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bucktoothgamer: After this saga, I would buy a flub-blot scum team. Its just TOO convenient that we got to a point where a flub wagon could have matched pookas both at L-4, and blot then decides that pooka has to go.
Yeah, I also feel they might be scum together....but it seems like few others are willing to vote for either of them, so i'm going to try this trent thing for now & see what comes of it(as said above, I feel at least 1 of the trent/joe/ZFR grouping is scum, so hopefully trent's flip will reveal scum).

(Also I note that Blotunga and now Flub have been possibly "shading" me[or trying to make my reads look worse than usual at least] today[d2]...with Blotunga starting and Flub pulling up after that to do the same more recently)
GymHenson: Fwiw, at this point I figure there is at least one scum from the following groupings due to what i've seen so far: Trent/Joe/ZFR and Flub/Blotunga

I am maybe willing to gamble with a trent lynch.....that said: If he turns out town, who would you suggest we go after next? of the above groupings?


(Bump Plz)
I like your thinking. Though I'd go for joe directly maybe. For sure tmr I'd lynch him if no new info comes up.
(@OP: Nothing in this post is a vote)

blotunga: Pooka played in an anti-town, self defeating way. He would've been a distraction today also. Not sure what else do you want from me? Or just fishing? I already had a fishing feeling from @GH in D1 since he was in a hurry to get as many people as possible to claim.
Already explained that I was trying to get people to take action early so we wouldn't rush late on each "day".

Also funny that you bring up claims, when you floated a mass name claim a short time ago......but in a "isn't this a silly idea...I don't really mean it...haha" kinda way.

blotunga: I never said I was sure of the target, GH just clambered to what I said that it's funny if Vitek got NKed but wasn't the target.
From your post 866: "Funny that scum wanted to kill him and offed insted vitek."

blotunga: I like your thinking. Though I'd go for joe directly maybe. For sure tmr I'd lynch him if no new info comes up.
Ok, NOW you like my thinking? After all that "GH's thinking is bad and sumb and dumb bad" before?

And you want to go for Joe directly instead of Trent? That about right?
Lifthrasil: If you find errors, publish them.
My volume 1 of my new series, "Life's Big Mistake: The Lifthrasil Story" is available on Amazon and Google books now.

Sorry, I've not looked at the game since yesterday evening. Reading up now.
GymHenson: (@OP: Nothing in this post is a vote)

From your post 866: "Funny that scum wanted to kill him and offed insted vitek."
I still somewhat believe trent's claim. And I admit that I'm missing an if in my post 866. I for sure don't know exactly if Vitek or Bucky were targeted. And then again people already stated that newbs get a free pass in the first night (I know about the lynch), I never was scum with newbie townies so I didn't know about the NK unwritten rule.
EBWOP: I didn't get that tmr means tomorrow, and my mind "skipped over" that bit of Post 977.

With that in mind this is my new reply to Post 977: I find it odd that you are ok with my thinking now, especially after all that doubt/"doubt" you had earlier today(D2).....tbh if Trent flips town I might be back on your wagon come D3(if I live till d3, that is, and don't catch a NK for some odd reason).

(If trent flips scum...i'll likely lean you a bit more town)


my name is vaughlte catte: Sorry, I've not looked at the game since yesterday evening. Reading up now.
Biggest highlight is that Trent is at L-2 atm.
I don't like it when you're attacking me needlessly and not with much merit as time will tell, I do like it when you use your brain for something else.
*Goris wakes and slowly rises; wondering how high the sun already is.*
Korotan: *Goris wakes and slowly rises; wondering how high the sun already is.*
Goris should start reading up, because we haven't heard much from him :)
blotunga: I still somewhat believe trent's claim. And I admit that I'm missing an if in my post 866. I for sure don't know exactly if Vitek or Bucky were targeted. And then again people already stated that newbs get a free pass in the first night (I know about the lynch), I never was scum with newbie townies so I didn't know about the NK unwritten rule.
Wait, so you're saying you wrote the word that instead of the word if?


To all: What do y'all think? Is such a brainfart/brain slip possible, in general? Has anyone else ever made such a mistake in the past(anywhere, not just in forum mafia)


blotunga: I don't like it when you're attacking me needlessly and not with much merit as time will tell, I do like it when you use your brain for something else.
If you're truly town and thinking i'm "attacking you" then sorry for that......but with that in mind and knowing that I see everyone as possible scum usually: Do you really think I should just let a suspect off the hook just because they say they're town and my reads are wrong?

I think we both know the answer to that one.
Korotan: *Goris wakes and slowly rises; wondering how high the sun already is.*
blotunga: Goris should start reading up, because we haven't heard much from him :)
Yeah I am doing it right now. Wow over 10 pages damn you are active.
GymHenson: .
Hypothesis: I am scum and I am scum with bucky and Engerek01 and were stupid enough to target bucky to NK and then blurt it out (now wait, why would scum target scum)
Hypothesis 2: I am scum in scum team with anyone else and we decided to NK bucky on the first night, but hit Vitek (yours) and I blurted it out - anyone besides bucky and engerek would most likely objected against it. Probably I would've also.
Hypothesis 3: I am town and I made a stupid remark which I didn't read twice and came out to sound like I'm sure bucky was the target

Which seems more plausible to you?
Korotan: *Goris wakes and slowly rises; wondering how high the sun already is.*
To you and everyone, bear in mind: Trent is now at L-2 with my vote(as I believe it takes 7 votes to lynch).

Trent has claimed to be Mr Handy(as most should know by now, I expect), and others doubt that and are willing to test it by lynching him.


This is so exciting, btw.....wondering how this will turn out, I mean:

GH puts some appropriate music on his pipboy as he watches everyone deliberate what to do next
Do read above my hypothesis' I wonder if I missed something again
blotunga: Which seems more plausible to you?
That you made a derp as scum.

Yes, there is a slight chance(I admit) you might've made a mistaken typo and typed the word that instead of the word if in post 866...still I have a hunch you're more likely scum atm.

(Also I am willing to bet there might be more choices than the ones you presented as possibilities....would need a more betterer town player to confirm, though.

Note: When players post "dry" style posts like those I tend to blank out a bit and gloss over some of such posts....just a head's up. People need to post short posts in simpler terms if they want me to read anc comprehend it all, essentially)