Vitek: Can people sum up why the suspect trent?
Mostly for one flimsy and silly reason which is how Trent reacted "strongly" at Micro voting himself while not even playing in the actual game. I don't think Town Trent would show such neglect and to be honest I was looking for whatever to nail him since because he has been fooling me annoyingly consistently for a while now and I had this "Gotcha!!" moment with him like last game with Lift where I was dead on with my read. It's flimsy and silly on more thorough examination as Trent is better than that not only as Town but in general. I would have dropped it but I can't say I like the way he dances around ZFR so I'm still sticking to it since my gut tells me I'm right.
Vitek: I know of some things I am more prone to do as mafia. I am not sharing them to not give myself away and I try to avoid them but it can't be helped and I slip into them. So even though I am aware of them, they can be used agaisnt me if town figures them out.
In this game?? JK, I assume you meant in general and in future games :)
Seriously though... In this game??
trentonlf: P.S. YOU ALL SUCK Oh..
unvote Trent until we get this figured out.
GymHenson: That said, i'd like everyone's opinion on this while we have time: Should we stay the course, or no? What do y'all think? You know what? I'd like your opinion as you're the one who has been pushing for a claim from the get-go. There's the claim. Go.