CatV are certain Yogs has role hinted.
Atlo Post 131 - notes Scene, Joppo and MrKrabswallet have all come through with their posts. The irony LOL
Atlo Post 132: CatVenturer, Lift, SupplementScene - all these seem to have a vested interest in weeding out mafia.
That leaves micro, joppo, yogsloth in my suspect pool.
Out of these I find yogsloth to be scummiest.
You may have noticed I did not put/enter MrKrabsWallet in either pool. Apologies, but I am cautios of strangers. =P
Atlo - makes his fake vote on Yogs a real vote, making him L1. He says he thinks Yogs is evading questions, this is fair tbh. I was begging Yogs to give better replies as I had him town. It's not the deepest analysis from Atlo all the same
MrKrabsWallet Post 135 - unvotes to give Yogs time to explain himself and not get hammered.
Town Yogs Post 138 thinks MrKrabsWallet catch up posts are good
Town Lift Post 144 asks @Krabs: you said that the friendly neighbour didn't contact anyone. Why do you assume that? Hmmm good point Lift.
MrKrabsWallet Post 146 explains to Lift, he think the Town player would have vouched for Yogs already. BUT he could only truly know if the Mafia rolecop found CatV or Yogs role. CatV dies night 2 - did they find her on night 1 and this is why he knows Yogs didn't contact anyone?
Joppo - post 150. Briefly defends his post, which seems reasonable. Unvotes Micro because of real life issues. Speculates about the set up after losing Jailkeeper to MrKrabswallet. Is he trying to look busy while not solving? It really looks like it Joppo
NOTE - Joppo finds Micro scummy for not being available to game. But he never found MrKrabsWallet scummy when he was the joint most lurky player. Micro is now confirmed Neutral.
to be continued............................