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joppo: Seriously, it's great to participate in a Mafia game once again.
Atlo: Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't you skip the last game, but participate in the one before? The Tesla vs. Edison one? :D
If you meant a general - after a long time - Oh, I agree. How long did the signup for this game take?! 10 weeks?
Sorry, I'm a dumbass. I forgot about playing in Tesla vs Edison. In my defense, that game was really short.

trentonlf: Hello all, a pleasure to be playing again :)

Now I have to start this off right as it's been way too long since I have played with yogs, I have missed you my friend!


Man that feels good!

P.S. Let's all have fun, I don't really want to be a Karen :-P

P,S,S. Pooka is a troll with his JoeSapphire Mafia post LOL
I must be really rusty at this... If I hadn't seen this post I wouldn't even have remembered the concept of being at RVS. So thank you!

vote trentonif

(It's great to be playing with you again. BTW I "hate" playing with you because you're usually pretty hard to read)

Catventurer: I feel like team mafia is on the right side of things with this game.
Yog, you and me makes three.
Stuart should stick his office key in the same place his head is.

yogsloth: Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?
It makes it easy for you to hunt penguins through the Amazon forest?
yogsloth: Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?
I thought that Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that absolutely none of us is truly on board with returning to the office for different reasons. joppo (Natsuko) states that he's going to be happy to look at shitty anime figurines anymore even though he shows up to every single Zoom meeting wearing pajamas. Atlo has a horde of kids that he's always chasing after even though he claims that going to the office will mean getting his legs moving. GamezRanker states that he's happy to return to the office even though his character really enjoys spending more time with his wife. Microfish is always seen hanging out with his cats and dogs. My character says that we should all be in the environment that we are the most productive in, which for some people could be hanging out with cats, children, wives, shitty anime figurines, and/or expensive airplane simulators.
yogsloth: So, ten players, two dastardly slackers. It's gonna be another tough GOG mafia Day 1.

Let's make stuff interesting as best we can. Those who played with me know I don't like being bored waiting around for something to happen.

Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?
I like your pilot's hat.
No idea about your thing, other than money and planes. Enjoy it; though you might be broke if you spent all that moola on flying critters. Unlucky, too, if you crash them--I'm not flying with you!! Traditionally, you are supposed to land planes! Really now, you'd be better off spending that money on a cat-proof computer! Also, what's up with Nikolay not being resistant to the idea of going back to the office? Lift--Sam--being hard to read is a given. How does this Amanda find time to work if she's always babysitting kids? I get the idea that Miriam likes water, and you know how suspicious that is. Anyone who doesn't support our Glorious Soda Overlords is already a suspect! As for Karen, is she genuine or not? And Johan's gall! I know I've maybe been slacking at home, but that's not necessarily a bad thing; I just work longer to make up for my siesta! Natsuko reminded me--did you break any of your anime figurines after you crashed? Are Joey and Marissa having problems? I hope we survive going back to the office. No more breaks to play basketball on the front driveway. No more home-brewed coffee--just that garbage from the break room.

I'm confused about the story. Are the good guys the WfHers while the mafia have coerced Stuart to drag us all back to the office? Or the other way around? do the good guys want to go back to the office, while the mafia want to stay at home?

I want to save Vacation for the week before Christmas (next week) so
vote catventurer
for trying to take away my hard-earned money when I need it for presents!
(I'm assuming this is unpaid vacation?)
Microfish_1: I'm confused about the story. Are the good guys the WfHers while the mafia have coerced Stuart to drag us all back to the office? Or the other way around? do the good guys want to go back to the office, while the mafia want to stay at home?
TL;DR Ver for those people that didn't read the set up posts:
Town = Team Go to Office, primarily due to coercion and/or blackmail from NPC Stuart.
Mafia = Team Work from Home

Microfish_1: I want to save Vacation for the week before Christmas (next week) so
vote catventurer
for trying to take away my hard-earned money when I need it for presents!
(I'm assuming this is unpaid vacation?)
You do realize that you're voting for me on the basis that I support the idea of pausing the game for a week for Christmas and New Years. I'm probably not going to be available on the following days: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day.

I'd say, oh my god you suck, but no... I'm just going to roll my eyes and say that you're being wacky.
Catventurer: I feel like team mafia is on the right side of things with this game.
joppo: Yog, you and me makes three.
Stuart should stick his office key in the same place his head is.

"O......k then" Joey quips mainly to himself, as he overhears some (presumed) silliness from Johan and Natsuko. Going over to his quasi-ancient ZMP(Zune Musak Playa), he slips the earbuds into place and selects a tune.

"What will be comin' out of all of this nunsense for the lot of us, I wonder...."
Atlo: Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't you skip the last game, but participate in the one before? The Tesla vs. Edison one? :D
If you meant a general - after a long time - Oh, I agree. How long did the signup for this game take?! 10 weeks?
joppo: Sorry, I'm a dumbass. I forgot about playing in Tesla vs Edison. In my defense, that game was really short.

trentonlf: Hello all, a pleasure to be playing again :)

Now I have to start this off right as it's been way too long since I have played with yogs, I have missed you my friend!


Man that feels good!

P.S. Let's all have fun, I don't really want to be a Karen :-P

P,S,S. Pooka is a troll with his JoeSapphire Mafia post LOL
joppo: I must be really rusty at this... If I hadn't seen this post I wouldn't even have remembered the concept of being at RVS. So thank you!

vote trentonif

(It's great to be playing with you again. BTW I "hate" playing with you because you're usually pretty hard to read)

Catventurer: I feel like team mafia is on the right side of things with this game.
joppo: Yog, you and me makes three.
Stuart should stick his office key in the same place his head is.

yogsloth: Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?
joppo: It makes it easy for you to hunt penguins through the Amazon forest?
A pleasure to be playing with you again too :)

This is going to be a loooooong Day 1 at this rate

@yogs, I think you have a thing for feet or butts that makes noises somehow, am I close?
Catventurer: vote Christmas
If you don't know what I'm voting for, you didn't read post #2.
Barnabas asking for a timeout because of Christmas! That is so... poetic... alas, I am not a poet, so I'll quote Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.

Woah! Far out!
Microfish_1: How does this Amanda find time to work if she's always babysitting kids?
Oh, they're actually surprisingly easy to manage! They're like pets! (That sounds soo wrong! xD)
You should play and interact with them, but being in presence is good enough. You can also take one that has an aura of authority and tell her/him ''you are now in charge!'' and let them manage themselves!

yogsloth: Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?
Well, the new pilot's hat is hard to miss. And the ''multi-thousand dollar airplane simulator''... umm... it plays Microsoft Flight Simulator?!?!


This will be off-topic, but I had this this weird train of thought...

Since you already crashed... I guess we could say emergency landed into... the Eiffel Tower... I would have advised you, instead of a pilots hat to get a crash helmet. But... while you're already putting something on your head - why not a VR headset?! But the thing about flight simmers is this... despite VR having advanced enough to be semi-realistic and immersive enough... most simmers use Head Tracking software.
Being able to physically see the buttons on the joysticks and setup is more important than being able to look around ''the scenery''.
Atlo: Being able to physically see the buttons on the joysticks and setup is more important than being able to look around ''the scenery''.
That's why a good VR flight sim simulates the cockpit/instruments as well as the scenery outside ;)
That said, two words: neeeeeeeee-rrrrrrrrrrds!


Joey gets woken up from his tune induced mid-day slumber as Amanda shouts out yet another random expletive.
"Sometimes I wonder if that lass has ass-burgers" Joey thinks to himself, before trying to gather his thoughts once more.
Christmas is a good time not to think

Vote Christmas

Also, Mafia cards seem to be a bad thing. So

Vote Scene

yogsloth (1) - trentonlf
trentonlf (1) - joppo
catventurer (1) - Microfish
supplementscene (1) - Lifthrasil

All the above are closest to lynch at L-5.

Not voting:
- yogsloth
- GamezRanker
- Catventurer
- maxleod
- supplementscene
- Atlo

Also: Christmas voted by Lifthrasil.
(For future reference, Christmas votes are tracked in the first OP post)
PookaMustard: Also: Christmas voted by Lifthrasil.
(For future reference, Christmas votes are tracked in the first OP post)
Idea: if we do play the game through the Holidays, maybe suspend the 1 post per 48 hours rule during that time frame.
(that is actually what I want to vote for re: holiday break vote, but sadly tis not an option atm)
GamezRanker: Idea: if we do play the game through the Holidays, maybe suspend the 1 post per 48 hours rule during that time frame.
(that is actually what I want to vote for re: holiday break vote, but sadly tis not an option atm)
You know what, that's an option too. I could incorporate it with a brief vacation if not enough people vote Christmas. Thanks for the suggestion!
Interesting that there's 3 factions. I feel bad for the neutral. He or she has to be active enough not to be lynched and not enough of a threat to Mafia by not scumhunting too heavily. Good luck with that.

Interesting we're talking about flight sims. I remember in the 90s we had loads of combat sims and WW1 and WW2 flight sims. These seem like a thing of the past now, especially the WW1 ones

I do think talking about flight sims and set up and the flavour is a good way for Mafia hide in plain site. So I have to Vote Scene as I've managed to mention 2 of those things in this short post alone.
supplementscene: I do think talking about flight sims and set up and the flavour is a good way for Mafia hide in plain site. So I have to Vote Scene as I've managed to mention 2 of those things in this short post alone.
Yer right, that there Scene character is acting real
SUS as of late....better we airlock em to be sure:

Vote Scene

Oh wait, I change my mind:

UnVote Scene