It's a dark day. Outside the sun hides behind thick clouds and inside the mood isn't much lighter. So far the feeling of being in it all together is still prevalent. Only tentative attempts are made at accusing any of the other women of witchcraft. P1na and SirP resort to numerology to figure out a suspect. Others just point their finger randomly at someone. But so far no one can drum up any conviction behind their accusations. No one wants to be in here. No one wants to be judge and jury for the others - especially since the executioners are waiting outside. Thirsty for the blood of you all. Outside the watchers watch under the overcast sky. Rifles primed and pointed at all possible exits of the town hall. No escape. -------------------------------------------------------------------
This is your daily official vote count: agent 1 - bler [29]
ZFR 1 - P1na [19]
JoeSapphire 1 - SirP [6]
muddy 1 - ZFR [5]
P1na 1 - HSL [24]
SirP 1 - cristi [31]
cristi 1 - muddy [30]
not voting: Scene, agent, Ixam, JoeS, flubb
If I missed anyone or anything, let me know.
supplementscene: Does the vengeful neutral's enemy know they are? Does the enemy know someone is out to get them? Are they compeletely random, ie any faction including Mafia/Neutral?
ZFR: You mean Lyncher's, right? You mean does the Lynchee know they're Lyncher's target?
Vengeful can pick anyone, and that anyone will kind of know about it pretty soon after receiving an invitation to the observer thread.
Actually I assumed that Scene meant the hypothetical neutral Lyncher and responded in kind. The Vengeful isn't neutral, but town, and doesn't have a fixed target. But I expect her to make a show of taking someone with them once they are hammered! (i.e. in this case the 'bah' post may be extended to make the second lynch known publicly, if the Vengeful wants that. They can, however, also just send the accused to me and I take care of the theatralics. ;-) )