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ZFR: bump in case catte needs it?
Thanks, I just couldn't tell if my earth shatteringly important post above was lost in the void forever or if it was just waiting to show up on the next page.

I don't really have much to add at the moment. I guess PoE:

Catte = town
ZFR = town
Joe = almost certainly town

Dogmaus = town vibes

Leoric = townish? Not much to go on
Dedo = Leaning hmm?
Cadaver = confused but earnest?

Flub = hammering a bit sus, probably not scum with Lift
Lift = kind of off, probably not scum with flub
Bookwyrm = votes Joe (not sus) and basically ignores all evidence that suggests Joe is town (sus). Maybe not paying attention? But he picked up on ZFR's neutral theory.

I think I've talked myself into changing my vote to

vote Bookwyrm
Lifthrasil: Other thought:
flubb made quite an interesting 180° turn from not hammering GH relatively close to the deadline to hammering him with more than a day to go. Townie-panic not to make the same mistake again? Or scum trying to look townie after gleefully letting D1 go to NL?
flubbucket: Do you have anything other than "thought" to add to this scummy accusation?? There is absolutely zero facts in your statement.

I'm not doing any work for you, but you should read my posts before you waste all your town cred making baseless accusations.
Interesting reaction to being doubted. I am aware, what you wrote as your reason. That doesn't mean it's your true motive. Scum lie in this game, you know? So please explain to me, what exactly is scummy about my wondering about your alignment?
ZFR: Or weakened Mafia by removing the Roleblocker. Might explain why Micro was silenced permanently and not just blocked.


Yes, I was alarmed at how quickly a wagon got votes in succession this game again. But this time all voting on it are my Town: Joe, Leoric, myself and dogmaus
Is 3 goons equivalent to 1 goon and 1 rokebkocker though? I think you might be right, but 3 goons is still stronger so I hope the town has a little extra to make up for it.

Well I've moved my vote too. I realised in doing my little talking to myself summing up thing that I suspect Bookwyrm a lot more.
Lifthrasil: *poke*
Bookwyrm627: Yo Lift, are you a Survivor?
Open role-fishing now? Don't you have any shame? ;-)
And do you have a reply for me?
Too late bump.
Bookwyrm627: Yo Lift, are you a Survivor?
Lifthrasil: Open role-fishing now? Don't you have any shame? ;-)
And do you have a reply for me?
Pish. I'm openly alignment fishing. I'll be happy to answer your question, but I need an answer from you first.

I'm guessing there is no Serial Killer in play (not enough death), which means that if you're neutral then you probably aren't directly anti-town.
Am I wrong to think that currently just one vote is missing to eliminate Bookwyrm?
Joe, Leoric, ZFR, me, catte. There's 10 of us. Let's call this a Day :)
No, that's way too fast.

ZFR: No, that's way too fast.

LOL ok. I am for summary justice.
Dogmaus: Am I wrong to think that currently just one vote is missing to eliminate Bookwyrm?
Joe, Leoric, ZFR, me, catte. There's 10 of us. Let's call this a Day :)
Oof, I forgot Leoric and thought I was fourth. Let's hear from Bookwyrm first.

OK, I can vote now.

Vote Bookwyrm
Lifthrasil: Open role-fishing now? Don't you have any shame? ;-)
And do you have a reply for me?
Bookwyrm627: Pish. I'm openly alignment fishing. I'll be happy to answer your question, but I need an answer from you first.
You really expect an answer to such a question? I will claim when I think it is time to claim. Anything else would just make scum's life easier. Do you want that?

I definitely think that there is something scummy about you.

@all: if he hadn't collected so many votes already, I would be willing to vote Bookwyrm. NL vote, voting without reason. Role fishing. Not answering.

Other players I find suspicious are flubb for his reaction to being suspected. Town flubb is usually quite relaxed about being suspected, so his reaction is off.
Then cadaver. I like most of what he wrote, but it looks as if he was tunneling on Dogmaus on relatively flimsy reasons. Of course, Townies tunnel as well, but it's something to keep an eye on.
Lastly Leoric. It's just a feeling so far, but he seems to have a tendency to go after easy targets. But that might also be due to being new to the game.

Catte I don't know. Here I have a question: @catte: why did you accuse me of role fishing? I'm not aware that I did any. You can't role fish on someone who already claimed.

In the town camp I have mostly the same as others.

ZFR has to be town, unless he's godfather. I choose to believe he's town. Which fits his play so far.
Dogmaus is quite towny too and the 'derpclear' (sorry for the expression) seemed genuine.
Joe, well, he has the previous role list going for him. Or more precisely: a scum Joe, who was aware of that list, would probably not have chosen a role from that list for which he would have expected a town counterpart to exist, who would counterclaim. So I have Joe as leaning Town too.

yeah. Hrmph. Still don't know what I did to get the attention of town but oh wells. Tell me after game please when I know your alignment and can trust you.

I know information you don't know and I'm not telling. Booyah!

Post edited August 15, 2021 by Microfish_1
I googled deep clear, and I have to say I didn't dumbtell, I was rather role/alignment fished as Town. I never expected this game to have such a wide lingo and complexity when I joined.
22 "BATHE THE SCUM" Votecount

Bookwyrm (2) - Dogmaus, ZFR
JoeSapphire (1) - Bookwyrm

Not voting: catte, flubbucket, Lifthrasil, Cadaver, Leoric, JoeSapphire, dedoporno
It takes 6 votes to reach majority. Bookwyrm is closest to lynch (L-3).

4 days and 22 hours left.
Also...two things:

1. Bolded votes in the middle of sentences don't count, they have to be on a new line. Unbolded votes also don't count.
2. no editing

Ah great, I can't edit the OP to provide live updates. THANK YOU GOG
Post edited August 15, 2021 by PookaMustard