Sickety sick sick
cristigale: Yes. It's strange the things we remember. In a earlier game (Oakwood?), bler made an semi-serious vote on me because I RVS voted for the mod(i think). His rational was that he had done something similar when he was scum in a previous game. I wasn't scum, but if it was the Oakwood game, I was a he may have been on to something. I thought as much when I saw agaent's vote this game. It felt awkward. This early in the game, you sometimes need to run with the small stuff, because there isn't anything major. It may be nothing but you have to start somewhere.
I'd forgotten about that one. The more recent example was when Vitek and I jumped on SPF for his opening post in Poppy's game and were dead on. It's not a guarantee, certainly, but yes, it's worth looking closely at how everyone starts in because it can tell you things, and D1 is rarely about certainties and just trying to get better odds than pure randomness.
supplementscene: started aggressively
You don't say?
supplementscene: If town had understood the roles better in this game they would have won. But instead the other faction won because they were given a pass. As a dead Mafia player I read up on the roles and realised what was happening from the sidelines. So no understanding the roles and motivations is not anti-town at all:
Yes, understanding roles is important. But a) it can't be the only thing you talk about as it prevents town from getting any information about you, and b) you can ask questions of other players, provided you are careful and don't delve into fishing. Talking endlessly to just the mod is...curious.
supplementscene: A suggestion to breadcrumb for Town Cop. At the middle of Day 2 every poster including Town Cop lists their reads.
Every poster claims they're sure of 1 poster whether true or not. That will make it very easy for Town Cop to breadcrumb their investigation result in case they're night killed or lynched.
I held back on initially voting here to get more information. Little has come to light so I'm voting for lurkers and now I have only 1 1/2 days to vote. As I posted on the sign up thread 'what if someone loses internet'? This is a problem with the no vote = self vote system.
1. Your prior post is ironic, given this follow-up. We don't have a Town cop, we have a (town) Parity cop, which doesn't give the tidy green/red reads to which you refer, so that would be impossible in this game anyway. I'm not trying to be an asshole (but am) but...I stand by my prior assessment.
Moving on, this isn't shade, so don't freak out, but your actual suggestion would be terrible if we had a standard cop.
And I say that precisely because I had the same exactly idea several games ago as town cop trying to figure out how to breadcrumb safely - it makes awesome sense if you focus only on the player that is the cop. Camoflage! Great solution! Hurray!
But...step back and the gambit blows up in your face as soon as you look at the field. One thing wolves are usually looking to do is hunt cops, and they at least generally know alignments. All it takes is for town flub to say his one true read is that ___ is maf. Mafia know ___ is not mafia, and voila, they know flub is not the cop, which quickly improves their odds for NKing the real cop as the game progresses.
Aggregate those mistakes over 1-2 days, and the field probably thins quickly for surer cop hunting.
That's bad.
It's also problematic if the person the cop visits N1 gets NKed by maf/vig/whatever, or the cop gets RBed/jailed, and the cop has no living reads at all D2. Cop then has to make up a read. Potential problems ensue if cop gets killed before revealing and clarifying.
It does look brilliant at first, but it really doesn't work once you dig into how it would actually play in a game.
So, alas, the problem of how town cop can safely breadcrumb remains, but it doesn't particularly matter for this game because we don't have that role.
2. And that's exactly why I'm aggressive early in D1 while most are generally dinking around. Also, as a minor etiquette point people who have not yet arrived are generally considered in a separate category from "lurkers" with customs and sub considerations applying accordingly.
But I don't care to unpack all that since we're not going to rush through a Joewagon in the next few hours anyway.