Hunter65536: Look at point number 3 from post 1278
Yeah, I pretty much am leaning Buck more town than scum at this point.
No all us kewl kidz are ponying up to check on Korotan ;D
(Korotan is at L-3, I believe)
GH sighed in contentment as he laid back and relaxed a bit. "Two of them evil varmints down....hopefully not too many more to go, and then we should all be safe" He then flipped on his pip boy and tried tuning it to any nearby radio stations. With luck, a song began to play, and it was a good one. Gh started to sing along as the song played: "Oh Liiiiido(Dedo)" (Yeah Dedo was scum, but this song goes out to him and his attempt at winning, cut short by my fellow town)