blotunga: Actually I didn't want to admit at first, but I used random to pick you. Does that make you feel better?
ZFR: I'll quote my physics teacher: "What's this nonsense?". random name picker requires an account at $5/month(year?). it wasn't worth it, so i used an alternate.
PookaMustard: This be the first time I see nmillar play since...uhhh, #57? That's the Captain Sapphire game, right?
Before 57, that was my first game and nmillar wasn't there. :(
SirPrimalform: Wow, it's like ZFR's votes but worse!
Why worse? :P
nmillar: Yeah, maybe subtract around 40 and you'll be there or thereabouts. My normal strategy is out the window already, as Robbeasy isn't playing ...
I don't know who Robeasy is.
sobs. What are the parenthetical numbers (next to usernames) for? did I miss something?
[i]Come One, come all--Strong coffee for sale! This'll put hair on your chest, float a horseshoe, kill mold, weeds, and spiders. Only $20 a cup! You can use it to seal your wagon prior to floating across the river. You can use it to drown the taste of cheap coffee. Non-alcoholic sugar is available as well. Real Men™ are dairy-free-coffee drinkers.
Only--make sure to button down your holsters and pockets before coming over here. You'll be so enthralled with the coffee you might not pay close enough attention to keep your extry money on your person. It's a side-effect of just how good this stuff tastes.[/i]
Takes sip. Gags.
Ish the beshtest stuff I've had in yars! [spoiler]
Ave plungers! Long live plungers!
Inspiration video.[/spoiler]