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Got some time, so will go catch up and see how far I come before I have to run.
no-one enjoys challenges, eh?
dedoporno: [...] He has claimed a role and is alive. His claimed role may not give a concrete info but it still gives info that may be useful. Also, the information he gives may be used to confirm or condemn him. Let me turn around the question - can you go into your thought process that leads you to not want RW to reveal his action? [...]
It's not that I don't want him to reveal his action. Between the two claimed PRs, I expected babark to be dead here, and RWarehall being alive isn't really surprising or suspicious for toDay, so didn't approach his reveal from where you did. More importantly, I was - and still am - worried that, due to its inconclusive nature, outing it early in the Day, will allow mafia to adjust when, without/before it, they may have said something that could be used to corner them. I feel that even typing this out, may already be working in their favour.

But since you mentioned that his info may condemn him - yesterDay you seemed convinced by his claim, but here it seems that you're not any more? Is it the Dessumu NK in itself instilling doubt in you toDay, or is there something else besides/on top of it?

dedoporno: [...] Same way how? I just posted some information I copied from a wiki about the game the green tentacle is from as we were trying to figure out if babark's claim made sense flavor-wise. I didn't intend it to be read "Yo, this checks out! Back off!". I haven't plaid the game and I have no idea if the claim makes sense and was hoping that some else can make something out of it. I still am if that counts as feeling the same way. [...]
OK, what I was wondering is if what you posted in #371 made you lean town or mafia on babark, and if it did, if you still felt the same toDay. But your answer here reads like it didn't in the first place, and thus you still don't have a lean either way. Do I read this correctly?

dedoporno: [...] To be honest I'm not sure what it means. Her way of participating continues to throw me off and I'm not sure what is supposed to be telling. I thought I saw inconsistencies that were being covered by the lost new player facade but Dessimu made me question my read and I continue not understanding what's she going for. To the point where it might be a derpclear. I'm also considering her being Neutral as I'm not sure who she would be scum with. [...]
Would you then agree with my take in post #765?

dedoporno: [...] By the way, you wanted me to answer some question that I missed. I asked you to quote it or re-word it as I still have no idea which one is it. In case you're still interested in it, please point me in the correct direction. [...]
Well, I wanted to know if JoeSapphire's invited to the party...

On a serious note... let me quickly check back... oh right, that was something from way back at EoD1, not sure it's of use now, or if you can even remember any more - my question was if you had read my post #394 in full when you quote-replied to it with post #405.

my name is racynge catte: [...] This feels like scum who didn't get their NK trying to rolefish a protective role or vig out. [...]
Isn't our protective PR outed already? Or are you doubting his claim? If so, can you go a bit into what makes you doubt it?

my name is racynge catte: [...] This does not make much sense. We established yesterDay that you are a rolestopper and not a roleblocker. There is a chance of preventing a town action happening to your target (like say cop) but I think the possibility of preventing a kill is more important.
Did you miss that he was uncertain if he could stop a kill? @babark, if you got a clarification on this, DON'T REVEAL IT!

Also, from all babark's posted so far, does he strike you as someone who'd approach and play the role like you or me, and probably, a number of others, would?

I got some more, so if anyone's on, please bump.
HypersomniacLive: ...please bump.
Thanks, @cadaver747.

RWarehall: [...] As to Hyper's question about Razza. I read it completely differently. It certainly does not look Town to me. It looks like someone coming out after an unusual NK designed to frame a Townie with a PR. It's clear what Razza is alluding to. One of Dessimu's last posts was about Dess coming after me for getting the Babark wagon really going and being wrong. This is starting to make me think it was a mafia kill and they thought they could leverage it to get me lynched today. [...]
You think the mafia engineered the perhaps_PR!Dessimu NK in order to get you lynched toDay, when they could have Nk'd babark instead AND get you lynched toDay with the same argument and the added bonus of the living!Dessimu voice and vote? Seems a bit too convoluted compared to the plan that gets them 2 town PRs in a single NIght/Day cycle?

Could you make an effort and try to take a step back, and then tell me if you're absolutely certain, like 100% no doubt whatsoever, that your read here isn't in any way, and to no degree, influenced by conformation-bias?

RWarehall: [...] Maybe its a crazy conspiracy theory but it almost seems to me he is trying to get himself lynched. Bragging rights if I'm right...
Even day Jester?
From the OP [emphasis added]:
The game [...] doesn't contain any cult elements and also no Jesters. Not even accidental ones.
So, no.

RWarehall: [...] But then why is the roleblocker on the person night killed? And if not there to kill Frost, how did he die? I can't imagine both mafia went after the same target.

Thus, this remote possibility is really a non-possibility. Babark is Town and what he claims. [...]
If it's 2 mafia as we assume (and I'd think that flipping a goon supports it), then if the 2nd mafia has a PR of better use elsewhere on a Night they already know who a Town PR is, the mafia Roleblocker is there to perform the NK, not in the capacity of his PR?

While I also think babark's what he claimed, I don't think your reasoning here is solid?

RWarehall: [...] Joe feels off to me too, just that especially Day 2, we needed to reduce that smaller pool. [...]
Just to be sure, he's off because he voted outside that pool? If yes, is it the the voting outside of the pool, the voting specifically dedoporno, both?

RWarehall: [...] Notice how Razza's defense all involves a pairing with me and how that wouldn't make sense in killing Dess. And if Razza's remaining partner is someone else? [...]
I asked her about the pairing because it wasn't obvious to me that she meant you, She's since said she understood ZFR to mean her + Catte; does this change anything for you? And can you elaborate on the last sentence here, I don't quite follow.
JoeSapphire: Just that info is info. If the mafia know there is a rolestopper I'd have thought they could easily avoid claiming anything that could be contradicted by a rolestopper, so not sharing the info won't help. [...]
[emphasis added]

How would the part I highlighted happen if they don't know what exactly the Rolestopper did? How does it not help to keep the specifics hidden, unless/until it becomes relevant?

JoeSapphire: [...] But also this mafia apparently chose to kill outlier vanilla over town core or claimed power role so maybe it is best to hold on to it. [...]
Could you answer the question Catte asked you in post #767?

JoeSapphire: [...] Annnnddd if the rolestopper can't stop the kill it kinda does make sense to not use the role. [...]
You seem pretty keane to get all the details and specifics of that PR in the open. Again, @babark, don't comment on this!

Should I think you're phishing here with this line of thoughts/reasoning?

JoeSapphire: [...] and I thought those questions don't look right. [...]
Yes, you said that in post #726, I'm asking what about them doesn't look right to you?

JoeSapphire: [...] I just mentioned them both because from my list of "most likely for my reason for town-reading them to be wrong" I thought they were the my most uncertain town reads.
Refresh my memory, what were the reasons you were town reading dedoporno?

JoeSapphire: I am inclined to think that razza's naivety is genuine. I can imagine what her face is gonna be if it turns out that I'm wrong about this. [...]
The second sentence reads like you don't really know her well enough to confirm or disprove her own words on the matter. Do I read that correctly? And now that I typed that, I noticed that you both used the same word to describe it - genuine. Hmm...

JoeSapphire: [...] Can we all do a challenge?


If you name a town with your first choice, or a scum in either of your other two, then you forfeit your right to win with your team this game.

Go! [...]
Are you being serious here? Asking because the bit I quoted makes it sound like you're doing some sort of belated bragging rights thingy? So, is this serious, and if yes, why did you add that bit that makes it sound more joke-y?

JoeSapphire: [...] Has anyone experienced a player getting voted out based on the suspicions of a Night Killed player?

I think scum might take the "and killing Dess would look bad for X" into consideration, but I can't imagine they base their whole play around it: that would be pushing the limits of naivety too far.
On the suspicions of a NK'd player alone? I don't think I've seen this before, not even in games with no obvious targets (like claimed PRs).
detective_razza: 1) in reference to post #740 “she+catte” so i’m assuming ZFR believes myself and catte are working together. [...]
Are you planning on asking ZFR to clarify if your assumption is correct?

detective_razza: [...] 2) no-offence taken xD i think the way i was viewing it is that people that are on to them and maybe talking a little bit too much in terms of getting evidence against scum. i know it seems a little obvious, but on D2 where there’s only 2 mafia left- it seems like a valuable game plan to get rid of someone looking into scum potentiality, just to quieten the town a little, [...]
OK, I have to ask - in those mafia games with coloured houses you've mentioned playing, were you ever mafia? If yes, did your team enact such a "valuable game plan" when there were claimed PRs on the table? And if so, did it bear any fruits?

detective_razza: [...] i have some information i want to look into, based on my ability use during the second night.
i don’t want to claim but i’ll say it’s time to see who HSL (and Dessimu) were accusing at the end of D2.
^^ think about what my role could be from that.
You asked questions on the matter of PRs and claims in post #750, and dedoporno replied to you in post #755. Did you read that post? If yes, what did you take away from it? If no, why not?

Got caught up just in time, have a wedding to attend in an hour, so I'm off, and probably won't be back today.
JoeSapphire: Just that info is info. If the mafia know there is a rolestopper I'd have thought they could easily avoid claiming anything that could be contradicted by a rolestopper, so not sharing the info won't help. [...]
HypersomniacLive: [emphasis added]

How would the part I highlighted happen if they don't know what exactly the Rolestopper did? How does it not help to keep the specifics hidden, unless/until it becomes relevant?
they just don't claim to have done a power on someone they didn't do a power on. that way whatever the roleblocker did it can't be contradicted. If you hadn't thought of doing that yet mafia then there you are, you're welcome.

If babark is scum then it doesn't help to keep the specifics hidden.

JoeSapphire: can someone explain what this kill was? That can't have been the mafia kill?
my name is racynge catte: Are you expressing surprise at their choice or seriously suggesting this might have been a non-mafia NK?
both? Currently I'm working off the assumption it's the mafia's night kill but I hate it.

JoeSapphire: [...] Annnnddd if the rolestopper can't stop the kill it kinda does make sense to not use the role. [...]
HypersomniacLive: You seem pretty, keane, to get all the details and specifics of that PR in the open. Again, @babark, don't comment on this!

Should I think you're phishing here with this line of thoughts/reasoning?
pretty sure the story we were told is that babark got told his action Night 1 was successful, and yet frostburn is dead. So not phishing, just working with the info we have.

And don't call me Keane.

JoeSapphire: [...] and I thought those questions don't look right. [...]
HypersomniacLive: Yes, you said that in post #726, I'm asking what about them doesn't look right to you?
I'll understand better when babark tells me why was he asking.

Is it babark that's just gone away for three days? bah.

They just don't look to me like the questions of "I should have saved that guy why is he dead?" it looks more like questioning why the mafia chose to target frostburn.

JoeSapphire: [...] I just mentioned them both because from my list of "most likely for my reason for town-reading them to be wrong" I thought they were the my most uncertain town reads.
HypersomniacLive: Refresh my memory, what were the reasons you were town reading dedoporno?
Because he town read me when it would have been easy for him not to, and because when he turned up at the end of day to vote bucktooth he didn't seem interested in trying to have any control of the situation.

JoeSapphire: I am inclined to think that razza's naivety is genuine. I can imagine what her face is gonna be if it turns out that I'm wrong about this. [...]
HypersomniacLive: The second sentence reads like you don't really know her well enough to confirm or disprove her own words on the matter. Do I read that correctly? And now that I typed that, I noticed that you both used the same word to describe it - genuine. Hmm...
We've worked together for a year. I can't confirm whether she's faking naivety or not because I don't know if she's mafia or not. But I can believe it. And also I think she'd be very amused if she's deceived me.

JoeSapphire: [...] Can we all do a challenge?


If you name a town with your first choice, or a scum in either of your other two, then you forfeit your right to win with your team this game.

Go! [...]
HypersomniacLive: Are you being serious here? Asking because the bit I quoted makes it sound like you're doing some sort of belated bragging rights thingy? So, is this serious, and if yes, why did you add that bit that makes it sound more joke-y?
why does it matter how serious I'm being? I'm wading through this list of your questions and you can't give me three names?

I said the bit about if-you-get-it-wrong-you-can't-win to encourage people to think carefully. I tried to make it sound fun because I thought people might be more interested in doing it.

Why'm I getting worked up about this?
JoeSapphire: Can we all do a challenge?
In this very instant?

1. Catte
2. HSL
3. RW

HypersomniacLive: It's not that I don't want him to reveal his action. Between the two claimed PRs, I expected babark to be dead here, and RWarehall being alive isn't really surprising or suspicious for toDay, so didn't approach his reveal from where you did. More importantly, I was - and still am - worried that, due to its inconclusive nature, outing it early in the Day, will allow mafia to adjust when, without/before it, they may have said something that could be used to corner them. I feel that even typing this out, may already be working in their favour.
I'm just used to expect claimed powers who are remain alive to share their night actions as it not only helps work stuff out about other players but also about themselves. I see what you're saying about this particular role possibly needed to play in a more specific way and I didn't really look at it from this side. I expected one of RW or babark to be dead tonight. Surely not Dessimu out of all others. That makes me a bit nervous as it might mean I'm putting trust in someone I shouldn't.

Out of the two claims RW's is the one I trust more. I have a reason to think he's likely telling the truth. That being said, if the kill is indeed real scum kill, RW [and babark] being left alive for the sake of some random player who wasn't even Town-read that much is a alarming even if slightly. Technically this may be the intention - take a risk leaving not terribly powerful roles in play and WIFOM away at them and I suppose it does work. Anyway, I hoped RW may be able to say something in the context of babark being still alive as well.

HypersomniacLive: But since you mentioned that his info may condemn him - yesterDay you seemed convinced by his claim, but here it seems that you're not any more? Is it the Dessumu NK in itself instilling doubt in you toDay, or is there something else besides/on top of it?
I am convinced only in the things I've been told by the mod. For the rest I can only put varying levels of trust based on different factors. As I said above I find RW's claim the more trustworthy one of the two and I said I refuse to vote for him Yesterday. Since then the game is evolved and RW is now one of two claimed Town PRs not killed and a random VT dead instead. Things like that don't exactly help. Before you ask, no, I still don't intend voting for RW.

HypersomniacLive: OK, what I was wondering is if what you posted in #371 made you lean town or mafia on babark, and if it did, if you still felt the same toDay. But your answer here reads like it didn't in the first place, and thus you still don't have a lean either way. Do I read this correctly?
The whole thing with the audio tapes and whatnot made it sound somewhat relevant but I was hoping someone else would maybe go "Oh, I remember now - he does sing but it's terrible" or "Oh right, but his singing is beautiful" or something like that. Basically it made me pause, I didn't think "Oh shit, he Town! Better leave him alone right now!" but I also was scared away from voting for him just to have a lynch. Today it's a bit different. First of all he's alive still and while Dessimu isn't. Secondly, I have branching thoughts about babark's claim but they kind of rely on digging deeper into the claim which could be a good idea or a very bad one depending on it's realness. Let's say I'm still wary of him and leave it there.

HypersomniacLive: Would you then agree with my take in post #765?
I think so, yes. If it turns out it's not what it is I'm done giving people the benefit of the doubt based on such things from now on.

HypersomniacLive: On a serious note... let me quickly check back... oh right, that was something from way back at EoD1, not sure it's of use now, or if you can even remember any more - my question was if you had read my post #394 in full when you quote-replied to it with post #405.
I'm pretty sure I answered that. Anyway, I didn't read it fully as in I didn't register what it meant. I remember I saw my name and a plead for votes in the wake of NL and went with it since everyone was panic-posting and something was happening.

I still have a few more posts to go through but I can't right now and maybe I won't be able to until this same time tomorrow, after all the festivities are done.
oh yeah, I wrote a post about how I googled green tentacle singing voice and found a deviant art of green tentacle singing a record-shattering tone saying it was the mating song and referring to it breaking windows (and chandeliers) which seemed to be a reference but I checked before I clicked submit and dedo had already made our One-Post-After-Mod-Calls-Lights-Out so I deleted it.

I have this scenario in my head right now:

Scum babark killed frostburn. Worried about watchers or trackers he decides to claim to have protected frostburn.

Perhaps he really is a rolestopper, perhaps his buddy said "a good fake claim would be a rolestopper which is a protective role" and he misread, perhaps he came up with the idea of messing up the claim to add a touch of authenticity to the whole thing.

can someone tell me that's nonsense so I can work on trying to think about something else?
HypersomniacLive: Isn't our protective PR outed already? Or are you doubting his claim? If so, can you go a bit into what makes you doubt it?


Did you miss that he was uncertain if he could stop a kill? @babark, if you got a clarification on this, DON'T REVEAL IT!

Also, from all babark's posted so far, does he strike you as someone who'd approach and play the role like you or me, and probably, a number of others, would?
You've kind of answered your own question there, assuming you're referring to Babark as "our protective PR"*. If Babark cannot stop a kill, then Babark isn't our protective role (at least not in the traditional sense), leaving room for another role which may have prevented a kill last night.
Alternatively, Babark can prevent kills, but scum have some way around that (i.e. strong arm), in which case I wouldn't expect a further protective role, but it's possible there's a 1-shot bulletproof or something.

To answer your specific questions: I don't have a reason to doubt Babark's claim, but I don't 100% buy it either. Claiming to have tried to protect the person who died is a classic falseclaim tactic for someone who thinks they might have been watched, so I'm taking it with a pinch of salt.

I'm not sure I understand the last question, there seems to be an implication that there's a "known way" that you, I and probably a number of others would play the role, but I have no idea how you would play it or if that is the same as the way I would play it. I think if I was a town rolestopper I would target people I would expect to be drawing attention from the mafia, e.g. people who have hinted at PRs but not claimed.

*If you're referring to someone else then I have missed or forgotten something pretty important, I hope that's not the case.
JoeSapphire: You have to name three players; the first is "If I had a vig shot now and I had to hit scum or lose the game" who would you shoot?
The other two (you can't name yourself) are "If I have to bestow vote immunity for the rest of the game on two players, who do I choose?" So if you give a scum vote immunity you lose the game.
Don't explain your reasoning initially, but if anyone asks you about your choices you should explain as best you can.

JoeSapphire: If you name a town with your first choice, or a scum in either of your other two, then you forfeit your right to win with your team this game.

dedoporno: In this very instant?

1. Catte
2. HSL
3. RW
JoeSapphire: If you name a town with your first choice, or a scum in either of your other two, then you forfeit your right to win with your team this game.
I'll be reminding you of this later. :P
1. RW
2. Ambitionz
2. HSL
JoeSapphire: coward
When I am the only eligible town winner left you'll forgive me.