Posted August 09, 2021
(no votes in this post)
My memory might sometimes be bad, but I can at least remember some things with some amount of of which being that during that game my push for claims partly led to us lynching scum!Trent.
(iirc we had a sizeable wagon on trent due in part to the push for wagons/claims, and he more or less gave up and outed himself.....leading us to lynch him. If you somehow feel i'm wrong, then link the post/posts to prove such)
ZFR: This game is not about getting people to claim. Claiming is only useful in certain conditions end game when we're at L/MYLO or when someone got a definite guilty. Otherwise IT ONLY HELPS SCUM.
Anyone pushing for a claim early game is scummy and should be treated as scum.With claims we have info to work with to find scum, so I personally feel it does help town in some we can agree to disagree.
The prior thing was about the odds of a player getting the same faction across multiple games....and I already admitted to being mistaken on that.
This, however, is concerning the odds of us getting PR claims in a row in the same game, so I feel it's different.
(of course, I welcome input on odds/etc regarding the above from all players, in case I am again mistaken)
All the above aside, as I said before, this is getting tiresome: ever since I made a few observations (which I probably should've kept till after said games, I admit) on how you played the game several games back, you've seemed to have taken it personally and held a chip on your shoulder against me in these games.
From subtle to not so subtle jabs, to hardly ever answering my questions(the answers of which I require to play the game and lean players/find scum)......all of this is only serving to help scum, and (imo) is anti-town play.
So I have to ask: do you care about holding onto this little "thing" between us so much that you're willing to play in an anti-town manner and possibly cause the game to be thrown because of it? Or are you willing to put it aside for the sake of team and game so we can try to win this?
To all: Will reply to more when I get back from errands IRL.
My memory might sometimes be bad, but I can at least remember some things with some amount of of which being that during that game my push for claims partly led to us lynching scum!Trent.
(iirc we had a sizeable wagon on trent due in part to the push for wagons/claims, and he more or less gave up and outed himself.....leading us to lynch him. If you somehow feel i'm wrong, then link the post/posts to prove such)

Anyone pushing for a claim early game is scummy and should be treated as scum.
The prior thing was about the odds of a player getting the same faction across multiple games....and I already admitted to being mistaken on that.
This, however, is concerning the odds of us getting PR claims in a row in the same game, so I feel it's different.
(of course, I welcome input on odds/etc regarding the above from all players, in case I am again mistaken)
All the above aside, as I said before, this is getting tiresome: ever since I made a few observations (which I probably should've kept till after said games, I admit) on how you played the game several games back, you've seemed to have taken it personally and held a chip on your shoulder against me in these games.
From subtle to not so subtle jabs, to hardly ever answering my questions(the answers of which I require to play the game and lean players/find scum)......all of this is only serving to help scum, and (imo) is anti-town play.
So I have to ask: do you care about holding onto this little "thing" between us so much that you're willing to play in an anti-town manner and possibly cause the game to be thrown because of it? Or are you willing to put it aside for the sake of team and game so we can try to win this?
To all: Will reply to more when I get back from errands IRL.