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Lifthrasil: Suddenly the bell tolls again. Sombre notes, reverbrating from the church tower through the hall and announcing, that it is time to decide. Or else.


Decision Bell Vote Count

agent 2 - muddy (269), agent (self)
Ixam 2 - flubb (301), SirP (370)

flubb 1 - P1na (257)
SirP 2 - ZFR (258), cristi (342)
HSL 2 - Ixam (258), HSL (self)

bler 1 - bler (self)

It is now Phase 2. Everyone is a-voting, if they want it or not.
With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch before Nightfall.
Nightfall will be some time on Saturday.

Ixam voted HSL at 347 not 258.
agentcarr16: So apparently my Day 1 reads were pretty bad.

agentcarr16: supplementscene: 2

Scummy or neutral. If he's town, he's either badly confused or totally deluded, neither of which are good for town. No offense intended, I enjoy playing with a few stray cannonballs, it makes things more interesting.


JoeSapphire: 3

Leaning scum. Fake voting, para-voting*, and lurking.
agentcarr16: Guess that means some of my town reads are also pretty bad.

I will do some rereads, but am at school right now, so that will have to wait.
I started a re-read of Day2 and this post stood out to me. Kinda makes me lean town on agent because he would have tried to lynch scene D2 instead of NK.

cristi, thoughts on this post?
SirPrimalform: That's why I was leaning towards a "protecting buddy" possibility. Suggesting ZFR has a PR might have been an attempt to get people to stop prodding him.
Yeah, that was my lean as well. If not...what the hell was he doing?

Town derp, unforced slip, ...?

After the ZFR vote/explanation I was a bit paranoid there that you were just following flub's argument rather than working through your own reason.

P1na: I don't know, maybe I read too much into it, or it was a bunch in a row. Or I was too sentimental yesterday night. I did talk about ZFR being too paranoid before, I may be falling on the same pitfall myself.
Perhaps just the strange new, disquieting, feeling of having lived til D2 for the first time. ;)
bler144: I re-read mud. Like some things from an analytical POV, but overall came away null. Very sharp at points, so perhaps more disconcerting when not. Has spent a lot of time on SPF/ZFR both in D1 and D2. Could just as easily be floating town, or coasting Maf. He's in the POE. I'm curious about ZFR's flip partly for this reason. If ZFR is maf, I think mud sorts town - there was no reason for him to continue pulling attention in towards a buddy. If ZFR is town, that merits a bit more scrutiny.
I think you have to look at it in terms of experience. If you think I'm a new player, then you have to consider I might make some weird, eyebrow raising, or downright bad town plays. I know the rules of the game but I don't have any particular strategy for play, town or scum. I'm mostly just poking and prodding at things that just seem...weird to me and what's weird to a new player isn't necessarily weird to an experienced player. If you don't think I'm a new player, then there's that. This is all probably pretty LAMIST but there it is. Also I'm flattered you think I've made some sharp points but I have no idea what those were.

Back to voting: agent liked both Joe and scene D1. Both are dead and both are town. He also likes cristi as possible scum who you read as high on the town list. He also came at me briefly for my no lynch comment before backing off. You can't know I'm town but its a little suspicious to me. Either he is really struggling with his reads or he has to fake it.
Quiet day. We've got lots of time though and we definitely didn't do this same exact thing D1. So there's nothing to worry about.

Since it was slow I got to finish re-reads. Some concerns overall that the options ultimately boil down to either going POE or hunting deep wolves blind as options. Given where we're at I'm still at ZFR#1 preferred, Ix#2. So...

vote ZFR for the moment in place of self-vote.

I could definitely believe both, since Ix's D1 and D2 votes would both make sense in that scenario. If just one ZFR seems the more likely to me, and just Ix being Ix? I have no idea what scum!Ix was doing there if it wasn't protecting ZFR.

Will vote Ix as well in two scenarios. Would like to see his response to my earlier question.

ZFR: Where I'm going with this? I think this makes P1na non-mafia.
The only reason maf!P1na might vote Joe is if he (P1na) dropped the ball, got scared "I'll look suspicious if I keep my RVS vote on ZFR!!" and voted the first thing that came to his mind. Or purposely did it as a form of elaborate WIFOM because he anticipated someone would think the way I did. But I honestly see either as unlikely.

Ignoring the vote itself and the wagon, what did/do you think of P1na's explanation for that vote (#223)?

"I like Joe quite a bit, it feels like he jokes around just like I like to do, but he does seem to move his vote around a lot for no real reason, and nailing him seems to be the easiest. And I'm tired of thinking, plus it's D1 anyway. So sorry Joe, but I'll be going for you.Your death means I live to vote another day, which was my goal to start with. Unless I get nightkilled. "

How do you relate to or differentiate that from your own action and thinking?

muddysneakers: Also I'm flattered you think I've made some sharp points but I have no idea what those were.
Here's a few:
#62 is very observant, thoughtful, good questions to ask at that point in the game
#158 is a clear, reasonable explanation for your action in response to reading some of the reactions.

I'm not inclined to catalog all of them, but you've definitely got moments.

muddysneakers: I think you have to look at it in terms of experience. If you think I'm a new player, then you have to consider I might make some weird, eyebrow raising, or downright bad town plays.
muddysneakers: I think you have to look at it in terms of experience. If you think I'm a new player, then you have to consider I might make some weird, eyebrow raising, or downright bad neutral plays.
muddysneakers: I think you have to look at it in terms of experience. If you think I'm a new player, then you have to consider I might make some weird, eyebrow raising, or downright bad mafia plays.
We've had some new players mop the floor as maf in the past precisely because of that grace. So, sorry, but...

muddysneakers: Either he is really struggling with his reads or he has to fake it.
Either is possible. But the no lynch aggro on you is NAI around here.

The part about cristi seems a bit to imply or require some knowledge that my town read of cristi is correct and his read of cristi is wrong?

Or perhaps you're hanging on the OMGUS. IDK.

Stepping back from that specific situation - as a general rule over time your scumreads will be wrong more often than right. Your town reads will be right more often than wrong. Do you know why that is?

Ultimately, you'll see a lot of bad reads. And you'll see some good reads that are not reads at all but statements of fact due to prior knowledge.

The question is whether the explanation for the read is believable. Barring good luck or someone's investigative prowess, this is often a game of attrition and looking at how people's explanation for their reads (good and bad) stack up over time.
P1na: I don't know, maybe I read too much into it, or it was a bunch in a row. Or I was too sentimental yesterday night. I did talk about ZFR being too paranoid before, I may be falling on the same pitfall myself.
bler144: Perhaps just the strange new, disquieting, feeling of having lived til D2 for the first time. ;)
I do tend to get killed fast, but for the sake of honesty, there was one other game where I survived more than one night: the snow cabin one. Can't remember the number. I kinda liked that game, which is why I tried to play a few more times despite my numerous untimely deaths.
muddysneakers: Ixam voted HSL at 347 not 258.
You are right. Thanks.
bler144: Ignoring the vote itself and the wagon, what did/do you think of P1na's explanation for that vote (#223)?

"I like Joe quite a bit, it feels like he jokes around just like I like to do, but he does seem to move his vote around a lot for no real reason, and nailing him seems to be the easiest. And I'm tired of thinking, plus it's D1 anyway. So sorry Joe, but I'll be going for you.Your death means I live to vote another day, which was my goal to start with. Unless I get nightkilled. "

How do you relate to or differentiate that from your own action and thinking?
For a D1 vote I don't see anything wrong with it.

I think a mafia player would have been more cautious. If P1na was Town, I'd take the above at face value. If P1na was mafia, it would mean it's a thought out move trying to lynch a townie while pretending to be "tired of thinking". All that of course if I ignore the wagon.
bler144: I'm curious. 1) You're town reading P1na on tone despite not having <done> much. Imo SPF has good tone despite not having done much besides tunneling ZFR and a bit of fiddling with Joe. What do you see as the difference there in tone? Just the purely unfakeable day opener?

2) If your premise is ZFR vs. SPF points to maf (or did you just mean non-town?), what do you recall of ZFR other than defending his Joe vote? Did you re-read both?

As to your other question, prior to game #53, I would have said yes. After game 53, hard to say. Of the three players I'd say I usually read well, both HSL (town) and Wyrm (null then vacillated) were off, but hard to say how telling given the sub situation. So, optimistic, but not convinced, no.
1) For P1na, it's not just the day opener, though the opener did stand out (and I agree on the D1 opener). In general, their posts feel free flow. In the post today, I actually like that P1na is concerned about being too town read. Scum could do that to sound LAMIST, but it makes sense coming from someone with P1na's track record.

I liked SPF's feel early D1 (first few days). By the end of the Day, I had to look at the player list to remind myself who was missing as I was considering everyone. That could be due to the other drama that was going on. Perhaps I'm projecting, but I saw that as potentially not trying to make waves and stay under the radar. So no, no tones read by the end of D1. D2, I found myself zoning out the exchange between him and ZFR on the first day or two. I do like his tone the last day or two and his exchange with you today. I can see a ZFR/Ixam pairing having merit. In fact, it's the first thing this game (for me) that feels like a real lead. I think some re-shuffling may be in order.

2) - Yes, my premise is it points to mafia. I already addressed that I thought it more likely if 3 scum. If we have a neutral, I'm not really worried about it or giving much thought to it. I reread SPF as answered #1. I may have had ZFR/SPF backwards in my list order. I don't have time to re-read ZFR right now, but I need to in all fairness, especially considering, I am leaning toward reversing my position.

If we were still in phase 1, I would unvote SPF. I'm leaving it there until I've had the chance to do due diligence.

I'm tight on time again. Will be good once work is done today.

@muddy - I'll get to your question next and then re-read ZFR to see if what I suspect rings true.
bler144: ...
Hit Post message too soon.

Can you answer my question? What reasons do you think maf!P1na had for voting Joe so late?
Where'd my last post go...? I could have sworn I posted something yesterday afternoon. How odd.

Well, catching up now.
P1na: We have to disagree there, I do like it when it's convenient for, well, me. It's quite convenient.
Kk, fair enough.

P1na: I'm kinda happy with that, but please someone pretend to suspect me.
I suspect me. Totally actually. For realz.

HypersomniacLive: (*^-‘) 乃
I bow to your superiority.

cristigale: I was catching up. Between Part II and Part III, P1na voted and placed Joe at L-1. Moving my vote at that point would have lynched him. I made note of that in my next post.

BTW, I used the wrong word there - I should have said my read was neutral, not null.
Kk, fair enough.

Lifthrasil: agent 2 - muddy (269), agent (self)
Unvote agentcarr16?

No go, huh.

muddysneakers: He also likes cristi as possible scum who you read as high on the town list.
Actually, I still read cristigale as Town. I just wanted some explanation for her voting on Day 1.

Think that was all that required a response. If there's anything I managed to miss, let me know. Now to vote.
The eternal dilemma: Do I vote with one of the wagons to try to get the best lynch, or do I vote who I think is most likely scum even if they won't be getting lynched today?

Ixamyakxim: 4

I think Ixamyakxim has put his foot in his mouth a couple of times, but I don't see any of those instances as lynch-worthy.

ZFR: 4

ZFR is a little harder. I don't much like the vote-hopping during Day 1, but it alone doesn't scream scum. His vehemence in defending himself is rather odd.

ZFR: attention-getting ping
How do you feel about two lynches now?

muddysneakers: 5

Leaning Town. Both bler144 and ZFR have made good points about him.

flubbucket: 6

I'm still high on the Town flubbucket. Maybe he's Neutral, but if so, he's playing pro-town which is good enough for me.

P1na: 4

I'm a little weirded out by the "convenience" of the Day 1 lynch and the Night 1 kill. Not inclined to lynch, however.

SirPrimalform: 5

SirPrimalform: I'll tentatively vote Ixam.

Happy to move back to ZFR if anyone else does though.
Is bler144's vote enough for you to move back? Also, why does Ixamyakxim get your vote in the present?

I'm disinclined to vote for SirPrimalform at present. I'm getting stronger Town vibes from him today than I was on Day 1.

HypersomniacLive: 4

HypersomniacLive is working hard. I'm not sure if he's Neutral or Town, but I don't particularly want him today.

bler144: 5

Since scene flipped Town, I'm inclined to feel he's Town.

cristigale: 4

Downgraded slightly, but not getting particular Scum vibes.

Well, that whole list is shades of Town. POE leads to either HypersomniacLive or ZFR. While waiting for ZFR's response to my question, I will

vote HypersomniacLive.
ZFR: attention-getting ping
agentcarr16: How do you feel about two lynches now?
SPF+Ixam or SPF+HSL? I'd love it.

(perhaps even Ixam+HSL)
agentcarr16: Is bler144's vote enough for you to move back? Also, why does Ixamyakxim get your vote in the present?
I guess I'd wait for another vote to see if it's actually viable, especially as Bler's vote is by his own admission "for the moment in place of self-vote". I moved to Ix as the next most favoured lynch mainly based on conduct today, it looked to me a bit like Ix's post was designed to take some pressure of ZFR (which leads me to suspect MM). Thus I would be ok lynching either.

Can you summarise your reasons for voting HSL?