Posted June 25, 2019

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted June 25, 2019

I'd like to hear Scene's answer to my question.
I also would like to see people vote.

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted June 25, 2019
Also also, apparently Pooka's meteoric rise caused Trent to stumble, since he fell below me in your revised scum chart.
Also also also, one would think I'd have learned not to leave the cursor on the "Post Message" button while I'm typing on a keyboard subject to palm mouse clicks.
Who do you think that is?
Also also also, one would think I'd have learned not to leave the cursor on the "Post Message" button while I'm typing on a keyboard subject to palm mouse clicks.
Who do you think that is?

Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted June 25, 2019
Right, I keep forgetting things.
trentonlf: I know my activity this game has not been the best and I apologize, but it will not get any better over the next few days. My oldest daughter Grace who just finished the chemo a couple of months ago will be getting married on Sunday so I will be pretty busy until then. Going to be a great weekend :-D Sorry I was this late, but congratulations to the both of you! Hope she leads a fruitful life!
I forgot what else to respond to...
If I could vote scene and micro at once, I would. But it's probably a coin toss at this moment. Micro has a vote and scene has a vote. Voting either brings them to L-3...but we've brought scene close to L-2 before and learned more about him from then. Micro is still a bit of unknown territory and to be honest, I don't like his play at the moment, for reasons I mentioned earlier
Also, unfinished sentence.
JoeSapphire: AHA I found it. It was Pooka's alarm that supplementscene's wagon grew to 5 strong in a short space of time early Day 1.
You remember? And then he warned blotunga off it, and blotunga stepped back and then we all lunched blotunga and it turned out blotunga was town and Joe was wrong? And then SirP and Carr got shot. Ah those were simpler times... Well, and I was the only one to see that blotunga's play seemed more town!blotunga-like than scene's shenanigans...

I forgot what else to respond to...
If I could vote scene and micro at once, I would. But it's probably a coin toss at this moment. Micro has a vote and scene has a vote. Voting either brings them to L-3...but we've brought scene close to L-2 before and learned more about him from then. Micro is still a bit of unknown territory and to be honest, I don't like his play at the moment, for reasons I mentioned earlier
Also, unfinished sentence.

You remember? And then he warned blotunga off it, and blotunga stepped back and then we all lunched blotunga and it turned out blotunga was town and Joe was wrong? And then SirP and Carr got shot. Ah those were simpler times...

Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted June 25, 2019

Old Joe's Town Meter:
New Joe's Town Meter:
Okay, it appears that trent dropped because dedo and I rised up the ranks. Joe says dedo raised up because "he'll trust dedo's read." I assume he's referring to this post by dedo.

That being said, I'm still pretty sure he's Town.

Also, hang on a sec.

Did I walk into the wrong universe?[/i]

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

Grog'tial | half-dwarf, dual-bolt crossbow
Registered: Dec 2013
From Netherlands
Posted June 25, 2019
*looks in*
Yay for town doing way more damage to ourselves than mafia is capable of. The day frustrates, but the results of these nights amuse me!
Going to be catching up now.
FYI: Real life is making me be much less present than I'd prefer to be. Keeping a close eye to see how bad it gets (nothing truly bad irl - just a lot of it to deal with); I really hope I can avoid having to ask for a replacement.
Yay for town doing way more damage to ourselves than mafia is capable of. The day frustrates, but the results of these nights amuse me!
Going to be catching up now.
FYI: Real life is making me be much less present than I'd prefer to be. Keeping a close eye to see how bad it gets (nothing truly bad irl - just a lot of it to deal with); I really hope I can avoid having to ask for a replacement.

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted June 25, 2019
I'm here. I'm catching up quickly and then I'll share what I was considering in the past couple of days.

Grog'tial | half-dwarf, dual-bolt crossbow
Registered: Dec 2013
From Netherlands

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted June 26, 2019

You meant to say "JoeSapphire and flubbucket do NOT make me feel secure regarding their towniness.", right?
OK, all caught up. So,
We had these two mislynch wagons so far:
blotunga - JoeSapphire, Flub, dedoporno, Bookwyrm, SirPrimalform, scene, trent
GameRager - Pooka, Flub, dedo, scene, Micro, Bookwyrm (+ Joe)
The people who were on both of these wagons are:
Flub, dedo, Wyrm, Scene, (Joe - technically he wasn't on the second one but for all intents and purposes should be counted in it as I've been told he did cross-vote with Wyrm for the hammer)
The people who were on none of these wagons are:
People who were on the first wagon but didn't join the second:
Trent, Joe (but not really)
People who weren't on the first wagon but joined the second:
Pooka, Micro
The scum took a very heavy blow on the first night. Not only they lost one of their own but they also didn't manage to decrease the Town numbers. Depending on how many scum players we currently have they might be less or more obligated to join each and every Town wagon they can.
I really don't see gogtrial skipping both wagons if he is scum. If he is, his scumbuddy has to be very well hidden and a whole lot of people have to be Town-reading him for gogtrial to afford to stay away from pushing a "good" Town wagon and keeping his hands clean for some future moment.
I already have had him as Town during pretty much the whole game so I feel it's pretty safe to keep assuming that.
I don't see lone scum Trent (or any lone scum really) skipping the second wagon as he just doesn't have enough time to dilly-dally. Obviously the scum can't even rely on night kills so they'll probably get even more desperate as days go by.
I've had Trent leaning Town in the past days because he feels like town!Trent even though some of his back and forth with Scene doesn't make sense a whole lot of sense to me.
On the other hand if it's not a lone scum it's quite possible the mafia decided to swap places so it doesn't get too obvious being on all Town wagons so far. If I am fooled and Trent might actually be scum his buddy probably isn't Joe but may be among one of the new voters Pooka and Micro.
Something to note here (if Wyrm is to be trusted on this) is that him and Joe didn't exactly cross-vote and Joe's redundant hammer came later. This may or may not have been on purpose and to serve some purpose. I'm too tired to think about possibilities on how that would benefit scum!Joe.
If there are 2 scum and the above assumption is correct (alternating scum on each wagon) I'm more inclined to believe that it's Joe + Pooka or Micro.
I've been reading Pooka mostly as Town so far as most of his posts and observations resonate positively with me and he seems to be trying to figure out what's going on but can't discard the possibility of being wrong and placing too much trust in him.
Then there is Micro - he is a lot more confusing to me. I've played a couple of games with him and I never can get a good read on him and too often end up surprised when he finally shows up to share some thoughts. Maybe we are just too different, I don't know. To be honest the only thing that is making me consider Micro as more Town than scum at the moment is his big post where he got frustrated with Scene which felt genuine. Normally I don't trust such AtE posts and even frown at them but when it's done by a newer players (which I still consider Micro to be) it may actually be real.
If there is only one scum this is pretty much where the suspect list starts - with Joe, Pooka and Micro.
Finally we arrive to the easy part - players who were on both mislynches - there has to be scum here. Maybe not all of the scum are here but there has to be at least one. There is just no way there isn't.
That's me, Wyrm, Scene and Flub.
I know I'm not it and I'm pretty sure it's not Wyrm either.
That leaves Scene and Flub. One of them is not like the other - Scene has been off pretty much from the start of the game with continuous weird choices, statements and accusations but the annoying part is that this isn't automatically AI in his case. It may be either way. I'm pretty torn on him as it's a very easy choice but at the same time it's a very easy choice. Can it be that easy? For a few days now I have been pondering over the idea that he has been intentionally playing in the way he did to bait a Cop investigation and continue unchecked as a Godfather but wouldn't that be pushing it a bit too far? It could backfire so easy unless of course he counts on people giving him a pass because they would expect that type of behavior as Town.
Flub on the other hand only started to feel weird Yesterday (some others shared concerns earlier on but I haven't really seen it). He might be the lone scum who doesn't have time to play games but the same time I'm not sure if he'll make the effort even if that is the case.
Based on all of that I'd say the remaining scum is among the following (in order of most likely to least likely and in sets):
1 or 2 scum left, top priorities
- Scene
- Flub
- Joe
- Micro
- Pooka
2 scum left, reserves
- Joe
- Trent
I don't see the rest being scum. If someone is they are playing a very dangerous and bold game, they have fooled me and get a tip of the hat regardless of the final outcome of the game.

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted June 26, 2019

The same applies logic applies the other way around too. There are people I have on the positive list which I wouldn't want to vote but in case I really must (like early days no-lynch) I would.
In all instances I can't be certain about anyone other than myself or based on my own personal information so I can't be put concrete trust on anyone.
You are not incorrect to question it but I doubt you'll find anyone who would say "I know that he is Town" or "I know that he is scum" with certainty without having exclusive knowledge on the matter. Well, maybe there is one such instance but that was obviously a false positive so yeah.

Still, insofar as you genuinely feel that I'm unfairly accusing you of something that is a direct cause of joining late, I did not think I was doing so, and you have my apologies.
I probably didn't understand correctly what you were referring to, so there is no need to apologize.
Is this a question for me? Even if it isn't I'm only going to say that he may have seen things in the same way I did. So I can't blame him for that alone. What is more noteworthy is that this seemed to be enough and as I said before I didn't even mean it to be some massive condemning clue - it was just a small point to make note of.

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Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia