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my name is supyreor catte: This album is the tits and the balls.

Spongerock is a stone cold banger.
I'm loving-hating Limp Wicket. And catchting up with the posts.

Microfish_1: [i]
TO ALL:[/i]

Knowing we in all likelihood have 3 scum, would you all list who you most want investigated (top 3 each). I'll (probably) pick from among them, including perhaps who has the most votes (or the least).
Bookwyrm, Joe, Cadaver

My vote stays on Joe for now. But I'd have no problem to switch it to Book.
Cadaver's last post makes them less sus to me.
I am Town, but I might be sacrificable compared to other players. It's ok if I had to be lynched.
Cadaver747: Hmm, I just read #467 with Joe's claim that he is a Commuter and a Shooter, seems genuine and would also explain the no NK. But does it mean that there is no Doctor or Roleblocker? And could it be a bold move from Joe-Mafia?
What Joe meant by shots is that they can only commute a limited number of times, not that they are a shooter.

It even states such info concerning shots in the mafia wiki(under the Variations section)

As for if they're mafia: I feel at least one of either Micro or Joe is scum so I decided to place my vote on one of them.....and seeing as Joe has the least valuable(correct term?) PR claim, and seeing as I don't think Joe was "lucky" enough to be commuter and draw the NK(iirc one theory why there was no NK is that it landed on Joe while he commuted) i'm voting for Joe out of the two.

Cadaver747: To be honest I don't really care to have more time for Town to analyze. I think we had a similar case in one game where ZFR explained to me perfectly well that it's not a good thing to do.
Plus more time for town to do such things also means more time for scum to try shifting votes off of scum wagons and onto town wagons. Also, at some point we just end up going in circle repeating ourselves anyways, and as a result the extra time can sometimes make the game a bit more drawn out/tedious/etc.


(bump please?)
Microfish_1: [i]
TO ALL:[/i]

Knowing we in all likelihood have 3 scum, would you all list who you most want investigated (top 3 each). I'll (probably) pick from among them, including perhaps who has the most votes (or the least).
I agree with Dedo, suggesting a Cop with list of possible suspects usually is not that good. And since Joe claimed his role, I can't see any other option but to clear (or damn) his name once and for all.

Microfish_1: @Cadaver I'm glad someone noticed those town claims on a reread :D
the main reason I see to take the extension is so that Joe, if he's busy, can come back to us. We don't have to use it, but it might save us from mis-lunching a PR
Heh, I think half the GOG saw it ;)
Fine, ff you think that's it would be fair enough, then I don't see any problem with asking Pooka about the extension. Just let me know. Joe is back but he might be busy indeed.
(no votes in this post)

Dogmaus: I am Town, but I might be sacrificable compared to other players. It's ok if I had to be lynched.
No fair....I already offered first! ;D

Dogmaus: My vote stays on Joe for now. But I'd have no problem to switch it to Book.
I'd also vote for nearly any other player(cept maybe ZFR[as some of their play/posts this game give me a bit of pause], and Micro cuz town cop claim) part to avoid another NL.

Dogmaus: I'm loving-hating Limp Wicket. And catchting up with the posts.
Music can be a fun diversion during the pauses in the game and/or when writing posts.


Reagan fiddles with his strange box for a bit as he braces his stand in advance of the annual wildebeest migration.

"Wildebeests are known to get mighty skittish and temperamental, after to be prepared" Reagan thinks as he starts to sing quietly to himself

"There's an obs thread in the jungle, and town will say 'now is the time', there's an obs thread in the jungle, soon will come the votes in a straight up voting up voting up, voting up voting up voting up"
Dogmaus: Sure, A's F: O is not really a famous example, but I mentioned because it features this kind of funny, strange story-telling. You are perfectly excused from not knowing about it. :)
I'll try to reread everything now with the little experience I've made, I'll probably see the same posts under a different light. I'm glad you're feeling better. I was having a bad time when the game started and that together with me trying to figure out what was going on has probably given a weird impression about me. That, and I might be going through the elaboration of a divorce, because of the dedication to Town that has ruined my marriage.
Just in case I hadn't any issues with how I feel previously, it was a flavor excuse for my other self almost constant absence. Yesterday when reading D1 posts I was a bit suspicious of you but soon after you mentioned a vaccine jab I reconsidered. I have a good friend who got his shot and he felt really bad for about 3 days. I'm glad that from now on I can analyze you and other players accordingly.
That divorce you mentioned, is it for real???
GymHenson: If you'll recall, I also did the whole "push people to claim" thing several games back, and it helped town find scum!trent.
No it didn't.

This game is not about getting people to claim. Claiming is only useful in certain conditions end game when we're at L/MYLO or when someone got a definite guilty. Otherwise IT ONLY HELPS SCUM.
Anyone pushing for a claim early game is scummy and should be treated as scum.

GymHenson: As for suggesting Micro investigate me: what's so bad about the suggestion?
Cop's role is TO FIND SCUM (It's a failure on my part that I played scummily enough to warrant an inv). You want not to be a distraction, then stop being a distraction.

GymHenson: What are the odds that we'd get TWO PRs to claim in a row, I wonder? I mean it's gotta be possible, but i'd imagine it to not be that high.
Please, please stop. 5(?) players already explained this to you.
GymHenson: Such as?
Fine here is my short analysis on your posts, not all of them, but most of them.
#32 - you decided to unvote NL (nothing spectacular here but I would do the same in your place)
#50 - I agree with you on that, see below
GymHenson: You seem to have forgotten to mention that we can also gain info from reading what people say/don't say and whom they vote/don't vote, and when such occurs.
Also such wagon analysis only works if people do it(in some past games people rarely seemed to do much of such) ;)
GymHenson: So none of the others who voted for NL(like myself) after the first NL vote are as suspicious? o.0 ;)
#65 - same, the Book's so called *rolefishing* was too obvious for even a crazy Mafia to do.
GymHenson: Do you really think Bookwyrm would be so obvious as scum?
#71 - good point about Book asking for opinion without sharing his own
#117 - same as #65
#124 - I agree that newbies/lurkers should be suspected but not because of some *last game* experience, but always
#133 - same as #124
#136 - an odd mistake you did naming Leoric ZFR's friend instead of Mango (this is the first bad example I have of you)
#140 - thank you, but I don't need your advice on that, I know perfectly well how to put votes and about double posting ;)
#142 - that Leoric vote looks a bit rush but according to your logic that lurkers are dangerous I find it reasonable (semi-bad, yet half-good)
#144 - same as #140
#151 - this I don't like, first you mention lurkers should be put on voting and now you *realize* that newcomers should not be lynched on D1 (second bad example)
#153 - same as #124
#165 - same as #124
#180 - same as #124 + a self-sacrifice notion (the newbies/lurkers thing is getting old)
#183 - did you put a shade on Book? Scum have a day chat for that, odd mistake (third bad example)
#184 - EBWOP'ed post where you explained further that it could be a pocketing (sounds reasonable enough for me)
#193 - same as 184
#205 - you named two possible scum pairs Dedo+Mango(me) and Book+Leoric and put a *pocket shade* on Micro (can't say it's way too good, but I see it as that you're trying to help)
#214 - put a vote on Joe, seems ok I guess (he wasn't very active)
#219 - NL is bad, unbelivable
#253 - same as #219 + a vote on Joe is now bad (a bit erratic to my liking)
#256 - I agree that puting you on L-1 might be considered as too soon yet I don't think you weren't properly informed beforehand
#257 - reminding about L-1 status is always a good thing to do in my book
#260 - you claimed Town Vanilla, I would never do that but I can explain it only after the game ends
#266 - same as #256
#273 - scums surely might see you as an easy target
... Sorry I need to go for now. Later.

GymHenson: In a previous game's role flavor/etc I was a guard, and I also roleplayed that I moonlighted as a trader of goods.
(I believe it was one of Pooka's games as well)
I see, it makes sense now since you claimed Town Vanilla. I wasn't sure if you have a Role or not, or if you are Mafia or Town. But my guts telling me that this time you are on a good side. I will kill myself (a figure of speech) if you fool me third time in a row ;)
my name is supyreor catte: How so? Joe just said he didn't do anything. Are you suggesting he may be lying?
Plot twist: ZFR knows Joe lied about skipping Town because he [ZFR] tried to strangle him [Joe] in his sleep and Joe is still here.

GymHenson: As for Joe's claim in Post 467: What are the odds that we'd get TWO PRs to claim in a row, I wonder? I mean it's gotta be possible, but i'd imagine it to not be that high.
Here's healthy tip that may make the game easier figure out and more fun to play - stop worrying about odds. Most often they don't work in the way you seem to think they do and it's likely you end up making incorrect assumptions/conclusions based on misconceptions.

Han Solo said it best.

GymHenson: That said, if we are to believe that then why would scum go after Joe, who hadn't posted much on D1?
To restrict the amount of information we get from it.

Leoric_AKA_Leo: Is this how this game usually works? We go after people one by one until they claim?
Not necessarily but sorta. We do have to find someone who's play is more suspect and claim less believable than the alternatives to act upon. Once we do have a larger knowledgebase to work with and things to cross-reference things may become a bit more structured.

Cadaver747: Hmm, I just read #467 with Joe's claim that he is a Commuter and a Shooter, seems genuine and would also explain the no NK.
Wait what? I think you misread what he wrote. Having X amount of shots more likely means his Commuting uses up a shot and after he's used up all shots he has he effectively becomes a Vanilla. I don't think he can kill.

PPE: I see you have realized this already.

Cadaver747: The last thing I want is an easy victory (this is not an alignment claim mind you).
Fair. Forget about it and let's move along.

Cadaver747: An interesting thought, and what if Town has no cop even to make a counterclaim.
It's not unheard of to have a Godfather and no Cop. I'm pretty sure I've been in such a game here where the scum hunted for said Cop for a good amount of time while it simply didn't exist. The whole Godfather role was a ruse to misdirect the scum from the start - the Godfather was just a glorified Goon.

Dogmaus: And catchting up with the posts.
There you go ;)

Also, I hope what you wrote about domestic tremors was a joke.

GymHenson: No fair....I already offered first! ;D
Shush both of you!

Still undecided on whether or not I believe Joe. I can't decide if it's a good idea for him to confirm if he actually used his ability so I'll leave it up to him.
PookaMustard: Not voting: Cadaver, dedoporno, Lifthrasil, JoeSapphire, flubbucket, Leoric
Can you please do something? With 6 of you not voting, we're not having a majority.
GymHenson: (no votes in this post)

Dogmaus: I am Town, but I might be sacrificable compared to other players. It's ok if I had to be lynched.
GymHenson: No fair....I already offered first! ;D
Yep, but there will be other Days. I might not have so many "fans" as you have but eventually I might be put in the spotlight.
Cadaver747: Just in case I hadn't any issues with how I feel previously, it was a flavor excuse for my other self almost constant absence. Yesterday when reading D1 posts I was a bit suspicious of you but soon after you mentioned a vaccine jab I reconsidered. I have a good friend who got his shot and he felt really bad for about 3 days. I'm glad that from now on I can analyze you and other players accordingly.
That divorce you mentioned, is it for real???
thanks! the jab was real, the divorce is character. Now I'm feeling cranky because I'm quitting smoking - so no dopamine highs and also this persistent throat-sore. I don't remember how it feel to feel well and energic! XD

I hope the use of the other account this way is ok then!
Unvote: JoeSapphire

Is this how this game usually works? We go after people one by one until they claim?

If fish is a cop, will bad guys kill him tonight? Or they will kill ZFR?
Are you asking for directions whom to target Tonight with your NK?

About Joe: Commuter is a very convenient claim after a no-NK Night. I could see such a claim coming from scum after having been foiled by something. Depending on how the flavour feedback looks, they might know whether they have been foiled by some protection or by non-targetability. If they encountered protection, Joe might bet on there not being a non-targetable role in addition to the protector and choose commuter as nice, hard to refute false claim. So that claim doesn't exactly give Joe Town-points in my book.

What, however, still is odd is the speed with which his wagon grew.

@Joe: do you think that you were the target last Night? Is that just conjecture from the absence of the kill? Or did you get any flavor implying that you were unsuccessfully targeted?
JoeSapphire: ...I was wondering if the best thing would have been to just come out with the claim day one and bait the nightkill. Decided that wouldn't be well received.
How would that even work? How would you bait a NK by claiming to be untargetable? That would require very stupid scum, to intentionally target someone who can't be targeted!

GymHenson: As for suggesting Micro investigate me: what's so bad about the suggestion?
ZFR: Cop's role is TO FIND SCUM (It's a failure on my part that I played scummily enough to warrant an inv). You want not to be a distraction, then stop being a distraction.
I heartily agree. @GH: you are quite over-doing the 'lynch me' 'investigate me' bit. All of this is very much LAMIST. You wave your (pretend?-)townieness around.

About GH fooling me when he was scum: it wasn't an active act of fooling me specifically. I just remember disregarding the feeling that something is off with GH because it was GH and there is always something off with GH. And when then (after I was already out of the game) he was revealed as scum, I remember berating myself for being fooled by GH's past behaviour. Or more precisely, by my preconception of him.

So this time I'll try to follow my feeling. GH's teasing willingness to be the lynch or alternatively to be investigated just looks too much like an act. Plus the points from D1 are still valid. Therefore

vote GH

by the way, @GH: if you are Town, trying to di

However, I would also support a flubb lynch, should a wagon on him form. No hammering on D1, not much input and voting for the easy target. ... The reason why I don't put flubb in my top spot is, that I kind of agree with extreme lurking being a reason to vote. After all, that's one of my fallback solutions too: if there are no better leads, in case of doubt lynch a lurker.

About selecting the Cop's next target: that is usually a bad idea. If we agree on a target for the Cop or the Cop announces his target beforehand, scum get too many options of meddling with the investigation. Be it by killing or redirecting or falsifying results, depending on what PRs they have available.