ZFR: (Incidentally, I don't think Lift should have informed the targeted player that they were infected. Just have them fail results.
It seems Lift is unnecessarily doing it to many roles in his games, like bucktooth/catte today. Unless they're Loud, targets shouldn't know they've been targeted).
yeah it is looking a little like this game is imbalanced in town's favour, but we did do well to force mafia to claim first day and then catch them in the consequential lie.
PERHAPS something like a power-embargo should be considered? Just to give the mafia a bit of a sporting chance towards the end of the game?
What do you reckon dedo? having had a similar experience in the last game where town were confirmed by their powers and the net closed in
IF you were scum this game and got caught, say, shooting blotunga in the head for example OR WHATEVER, would you approve of the town deliberately going easy on the rest of your team? Or do you think they should pull out all the stops and aim for the high score?
here's my yesterday's list of the players and what I think about them,
perhaps mafia
2. Catte - ???
9. Hunter65536 - ????
10. dedoporno - first vote on trent, but jokey vote, and also first to remove it. maybe scum??
3. Engerek01 - good honest townie vibes, but could I be being deceived??
14. Korotan - claims he can't lie and I'm inclined to believe him
probs town
7. ZFR - infected by trent. Very difficult to believe not town.
12. flubbucket 5th vote on trent. got to be town.
8. bucktoothgamer claims coward, voted trent.
B. GH voted for trent. pretty certainly town.
4. blotunga - didn't know trent didn't get the letter that night. would have done if mafia.