Posted June 20, 2022
I didn't realize bucktoothgamer wasn't new. I gave him a pass for being a new player paying enough attention over the name switch. Where new mafia have little need.
That said, I did an ISO and he certainly could fall into the "hiding in plain sight" category. In fact, I'll rank him ahead of both ZFR and HSL. ZFR I have as a mixed bag, something strikes me as off, but I can't pin it down but I can't see why as scum he would could keep himself in the middle of that mess. HSL is just not as involved.
1) AmbitiOn
2) Babark
3) Bucktoothgamer
For you newer players. Here's what I look for. I'm looking for scum "pretending" to be Town which is what all scum must do. The most common way mafia hide are to make generic generally obvious Town posts (often following logic introduced by others) while staying out of controversy. I've seen some good players do it. They crack a lot of jokes; they acknowledge other's good insights (on those they know are actually Town). But what they don't usually do is become the primary force behind any mislynch.
There are two ways I've seen them go about it.
1) Some stay off the mislynch entirely. Often staying on some wagon that was never going to go anywhere or sticking with their RVS votes.
2) Others are quick to follow "good logic". This is where the "3rd vote is scum" idea comes from. I've heard it as 3-5. But this group want to jump on the final lynch wagon shortly after the player making the big push, but before they get forced to be the clinched vote. Unfortunately, what happens in most day 2's after a mislynch is people look for why. And the 2 players that get scrutinized hard are those who really pushed the wagon and those who cast the final vote. The first are those who often are Town who genuinely think they saw something lynch worthy and the latter who are voting because they want to avoid a no-lynch.
So, in short, "hiding in plain sight" are players who are generally lurking and/or following while feigning a level of activity.
Another thing to look for are failed wagons. Especially later when you find out that failed vote wagon was scum. Experienced scum will often vote their scum buddies on day 1 to throw people off in later days. These early votes are often RVS, but sometimes they are over trivial (manufactured) issues that they know shouldn't go very far. So be careful. Don't clear people over such votes.
Another thing that bugs me are the people that walk away because someone claims "vanilla town". Um, you do know that the best (and practically only safe) claim a scum can make is "vanilla town". Anything else runs the risk of duplicating roles and getting called on the unlikely chance of two cops (for example). That is a bad reason to clear someone. I don't get it. To me, it's a better reason to finish them off. If you had a good enough reason to get someone to the stage they made a claim, and it's "vanilla town", finish them. If you aren't voting them for other reasons, fine. But for those using that as a reason to change their vote? Makes me wonder if they jumped on their buddy's wagon and found a contrived excuse to jump off to save their buddy.
That said, I did an ISO and he certainly could fall into the "hiding in plain sight" category. In fact, I'll rank him ahead of both ZFR and HSL. ZFR I have as a mixed bag, something strikes me as off, but I can't pin it down but I can't see why as scum he would could keep himself in the middle of that mess. HSL is just not as involved.
1) AmbitiOn
2) Babark
3) Bucktoothgamer
For you newer players. Here's what I look for. I'm looking for scum "pretending" to be Town which is what all scum must do. The most common way mafia hide are to make generic generally obvious Town posts (often following logic introduced by others) while staying out of controversy. I've seen some good players do it. They crack a lot of jokes; they acknowledge other's good insights (on those they know are actually Town). But what they don't usually do is become the primary force behind any mislynch.
There are two ways I've seen them go about it.
1) Some stay off the mislynch entirely. Often staying on some wagon that was never going to go anywhere or sticking with their RVS votes.
2) Others are quick to follow "good logic". This is where the "3rd vote is scum" idea comes from. I've heard it as 3-5. But this group want to jump on the final lynch wagon shortly after the player making the big push, but before they get forced to be the clinched vote. Unfortunately, what happens in most day 2's after a mislynch is people look for why. And the 2 players that get scrutinized hard are those who really pushed the wagon and those who cast the final vote. The first are those who often are Town who genuinely think they saw something lynch worthy and the latter who are voting because they want to avoid a no-lynch.
So, in short, "hiding in plain sight" are players who are generally lurking and/or following while feigning a level of activity.
Another thing to look for are failed wagons. Especially later when you find out that failed vote wagon was scum. Experienced scum will often vote their scum buddies on day 1 to throw people off in later days. These early votes are often RVS, but sometimes they are over trivial (manufactured) issues that they know shouldn't go very far. So be careful. Don't clear people over such votes.
Another thing that bugs me are the people that walk away because someone claims "vanilla town". Um, you do know that the best (and practically only safe) claim a scum can make is "vanilla town". Anything else runs the risk of duplicating roles and getting called on the unlikely chance of two cops (for example). That is a bad reason to clear someone. I don't get it. To me, it's a better reason to finish them off. If you had a good enough reason to get someone to the stage they made a claim, and it's "vanilla town", finish them. If you aren't voting them for other reasons, fine. But for those using that as a reason to change their vote? Makes me wonder if they jumped on their buddy's wagon and found a contrived excuse to jump off to save their buddy.