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I just got a message from Joe saying that he will join us tonight. So it looks like there's no replacement necessary either. Let's hope it stays that way!
Sickety sick sick

cristigale: Yes. It's strange the things we remember. In a earlier game (Oakwood?), bler made an semi-serious vote on me because I RVS voted for the mod(i think). His rational was that he had done something similar when he was scum in a previous game. I wasn't scum, but if it was the Oakwood game, I was a he may have been on to something. I thought as much when I saw agaent's vote this game. It felt awkward. This early in the game, you sometimes need to run with the small stuff, because there isn't anything major. It may be nothing but you have to start somewhere.
I'd forgotten about that one. The more recent example was when Vitek and I jumped on SPF for his opening post in Poppy's game and were dead on. It's not a guarantee, certainly, but yes, it's worth looking closely at how everyone starts in because it can tell you things, and D1 is rarely about certainties and just trying to get better odds than pure randomness.

supplementscene: started aggressively
You don't say?

supplementscene: If town had understood the roles better in this game they would have won. But instead the other faction won because they were given a pass. As a dead Mafia player I read up on the roles and realised what was happening from the sidelines. So no understanding the roles and motivations is not anti-town at all:
Yes, understanding roles is important. But a) it can't be the only thing you talk about as it prevents town from getting any information about you, and b) you can ask questions of other players, provided you are careful and don't delve into fishing. Talking endlessly to just the mod is...curious.

supplementscene: A suggestion to breadcrumb for Town Cop. At the middle of Day 2 every poster including Town Cop lists their reads. Every poster claims they're sure of 1 poster whether true or not. That will make it very easy for Town Cop to breadcrumb their investigation result in case they're night killed or lynched.

I held back on initially voting here to get more information. Little has come to light so I'm voting for lurkers and now I have only 1 1/2 days to vote. As I posted on the sign up thread 'what if someone loses internet'? This is a problem with the no vote = self vote system.
1. Your prior post is ironic, given this follow-up. We don't have a Town cop, we have a (town) Parity cop, which doesn't give the tidy green/red reads to which you refer, so that would be impossible in this game anyway. I'm not trying to be an asshole (but am) but...I stand by my prior assessment.

Moving on, this isn't shade, so don't freak out, but your actual suggestion would be terrible if we had a standard cop.

And I say that precisely because I had the same exactly idea several games ago as town cop trying to figure out how to breadcrumb safely - it makes awesome sense if you focus only on the player that is the cop. Camoflage! Great solution! Hurray!

But...step back and the gambit blows up in your face as soon as you look at the field. One thing wolves are usually looking to do is hunt cops, and they at least generally know alignments. All it takes is for town flub to say his one true read is that ___ is maf. Mafia know ___ is not mafia, and voila, they know flub is not the cop, which quickly improves their odds for NKing the real cop as the game progresses.

Aggregate those mistakes over 1-2 days, and the field probably thins quickly for surer cop hunting.

That's bad.

It's also problematic if the person the cop visits N1 gets NKed by maf/vig/whatever, or the cop gets RBed/jailed, and the cop has no living reads at all D2. Cop then has to make up a read. Potential problems ensue if cop gets killed before revealing and clarifying.

It does look brilliant at first, but it really doesn't work once you dig into how it would actually play in a game.

So, alas, the problem of how town cop can safely breadcrumb remains, but it doesn't particularly matter for this game because we don't have that role.

2. And that's exactly why I'm aggressive early in D1 while most are generally dinking around. Also, as a minor etiquette point people who have not yet arrived are generally considered in a separate category from "lurkers" with customs and sub considerations applying accordingly.

But I don't care to unpack all that since we're not going to rush through a Joewagon in the next few hours anyway.
bler144: I'd forgotten about that one. The more recent example was when Vitek and I jumped on SPF for his opening post in Poppy's game and were dead on.
You mean the vote? I wouldn't say that's especially AI considering ZFR also did it and was town.

Hmm, now I'm wondering if ZFR only did it in this game for consistency because he has something to hide.
bler144: I'd forgotten about that one. The more recent example was when Vitek and I jumped on SPF for his opening post in Poppy's game and were dead on.
SirPrimalform: You mean the vote? I wouldn't say that's especially AI considering ZFR also did it and was town.

Hmm, now I'm wondering if ZFR only did it in this game for consistency because he has something to hide.
Well, #1 we were right. So there's that ;)

ZFR, as he noted in that game, had done it in his prior game as town, which was his first game. So I believe he has now done it in every game, regardless of alignment and I think seem intent on making it his signature move, in the same way Trent/Dedo used to do that whole "BIMB" meme thing as their opening shtick.

I do think he's doing it for consistency for sure. Whether it's because he has something to hide this game or anticipates wanting it as an out in the future when he has something to hide then, IDK.

I find it annoying, but it is what it is.
agentcarr16: Vote: Bookwyrm627

Should have played. Then you wouldn't have been lynched like this.
Your last post shows '2 days ago'. Consider yourself prodded in the Roke and move it back into the game!
Fuck I hate the GOGforum. It just ate up a whole lengthy reply I wrote for trying to quote everyone in line, and now I don't feel like writing the whole thing again, but not posting the whole thing would be scummy and i realize this whole paragraph can be taken an excuse...

But seriously, fuck the GOGforum.

Anyway, I'll try to bulletpoint what I mentioned on the now deceased post:

- Cristigale, I believe "second in line" was about the situation where we decide to lynch a person, that person claims to be vengeful town, and we don't believe it (se we carry on the lynch anyway) but we still tell that user "hey, if you really are pro town and have that role, choose this other user to be lynched with you"

- Bler, I really don't enjoy your walls of text, but you do explain several mechanics I wouldn't have known otherwise (interesting stuff about questions, for example) so you get a pass.

- I've made my dislike of comparisons to previous games known, you guys can point at each other all you want using that as base but I won't take part on it. I refuse to read previous games.

- I don't like HSL voting for me, specially so as I never saw a reason for it. I believe everyone else at least bothered to give a reason, even if that reason was random (or a joke).
P1na: - Bler, I really don't enjoy your walls of text
You're the only one that feels that way.

Unless you include literally everyone else.
P1na: - I've made my dislike of comparisons to previous games known, you guys can point at each other all you want using that as base but I won't take part on it. I refuse to read previous games.
I on the other hand believe meta-reads are not only okay, they're an essential part of a game of this sort.

With that in mind, I'm going to remove my random vote and go.

Vote Sirprimalform

I've seen both town and scum in previous games and I'm getting a gut-feeling that his current game is more similar to his previous scum game than his town game.

Other reads: HSL, scene seem Neutral (with a capital N), and Town feeling for bler. No strong feelings otherwise.

Incidentally: so the main avatar gets cropped, but the quote avatar stretched. Interesting.
bler144: Well, #1 we were right. So there's that ;)
I think I would have done that regardless of alignment simply because I'd forgotten how to play. :P

bler144: ZFR, as he noted in that game, had done it in his prior game as town, which was his first game. So I believe he has now done it in every game, regardless of alignment and I think seem intent on making it his signature move, in the same way Trent/Dedo used to do that whole "BIMB" meme thing as their opening shtick.

I do think he's doing it for consistency for sure. Whether it's because he has something to hide this game or anticipates wanting it as an out in the future when he has something to hide then, IDK.

I find it annoying, but it is what it is.
There is a solution... regard it with suspicion each and every time so he can't use it as an out!

Speaking of which I appear to have touched a raw nerve of ZFR's... Maybe my idle speculation was more on the mark than I expected?
GOG Galaxy is lousy for this game. I'm back on Chrome. Sorry for being AFK. Job interviews and school and whatnot.

agentcarr16: Vote: Bookwyrm627

Should have played. Then you wouldn't have been lynched like this.
bler144: ...not only are you intentionally voting for a player not in the game, your reasoning doesn't appear to make sense unless I'm missing something.
He's a coward. He should be lynched. I'm amused that you find that suspicious.

I'd also like clarification on the ">randwolf RVS" phrase. RVS I think I remember. "randwolf"? Terminology that I haven't heard before?

flubbucket: You're suggesting we look for non-town correct??

So could we just ask every player if they are town or not??

I'll start. I'm town. So who's next??
Seems legit.

supplementscene: On the face of it this is reasonable analysis. But you're reading HSL as none town on the basis of him making a joke and hardly saying anything on Page 1. You have also read every player after 1 page of nonsensical posting. This is far too early to gauge any meaningful analysis. You're also trying to start 2-3 wagons off, this does seem a little early in the day.
I like this. Reflects some of my feelings.

cristigale: We do tend to start slow and I have often been part of that problem. Friday is the deadline so...

Vote agent

The opening vote felt forced.

@agent - glad to see you in a game, come and play with us. Does anything stand out to you so far? Off topic, how is Leonard? Haven't seen him around (although I have not been around much either).
Again, sorry, life. Thanks for asking.
Leonard's stupid busy. Barely has time for our biweekly D&D campaign.

Still catching up. Will post again. Currently suspicious of bler, this doesn't strike me as typical for him.
16 minutes on the timer. This shouldn't merge.

agentcarr16: Vote: Bookwyrm627

Should have played. Then you wouldn't have been lynched like this.
Lifthrasil: Your last post shows '2 days ago'. Consider yourself prodded in the Roke and move it back into the game!
I consider myself prodded. I will try not to let it happen again.

For all of you who don't care about my personal life, I hope to get internet put in either this or next week.

P1na: But seriously, f*** the GOGforum.
Amen, brother.

P1na: - Bler, I really don't enjoy your walls of text, but you do explain several mechanics I wouldn't have known otherwise (interesting stuff about questions, for example) so you get a pass.
Is that a pass on his walls of text or a pass on his alignment? One is fundamentally concerning, the other is tangentially concerning.

My vote waits on clarification regarding "randwolf."
P1na: - I've made my dislike of comparisons to previous games known, you guys can point at each other all you want using that as base but I won't take part on it. I refuse to read previous games.
ZFR: I on the other hand believe meta-reads are not only okay, they're an essential part of a game of this sort.

With that in mind, I'm going to remove my random vote and go.

Vote Sirprimalform

I've seen both town and scum in previous games and I'm getting a gut-feeling that his current game is more similar to his previous scum game than his town game.

Other reads: HSL, scene seem Neutral (with a capital N), and Town feeling for bler. No strong feelings otherwise.

Incidentally: so the main avatar gets cropped, but the quote avatar stretched. Interesting.
Can you explain your reads of Sirprimalform (scum)? HSL/Scene (Neutral)? Bler (town)? Thanks

supplementscene: If town had understood the roles better in this game they would have won. But instead the other faction won because they were given a pass. As a dead Mafia player I read up on the roles and realised what was happening from the sidelines. So no understanding the roles and motivations is not anti-town at all:
bler144: Yes, understanding roles is important. But a) it can't be the only thing you talk about as it prevents town from getting any information about you, and b) you can ask questions of other players, provided you are careful and don't delve into fishing. Talking endlessly to just the mod is...curious.
Why The Mod is the only person who can reveal role info and game set up reliably. Lift also gave a strange answer when pressed on the set up of the Lyncher's 'Enemy', 'don't reveal PMs', why? I wasn't. I think I was right that the enemy is Town and this may make the Neutral Lyncher a little more cautious.

@Lift do you reveal who the enemy is when they are lynched?

Oh and as I highlighted I was the first player to question a suspicious post from ZFR, you haven't acknowledged your mistake here for some reason.

supplementscene: A suggestion to breadcrumb for Town Cop. At the middle of Day 2 every poster including Town Cop lists their reads. Every poster claims they're sure of 1 poster whether true or not. That will make it very easy for Town Cop to breadcrumb their investigation result in case they're night killed or lynched.
bler144: 1. Your prior post is ironic, given this follow-up. We don't have a Town cop, we have a (town) Parity cop, which doesn't give the tidy green/red reads to which you refer, so that would be impossible in this game anyway. I'm not trying to be an asshole (but am) but...I stand by my prior assessment.

Moving on, this isn't shade, so don't freak out, but your actual suggestion would be terrible if we had a standard cop.

And I say that precisely because I had the same exactly idea several games ago as town cop trying to figure out how to breadcrumb safely - it makes awesome sense if you focus only on the player that is the cop. Camoflage! Great solution! Hurray!

But...step back and the gambit blows up in your face as soon as you look at the field. One thing wolves are usually looking to do is hunt cops, and they at least generally know alignments. All it takes is for town flub to say his one true read is that ___ is maf. Mafia know ___ is not mafia, and voila, they know flub is not the cop, which quickly improves their odds for NKing the real cop as the game progresses.

Aggregate those mistakes over 1-2 days, and the field probably thins quickly for surer cop hunting.

That's bad.

It's also problematic if the person the cop visits N1 gets NKed by maf/vig/whatever, or the cop gets RBed/jailed, and the cop has no living reads at all D2. Cop then has to make up a read. Potential problems ensue if cop gets killed before revealing and clarifying.

It does look brilliant at first, but it really doesn't work once you dig into how it would actually play in a game.

So, alas, the problem of how town cop can safely breadcrumb remains, but it doesn't particularly matter for this game because we don't have that role..
I'm only just reading about the parity cop and it's quite a weak role unless the parity cop plays a few rounds and gives his results. I suppose the benefit is you get 2 players reads in 1 turn. It perhaps makes it easier to breadcrumb in a closed structure but not so much in an open structure.

Still I disagree it doesn't matter if the Cop eventually gets killed after 2-3 nights if he can provide information through breadcrumbs. Getting the cop into the last round would be ideal, but unlikely. The most important thing is the info he can provide.
supplementscene: Still I disagree it doesn't matter if the Cop eventually gets killed after 2-3 nights if he can provide information through breadcrumbs.
I can't parse that sentence. Can you clarify? Does it matter to you if the Cop is killed after 2-3 nights given that he provided some information through breadcrumbs?
supplementscene: Still I disagree it doesn't matter if the Cop eventually gets killed after 2-3 nights if he can provide information through breadcrumbs.
agentcarr16: I can't parse that sentence. Can you clarify? Does it matter to you if the Cop is killed after 2-3 nights given that he provided some information through breadcrumbs?
IMO It's a much better scenario than the cop being killed without revealing anything, yes. A cop holding back and not breadcrumbing is taking a big chance that town get no solid info.
bler144: Of all my points ...that's the one you want to nitpick? [...]
Not nitpicking, genuine question.

bler144: [...] Heh. I'm not even sure where you're going with this or why. [...]

Similar to SPF, I like that the entry is casual but direct, no agenda. Relevant. good first impression. [...]
Not going anywhere; as I said - genuine question. The way you worded it read more as "too good to be true" than a good first impression, fullstop.

bler144: [...] I'm curious to see if you're going to change up, [...]
If I did, wouldn't you then call me out for doing so in an attempt to get your eyebrow down?

bler144: [...] but your first two posts seem to deliberately project "NEUTRAL" particularly in context. [...]
They do? Why? And what context are you referring to?

bler144: [...] Neutral wanting everyone to know he's neutral (which would be savvy, to a point), or mafia wanting to signal neutral, maybe. That's the range I'm currently assuming. Some of it is meta, certainly, which you wouldn't have access to, but there's a strong tactical component from my POV. [...]
Is this how you'd play, hence you're neither since you're not playing this way? Or is it the way you think I'd play as either?