yogsloth: So, ten players, two dastardly slackers. It's gonna be another tough GOG mafia Day 1.
Let's make stuff interesting as best we can. Those who played with me know I don't like being bored waiting around for something to happen.
Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?
I like your pilot's hat.
No idea about your thing, other than money and planes. Enjoy it; though you might be broke if you spent all that moola on flying critters. Unlucky, too, if you crash them--I'm not flying with you!! Traditionally, you are supposed to
land planes! R
eally now, you'd be better off spending that money on a cat-proof computer! Also, what's up with Nikolay not being resistant to the idea of going back to the office? Lift--Sam--being hard to read is a given. How does this Amanda find time to work if she's always babysitting kids? I get the idea that Miriam likes
water, and you know how suspicious
that is. Anyone who doesn't support our Glorious Soda Overlords is already a suspect! As for Karen, is she genuine or not? And Johan's gall! I know I've maybe been slacking at home, but that's not necessarily a
bad thing; I just work longer to make up for my siesta! Natsuko reminded me--did you break any of your anime figurines after you crashed? Are Joey and Marissa having problems? I hope we survive going back to the office. No more breaks to play basketball on the front driveway. No more home-brewed coffee--just that garbage from the break room.
I'm confused about the story. Are the good guys the WfHers while the mafia have coerced Stuart to drag us all back to the office? Or the other way around? do the good guys
want to go back to the office, while the mafia want to stay at home?
I want to save Vacation for the week before Christmas (next week) so
vote catventurer for trying to take away my hard-earned money when I need it for presents!
(I'm assuming this is unpaid vacation?)