GymHenson: BTW: What was your message to Joe, if I may ask?
This is a paraphrase as I know quoting PMs directly gets a little dicey rule wise:
[i]I am hiding behind flubb tonight. if flub is killed and flips town I will state that I hid behind korotan.
If you haven't chosen a watch target yet, it would be great if you could follow me. Maybe we could have a repeat of dedo[/i]
again words changed for paraphrase but the point stands: I hid behind flub, if flub died and flipped town I would claim to hid behind koro.
My reason behind this:
I was iffy on joes tracker claim. as long as he knew how the courier role worked, he could have made up seeing both you and trent visiting ZFR. I was going on a hunch that flub and joe were remaining scum. If I drop the tip to joe:
1. Flub is town and joe NKs me or flub: then we have a third night of my hide target getting killed. I would probably be lynched, but once I flip town then maybe everyone would believe that scum had some obsession with following me around. Also I would have stated that I hid behind korotan, and maybe the scum would slip and call me out with more authority than they should have any right to.
2. Anyone else gets NK: then my plan kind of fizzles out and we basically move on to looking into those who connect to whoever received the NK.
3. Korotan gets NK: Had this happened, I would be gunning for a Joe lynch right out the gate D4. I picked korotan as a bluff hide target because them being NK out of the blue would be strange as they have had so little involvement in the game, and if joe was scum he may have taken out koro and lied about the contents of my message. This scenario would have also backed up my belief of flub being scum as well, as otherwise Joe would have just let flub die as another victim of my "murderous" hiding.
Now with joe dead and town, I realize my plan kind of folds. I probably should have guessed that joes time in the game was limited after handing us a scum lynch, but the way that whole event played out just seemed too convenient. The way dedo just gave up smelled too much of a mutually agreed scum bus.