(@OP: Nothing in this post is a vote) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
blotunga: Pooka played in an anti-town, self defeating way. He would've been a distraction today also. Not sure what else do you want from me? Or just fishing? I already had a fishing feeling from @GH in D1 since he was in a hurry to get as many people as possible to claim.
Already explained that I was trying to get people to take action early so we wouldn't rush late on each "day".
Also funny that you bring up claims, when you floated a
mass name claim a short time ago......but in a "isn't this a silly idea...I don't really mean it...haha" kinda way.
blotunga: I never said I was sure of the target, GH just clambered to what I said that it's funny if Vitek got NKed but wasn't the target.
From your post 866: "Funny that scum wanted to kill him and offed insted vitek." blotunga: I like your thinking. Though I'd go for joe directly maybe. For sure tmr I'd lynch him if no new info comes up.
Ok, NOW you like my thinking? After all that "GH's thinking is bad and sumb and dumb bad" before?
And you want to go for Joe directly instead of Trent? That about right?