Posted August 03, 2021

Ah well, must just be my imagination/me chasing at shadows again.
Joke aside, most people trusted me right now. But that doesn't mean anything, because in my long good guy experience in Secret Hitler, scums were always pretending they trust me and never vote for me, until everyone else dead :(
I think I'll keep an eye on everyone (especially those who claimed they liked my post)?
Ikr? I've almost never post in this forum. I just join games when Pooka ask me to. Hopefully you're going through the posts, people told me newbies are only safe in the first round.
Wait, that means I shouldn't vote mango in this round. It won't work anyways.
I assume our hotpicks are Joe, GH and fish? Joe is out of contact, fish is shooting everybody, and I don't have bad feelings about GH for now.
I'll wait for more people vote in. We still have time I assume?