dedoporno: [...] He has claimed a role and is alive. His claimed role may not give a concrete info but it still gives info that may be useful. Also, the information he gives may be used to confirm or condemn him. Let me turn around the question - can you go into your thought process that leads you to not want RW to reveal his action? [...]
It's not that I
don't want him to reveal his action. Between the two claimed PRs, I expected babark to be dead here, and RWarehall being alive isn't really surprising or suspicious for toDay, so didn't approach his reveal from where you did. More importantly, I was - and still am - worried that, due to its inconclusive nature, outing it early in the Day, will allow mafia to adjust when, without/before it, they may have said something that could be used to corner them. I feel that even typing this out, may already be working in their favour.
But since you mentioned that his info may condemn him - yesterDay you seemed convinced by his claim, but here it seems that you're not any more? Is it the Dessumu NK in itself instilling doubt in you toDay, or is there something else besides/on top of it?
dedoporno: [...] Same way how? I just posted some information I copied from a wiki about the game the green tentacle is from as we were trying to figure out if babark's claim made sense flavor-wise. I didn't intend it to be read "Yo, this checks out! Back off!". I haven't plaid the game and I have no idea if the claim makes sense and was hoping that some else can make something out of it. I still am if that counts as feeling the same way. [...]
OK, what I was wondering is if what you posted in #371 made you lean town or mafia on babark, and if it did, if you still felt the same toDay. But your answer here reads like it didn't in the first place, and thus you still don't have a lean either way. Do I read this correctly?
dedoporno: [...] To be honest I'm not sure what it means. Her way of participating continues to throw me off and I'm not sure what is supposed to be telling. I thought I saw inconsistencies that were being covered by the lost new player facade but Dessimu made me question my read and I continue not understanding what's she going for. To the point where it might be a derpclear. I'm also considering her being Neutral as I'm not sure who she would be scum with. [...]
Would you then agree with my take in post #765?
dedoporno: [...] By the way, you wanted me to answer some question that I missed. I asked you to quote it or re-word it as I still have no idea which one is it. In case you're still interested in it, please point me in the correct direction. [...]
Well, I wanted to know if JoeSapphire's invited to the party...
On a serious note... let me quickly check back... oh right, that was something from way back at EoD1, not sure it's of use now, or if you can even remember any more - my question was if you had read my post #394 in full when you quote-replied to it with post #405.
my name is racynge catte: [...] This feels like scum who didn't get their NK trying to rolefish a protective role or vig out. [...]
Isn't our protective PR outed already? Or are you doubting his claim? If so, can you go a bit into what makes you doubt it?
my name is racynge catte: [...] This does not make much sense. We established yesterDay that you are a rolestopper and not a roleblocker. There is a chance of preventing a town action happening to your target (like say cop) but I think the possibility of preventing a kill is more important.
Did you miss that he was uncertain if he could stop a kill?
@babark, if you got a clarification on this, DON'T REVEAL IT!
Also, from all babark's posted so far, does he strike you as someone who'd approach and play the role like you or me, and probably, a number of others, would?
I got some more, so if anyone's on, please bump.